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What happened to the Calender??

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Right here is the calender as it is now.


All pages have the right dates and images on.


If the mods think anything should go on the back then PM me and we can sort that out.


Its a PDF with all the pages.

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cool ill take one for sure. If only cause 2 of my pictures are on the cover..............result :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Thats ace, Thank you chap,


Do you have any problem with me sending the files to a profesional printer? I would like to get it printed properly on decent paper.

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Definitely need to get them printed professionally Zip.


My plan was to put up a for-sale thread and collect money and then when we've got numbers then order.


As I'm sure people have realised - my organisation is shocking, so if anybody a little bit more with-it wants to take that task on, let me know :)

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There is some wrong colour coding, and incorrect numbers on July mate. Just thogught I'd point it out before it goes to print.


Dom, did you organise the payment stuff? If you need a hand let me know.

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if there are any things that are wornfg let me know and il change them - it would be good if people checked before it gets printed.


Cheers for all the comments.

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and my runners up pic didn't make it :(


My plan was to put up a for-sale thread and collect money and then when we've got numbers then order.

link to the SALE thread pls Dom?

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Agreed - I'm gonna have a chat with Matt to work out an approx price and I'll start a thread up.

does this mean its not finalised? Can I plead , beg and grovel to be put into the footer photo for runners up... Got to stand strong for the Standard Corner.

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No - nothing's turned up yet... there was something that they tried to deliver that needed a signature, but I wasn't in. I'd rescheduled re-delivery to my work address twice and both times they tried to re-deliver to my flat and haven't heard from them since - not sure if that's because of the strikes or just because they're muppets tho.


Buut if that's not the means that you sent it by, then nothing's turned up :(

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Crap. Not sure if they're gonna try to re-deliver it now, or if they're sending it back or if it's stuck in the log-jam from the strike :(

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