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How fast have you had out of your standard VR?

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VR6, Cause if the police ever read a thread like this, then posting your speeds on a public forum could be used in court etc....


i know its extreme, but its just one of those things i guess, like blanking number plates in pics. etc...


The police have neither the time nor the inclination to target offenders on discussion forums. How can they (and you) prove you broke the law based on a public discussion? There's only one way the police can arrest you for a motoring offense and that is to catch you in the act.


And as for blanking plates etc......why? I'm not about to try and steal GY03 WHZ, which is a Lamborghini Gallardo in this month's Autocar.



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so serious, you forget that is providing they stop you!! he he!!! the joys :D of living in the country!!!

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The police have neither the time nor the inclination to target offenders on discussion forums.


I totally agree. there arent enough police to deal with all the real crimes out there, so there's definitely not enough of them to be on the net searching forums looking for offenders. :)

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so serious, you forget that is providing they stop you!! he he!!! the joys :D of living in the country!!!


That's the kind of attitude that will get you stopped......and bump up the insurance premiums for everybody else

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i'm only kidding i don't mean to upset you, and for info i have full no-claims and not one point on my licence since i started so can't be doing to badly, happy drivin :D oh and my advanced lisence too!!!

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So whats the top speed people have had out of there 16v then??


maybe some should start a topic??

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c'mon bally, top speeds are out.


who can pi$$ the highest up the wall!!!! Now theres a mans game!!!! 8)


PMSL :p :lol: :lol: :lol: absolute quality brian :p :lol: :lol:

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also as for the "fastest speed out of a standard C VR6" the fastest i've ever dared to take mine up to is an indicated 130-ish mph(so probably only 115mph) coming back from a RR-day at star-performance 8) ........it had a bit more go to it.....but i was lacking the balls(or the points-space on me license) to pursue it further especially on a road known for quite a few speed traps and traffic cops :shock: ..............though earlier on that same day myself and a couple of other C's had a good 100mph blat over the tay-bridge which was nice and quiet


the fastest i've ever driven though was an indicated 150mph on quite an infamous road north of aberdeen........this was in my 944 turbo just a week before discovering i needed glasses :evil: :shock: :shock: :shock: :?


as for the police using this as kev says they have neither the time or inclination to pursue things like these......afterall i might just be telling some white lies :wink:

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i'm only kidding i don't mean to upset you, and for info i have full no-claims and not one point on my licence since i started so can't be doing to badly, happy drivin :D oh and my advanced lisence too!!!


LOL, my bark's worse than my bite! I posted that at work where I tend to have my sensible hat on!


At home when I've got a Jack Daniels and Coke and a pack of 20 in front of me, I don't give a t@ss!



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the fastest i've ever dared to take mine up to is an indicated 130-ish mph(so probably only 115mph)


Come on rodders, is that all :lol: (only joking!) Corrado speedos are pretty accurate by the way.


the fastest i've ever driven though was an indicated 150mph on quite an infamous road north of aberdeen........this was in my 944 turbo just a week before discovering i needed glasses :evil: :shock: :shock: :shock: :?


The fastest I've ever been was an actual 155mph (GPS) in a friend's M3 Evo during an Evo car magazine cambridgeshire meet up. It wasn't so much the speed that's frightening, but the uncertainty of what the other road users are going to do as you approach them, namely HGVs! I highly recommend you attend an Evo meet by the way, you get to see some serious machinery and some of the attendees are on the Evo payroll and bring the 'long termers' along with them. RS4s, Vanquishes, M3s etc etc. Awesome.



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Come on rodders, is that all (only joking!) Corrado speedos are pretty accurate by the way.

thats right according to my gps unit my speedo is spot on :)

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Come on rodders, is that all (only joking!) Corrado speedos are pretty accurate by the way.

thats right according to my gps unit my speedo is spot on :)



yeah i was probably being a bit pessimistic..........though on my trip down to AmD this year i had the use of a road angel(damn good bit of kit IMHO....pity the mileage/driving/trips i do doesn't quite justify me buying one) and when the speedo was showing 60mph the road angel's GPS speed was IIRC 57mph

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How about combining the two and seeing how fast you can be driven whilst pissing out of a car!! :lol: :lol:

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Don't take any notice of the speedo. Mine was reading 146mph, but when I got pulled the copper said I was only doing 132.35mph.


No lie, I just got my licence back yesterday! (and treated myself to a Corrado on the same day too).


i got my 2L 16v upto 141mph once........but then again i was told by someone at top end the dials are ususally out by about 10% of what the speedo says......so guess it was about 126mph for me than. But then some geezer said he achieved 150 on his 16v :? ........

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I did from Sunny Blackpool to junk 12 on the good old M6 in 45mins got her up to 130 and she was flowing like the wind, just shat me pants coz of all the bloody speed traps that there are now, well it's been over 2weeks and i haven't had any lovely speeding letters through me door as of yet! 8)

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Thought I'd exhume this thread as I finally got to shove the gas pedal into the carpet yesterday and see what she could really do.


It all started on the M6 on the way back from Liverpool when I noticed this knobber in a 330Ci Bimmer intimidating people out of the outside lane by flashing them and getting up their backsides. I didn't think anything of it and carried on as normal. When I got to the M6 Toll plaza, I handed over my 3 quid and noticed 330Ci man a couple of booths up from me. He left a couple of cars before me and was clearly using his full compliment of 231 ponies.


I considered it rude to not have a play and gave pursuit :lol: I caught up to him in 3rd gear and we were both flat out through the gears. By 4th my apparent acceleration advantage had diminished and we were completely even....... into 5th and we both just nailed the gas pedals and after a while he reached Vmax as he wasn't pulling away. I was still gaining and pulled alongside and crept past him..... I then looked down and the speedo needle was resting on the stop (160+). Hmmmm, so the old girl is pretty fast then.


I know 330s are good for 155 flat out, so I'm guessing mine was pulling around that figure.


I hadn't actually felt the effect of the 268 cams until this duel. Past 5000rpm my car just lurched at the Bimmer like it was possesed. Hadn't felt that before. Very strange.


That's it. I now know what it can do and won't be doing it again as I would have been banned for life if caught. But you know how it is, you turn into a 12 year old in these situations and common sense goes out of the window!


That's also the fastest I've personally driven on public roads. On the new super smooth and straight M6, not a problem. Anywhere else - no feckin chance. Not worth the risk as at those speeds a mm of steering movement does more than you think it would.

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Not worth the risk as at those speeds a mm of steering movement does more than you think it would.


Unless there's a mm of play in the UJs, anyway...

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Nice to see this thread is still alive and kicking :lol:


This will make you laugh:


I got a chance to top the FTO out on Sunday when driving up to Teeside for a racing competition.... gunned it as was running late and had just changed to 4th gear (3rd at 7750rpm) doing 115 - 120mph in 4th at 5500rpm when I hit the speed limiter... and boy did it kick :shock: :lol: - time to get it un-restricted I think... the previous owner didnt know when I asked him if it was restricted as the only way to tell is to take it to 120mph... you can imagine he was a little reluctant to let me do that on the test drive :-P


Apparently mine is good for indicated 162mph.... seen a tiptronic 5 speed do an indicated 180mph.... :shock:- apparently its something to do with the gearing in the box....

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