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OSV Satin Silver VR6 OEM+

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Yours is defo one of my favourite C's Gareth 8)


You going to Ultimate Dubs? Me and Dave G are driving down in mine.

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Yeh i'm going down VIP style in an Audi A8 luxury barge, weathers to rough at the moment for my precious

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There was talk of 7.30am :cuckoo: :lol: but i'll confirm and let you know :afro:

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Nice feature Gareth!


An interesting read and some stunning shots.


Cheers for the mention too.

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Congratulations on your long over due feature gareth. They have been brave and tried out a new concept with your feature which i thinks works very well and your car looks as great as ever..

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MK1Capaigns sig says:


Coming very soOn a certain Satin silVer VR6 ;o)


you selling to him???


btw will get the mag tomorrow

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Coming very soOn a certain Satin silVer VR6 ;o)


Hence the reason why i asked if it was going to a new home soon...

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If so, you'll be getting a real head turner there. I'd be envious for one.

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OK the cat's out of the bag! Performance VW have featured my Corrado and the feature, editorial comment and pictures are superb. I'm really grateful to Elliott for his sympathetic write up and enthusiasm for what is probably the least modified car ever to grace their pages.


Postive references to the Corrado forum, and i'm only 41 for the record.

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Well done mate. Will have to try and pick up a copy of the mag :)

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