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round hole on vr engine block with major oil leak

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car's been off the road for about 8 months and trying to get her going again.


have found a major oil leak. it's coming from a round hole about half way up the drivers side of of my vr engine block just below the top wheel of the alternator belt. when engine's running oil literally runs out of hole, but stops when you turn engine off.


i need to know what the hole is and why its leaking so badly.



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Can you put your finger in there? There is a kind of metal plug- looks like it's either missing or damaged.

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thats the strange thing, the hole is only about 5mm deep and there are no sharp edges or clean edges indicating a bolt or plug has sheared off. it also seems far too tight to the pully wheel to fit anything like a bolthead on the outside.


Any ideas??

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Had a look at mine earlier, and it looks the same as yours. I think it has a kind of 'indented' plug, a bit like the one for the gearbox oil.

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thanks for having a look, i really hope it is something as straight forward(?) as a plug need replacing.


gone over rest of car and is gonna be fantasic when going again as nothing else too serious needs doing, so fingers crossed it'll be an easy fix!


any one else got any ideas???

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there appears to be some sort of plug in there already- hole is only a few mil deep, but there is no apparent threads or allen key holes to remove whats there......

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whats ETKA? the computer programe with all the parts and locations? i'll try it tomorrow, my local dealer is rubbish tho- mention a corrado and they just look at you blankly!

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Tell 'em to look at the diagrams for the Golf/Sharan VR6 - the engine block is about the same ...

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yeah, will do (my engine is sourced from a very strange place anyway - not sure where from, but not a uk corrado anyway!)


Any idea how to remove & replace the other plugs-(such as gear box plug mentioned above)?

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one of the last things i had replaced before i got p**sed off with wasting money on it and took it off the road, was the oil pump, so that may of blown the old tired plug.


but how do you replace a core plug? please please don't tell me you need to 'cork' the hole from the inside!! becuse that would be typical corrado- having to spend fortune opening engine to replace 54 pence worth of plug! :roll:

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no idea, but you could always jack the car up, take off the wheel and inner plastic arches, drill a very small hole into it, tap it out, put a bolt in it and yank it out- that may be aload of rubbish though.

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You dont want to be gettin any swarf in the engine either.


Not done a core plug before, maybe weld a bolt onto it (if possible) and get a socket onto it. When weldin, only do short bursts (tacking) as this should stop the heat warping the plug/surrounding area

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