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Driving a car with no tax

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Hello peeps,


I wonder if I could pick your brains? I'm really interested in buying a car off ebay, however the mofo hasn't got any tax and has less than a month's MOT left. Unfortunately trailering isn't an option due to that lack of a suitable towing vehicle. I know you're allowed to drive an un-taxed vehicle on the road provided that you are on your way to a pre-booked MOT appointment. However, I'm sure I also heard somewhere that you should really go to the nearest available testing station. Thing is, the car's in Brighton and I'm in Port Talbot, South Wales so if you do have to take the car to the nearest MOT station then I'm goosed. Does anyone know for definite where the law stands? I've had a good furtle around the net and couldn't find anything on the limits to this rule.


Cheers in advance,


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Aye, that's deffo an idea, not sure what happens if the car fails tho. I'll give the guy a shout and see if he thinks it's do-able. Cheers fella.

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My car has been to Midland VW and 2 garages in the last 3 months without any tax or MOT.


I know this doesnt help. All i know is that you dont need tax or MOT as long as you're on the way too or from a garage for an MOT/repairs in preparation for an MOT.

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Aye, that's deffo an idea, not sure what happens if the car fails tho. I'll give the guy a shout and see if he thinks it's do-able. Cheers fella.


If they shy away from the suggestion it will probably mean they are hiding something!

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If you have problems mate, I'm near brighton and the fella who looks after my car (in brighton) could easily get it mot'd if necessary before you picked it up.


He's a dub specialist so if any work needed doing he'd do it for a very reasonable sum of wonga.

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Ask for it to be MOT'd and Taxed before you purchase. After all, you may think twice depending on what, if anything, it fails for. Like whats already been said, if they shy away from it, it may start bells ringing?

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If you have problems mate, I'm near brighton and the fella who looks after my car (in brighton) could easily get it mot'd if necessary before you picked it up.


He's a dub specialist so if any work needed doing he'd do it for a very reasonable sum of wonga.


Will defo bear that in mind, cheers fella. Thanks for all the responses, I'll keep you posted on what happens. Just e-mailed the chap to see if there's any chance of it getting MOT'd before I go to collect it (that's assuming I win the auction!!). If I go up with a cover note, I should be able to tax it there and then yeah?

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Isn't there a limit on how much MOT you've gotta have left to re-tax the car? Like if it's got less than a month left then you've gotta have a re-test before you can tax it? The guy's e-mailed back to say it's booked in for an MOT tomorrow, fingers crossed it passes. I can feel an itch in my bidding finger!!


Anyways, for anyone who's interested, according to several sources there's no limit to the distance you can drive to get the vehicle MOT'd provided you are going to a pre-arranged appointment and you have sufficient insurance cover. The consensus is that you'll fare much better should you be stopped if you've got written evidence of your MOT appointment and your cover note to hand.

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Im sure you can just tax it with a month left on it. But what if in a months time it gets to the MOT and needs alot of work on it. Best to find out what it needs doing to it before you buy?

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The definite answer is yes you can drive your car to and from a test station as long as its booked in (appointment leaving name contact details and vehicle make model reg) and yes i could drive my car from devon to scotland if i booked a test there!!!! Crazy i know. There is a BUT though you can not stop I.E to refuel etc the wording is " To and from a test station" and the test certificate is valid until it runs out so if i had a day to go or that day in fact then technically it is still valid (always runs out @ midnight) and they should not refuse to tax your vehicle as you still have time left on it making it a VALID test certificate!!! to tax you car with


hope this helps


i should write a book you know :wink:


best regards


Chris L

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just take the risk and drive it.



it'll still be registered int heir name anyway and there' sod all chance of you getting caught by anything other than a camera.


can't rememebr the last time I saw a traffic cop patrolling the motorway

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You don't spend much time on motorways in the south east then.

The M4 is riddled with them.


Not that that changes anything, you can't see an unMOT-ed car from a distance, you'd have to do something to bring yourself to their attention before they did any research.

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Not that that changes anything, you can't see an unMOT-ed car from a distance, you'd have to do something to bring yourself to their attention before they did any research.



Unless they happen to be driving right behind you and they just happen to have the number plate recognition camera, which detects stolen/uninsured/no tax etc vehicles.

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just take the risk and drive it.



it'll still be registered int heir name anyway and there' sod all chance of you getting caught by anything other than a camera.


can't rememebr the last time I saw a traffic cop patrolling the motorway


Drove past 2 on the m6, and 4 on the M1...yesterday. Good job I wasn't in the untaxed (Bloody DVLA still have my V5!) Corrado...


I'm off to the local DVLA office Monday to get a V5 with my new address on it... as Swansea have no idea where my V5 is... Feckless barstewards... :mad:

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I taxed my car online the day the MOT ran out, so you've got no worries there - but like mentioned before, worth getting it in for an MOT beforehand so you at least know what needs doing when you get it home - and obviously you could get a discount off the seller.

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Ah well, that's that then. Bidding's gone past what I was looking to spend. However, cheers for the advice peeps....at least I know what I can get away with now.

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Shame... You could've dropped her at my place if you wanted We'll have 120 x 90 square feet of empty sheds by sunday hopefully...

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My tax ran out at the end of April and I didn’t buy any until the 7th May. Is that okay or was I illegal for 7 days? After all it wouldn’t really matter when I bought it in May, would it?

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Shame... You could've dropped her at my place if you wanted We'll have 120 x 90 square feet of empty sheds by sunday hopefully...


Ahhh guttog, was pretty much on the way too. It's probably for the best....the old fella would've gone skitz if he found out I was buying more "sodding volkswagens", especially since I'm skintog at the mo. Yeah, I should really pay the mortgage first!

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My tax ran out at the end of April and I didn’t buy any until the 7th May. Is that okay or was I illegal for 7 days? After all it wouldn’t really matter when I bought it in May, would it?


Did you drive it on the road during that time?


The correct answer BTW is "No officer"

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Shame... You could've dropped her at my place if you wanted We'll have 120 x 90 square feet of empty sheds by sunday hopefully...


Ahhh guttog, was pretty much on the way too. It's probably for the best....the old fella would've gone skitz if he found out I was buying more "sodding volkswagens", especially since I'm skintog at the mo. Yeah, I should really pay the mortgage first!


Yeah, you'd have come past the door on your way down.


Shame. Must organise another visit soon.


Haha... You could have filled it up with Range Rover parts on the way home, and he'd have been pleased!

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My tax ran out at the end of April and I didn’t buy any until the 7th May. Is that okay or was I illegal for 7 days? After all it wouldn’t really matter when I bought it in May, would it?


Did you drive it on the road during that time?


The correct answer BTW is "No officer"


Doesn't make any difference - you HAVE to be SORN or taxed at all times, your fine is probably on its way mate.

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