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Why do we get so attached to these cars?

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Mine has been off the road for a while, and ive been driving around in a 21yr old polo. Now this way very cheap, cost naff all to run, and got me to where i needed to go. This meant that whilst driving it i was considering selling the C and just having a normal easy car.


However, i started driving it again since monday, and ive fallen back in love. I mean it breaks alot, parts cost alot, it has so many weak spots, yet i just love driving it and i can never imagine being able to let it go (unless it was replaced with a VR6 of course). But it just got me thinking, why is the Corrado such an easy car to fall in love with, and so hard to part with?

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It's weird, I don't like it, but I can't shake the corrado addiction off. I've just bought my third one, and intend to run the VR and 16V for the foreseeable future. I can't bring myself to sell my valver, and I like the VR very much, so I've got no choice (Well, that's how I convinced myself ;) )


Just got to get a better paying job now...

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Don't even get me started mate. :lol:


Mine's been pretty much stood for 6 months, only need to sit in an turn the blighter over to get the love flooding back.

There's light at the end of the tunnel now though. Nice new mortgage sorted the other day with a few $$ over for *Cough* Home Improvements (Yeah right. How much is it to go turbo?) :D

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"Why do we get so attached to these cars?"


That's easy....because they're ace :afro: and we are mad :cuckoo:

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i've wanted one for so long, i have a photo of a pearl green VR shown at the 92/93 motorshow at the NEC :) i took them when i was 11yrs old :lol:


now at 25 i've got a pearl green VR the same as the one at motorshow, i swear its the same car :lol:


not sure if i ever want to sell it, i'd rather just save for another car, i don't really change cars very often anyway, had 1st car for 3yrs, 2nd for 5yrs, now got the corrado


i've always been more in love with the looks then the performance, even tho mines pretty standard

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I think its mainly because it is a genuinely nice car to drive,

i have driven plenty of different cars including a few luxury sports cars and nothing feels quite like the corrado, i'm not saying the corrado is a better car to drive than any other it just has a unique feel , the closest car i have driven to the feel of the corrado was the fiat coupe.


also the community based around the corrado and the vw scene in general has a much friendlier relaxed feel than most other cars.


A mate of mine who has a mk3 vr gets quite p*ssed off when we go somewhere in the corrado and will quite often drive past a bunch of kids and hear them shout "cool car mate" or people asking you questions about it in petrol stations and saying "i allways wanted one of those but couldnt afford one when they where new" my mates girlfiend allways say's to him "why dont people say that about your car?" :lol:


there is certainly something about the shape of the corrado that i think appeals to the child in some people , i had a look at some of my old excersise books from primary school that where full of doodles and sketches of car's and they all seem to look very similar to the shape of the corrado, the flat nose with exagerated front bumper, the reasonably long low sloping bonnet and windscreen, and the reasonably flat boot, a bit like the original inspector gadget car in persuit mode :lol:

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i'm on my second , 1st was a valver g plate spent a fortune on it , had various other cars , vr6 golf , golf gti , rs fords , i've been bitten by the corrado bug again 3 years later but now its my second car , but saying that i've been using the g60 this week for work done over 300 miles ,longest its spent on the road in six months and she's not missed a beat but more importantly i find myself smiling alot more than when driving my boring vectra to work and back . even though the wipers are crap , there is no air-con and i have to put fuel in myself ! my missus agree's with mr biege on one point , shes always saying i'm mad, especially when i'm breaking the news about spending over £400 on a custom exhaust with de-cat next week . :lol:

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I have two. One of them doesn't work. At all. But even if I just sit in the seat staring at the dead instrument panel it just feels right. Nothing else feels the same. My girlfriend has a celica which is a lovely car. Unfortunately it's not the 190 bhp version.... but it's still really nice to drive, the gear shift is smooth as anything, the engine runs perfectly and the vvt is awesome. But it's just not my clunky old G60 that now sports busted front pas side suspension which couldn't have come at a worse time. :lol: I blame the speed bumps in the car park at work. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that the corrado just captures my imagination like no other car I've driven. It's like a pet... that needs to go to the vet all the time. You'd still love it.

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Cracking question chap..........I should imagine most of us think the corrado is the most aesthetically pleasing car to the eye bar none & quick to boot (my opinion anyway :lol: ) very few cars float my boat the way the corrado does and i think it just gets under ya skin you know. A friend of mine bought a brand new nugget yellow G60 in 1991,i Could not get my breath it just well and truly bowled me over but i just could not afford one at that time, 22k.... jesus my house was only 17k in 1991......so I sort of pushed my crush to the back of my mind for about 10 years - even though every time i saw one i drooled :luvlove:. I did'nt see one for for about 3 years, i don't get out much (no seriously i did'nt get out much !!....i spent more time on the snooker table than the cloth !! ).....then i followed a VR6 home from work one night and googled it the minute i walked in and became a man on a mission to buy one from then on. Luckily a friend of a friend was selling his G60 cheap so i snapped his hand off. I'm as excited about taking it for a drive 3 years on as i was when i drove it for the very first time and will never sell it ! Wow that was a long post (sorry)........ thats my attachment right there people :lol:

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tis a strange one,just recently i've had two chances to sell mine for a considerable amount.but something stopped me from doin it :?

not sure what it was?sometimes i wish i could sell it :lol: when you drive an everyday car say ford focus,although they are nice an comfy to drive they just dont stand out even the RS versions dont seem to stand out ,yet every time i go out in the rado it gets noticed,even had people drivin up along the side of to try an get a better look :lol:

and when its just parked up in a carpark it seems to have presence compared to other cars around it

(dont know if any of that makes sense i'm really tired :lol: )

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Last March I bought an S3 and the VR was going, in my eyes it was getting old, unreliable and I spend too much time away to leave my wife at home with a car she had to keep getting help with. After six months driving the S3 she decided that although she liked the comfort, power and everything else about it she still prefered the old Rado. As I had a couple of months between contracts I spent a bit of time sorting things out, tidied up the bodywork, refurbed the wheels, fitted climate control etc, I just added a Schrick for a bit more grunt.


My next contract is out of the country again and we don't need a car parked in the garage for me, the Corrado stays, the S3 is for sale, enough said!

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A while ago I remember reading what I think was someone's 'signeture' that went along the lines of :-


There are those Corrado owners who regret selling their C when they didnt relly need to and there are those ppl who regret not buying a Corrado when they could have done.


Summed things up pretty well I thought


Does anyone know what the full text was, or who it was ??

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It was me who had it in my sig, it was KevHaywire (Cheesewire) who said it.


I'll add it back ;)

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i reckon i could part we the g60 for an s3 or a TT though :lol:


Gonna be looking around £9.5K if you're interested???


Ebony black, full black leather recaro interior, black tints (sorta black really!), 265bhp with Revo map, Bose stereo, 18" RS4 reps and tar-ox front brakes.

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i reckon i could part we the g60 for an s3 or a TT though :lol:

Gonna be looking around £9.5K if you're interested???

Ebony black, full black leather recaro interior, black tints (sorta black really!), 265bhp with Revo map, Bose stereo, 18" RS4 reps and tar-ox front brakes.


gonna be many years before i can afford an upgrade :(



Greeny... Sinister avatar that,mate. :shock:


i know :lol:

its just for brokeback dave :cowboy:

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Dont know wot it is but i am so attached to mine it just makes me smile whether im driving it or gazing at it :D

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my silver c has been nothing but bother since i got her,shes been broke more times than fixed,but i couldnt get rid of the jinx,ill keep this car forever i reckon,one day she will not be broke no more!! :) :robot:

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