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Colin McRae R.I.P - Add your video's page 4.

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I did'nt know him well, but met him at RAC in 97. Real great bloke and dam good driver


I never had the pleasure of meeting Colin myself...


But i always followed his father when he was competing...and I was lucky enough to sit in the Original Manta 400 that Jimmy McRae actually drove.


It was an obvious progression to watch his son,and ive always enjoyed it.


Such a shame.

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Then fair play, you met him, I respect your rights to give your respect.


I just disagree with random fake acts of condolence.


I never met him,but watched many rally's and enjoyed them to the full and had respect for him how he drove and controlled a car on gravel,snow ect...so he has earned my respect and will be sadly missed as I was a fan as many others on here.


This is a public forum but you will get no warming to insensitive remarks.

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xbones - you have PM.


Riley - if you'd like the crap removing from the thread, let me know.



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He was a guy you had respect for as a driver, that's all! Of course it's terrible that he died before his time, but anyone who hadn't actually met him has no real need to be shocked and appalled. Chill out guys. People die in their thousands every day and no-one bats an eyelid. Then one person who has the media's gaze does so and the whole country mourns for ten years. What's wrong with this picture? If someone had started a thread about the chief of north yorkshire police dying (rumours of whose death are overstated ;) ) and someone had posted "who cares?" there wouldn't have been any fuss.


Personally, I never met Mr McRae, so I don't really have an opinion. Of course it's sad for his family, but that's true for all the other people who died but don't have threads devoted to them on the CF aswell.

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The title didn't say "post if you care"


What a quite extraordinary individual you are!


This is a tragedy. As Corozin points out, isn't it strange how so many of our homegrown talents have died prematurely in accidents and illnesses completely unconnected with their dangerous day job. Just goes to show, you never know what's round the corner...

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Can see your point about certain media frenzy deaths, eg Princess Di, which still rumbles on to this day.


BUT, this is a car forum, and McRae made a real impression on the car world and not just rallying.


If you work out 'care = people you actually know/knew' then the world would be a terrible place to live.

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Riley - if you'd like the crap removing from the thread, let me know.


Jim...I shall leave it up to you m8... :)

I didn't want to reply to the comments about 'celebrity deaths' or 'fake condolences' as i don't want the thread to change direction,but i feel i have to say my piece. :(


I doubt that McRae entered the world of rallying to become a 'celebrity' and i never even thought of him as one :?

How can people not think its a shame that we will never see him rallying again? Unless you are not really into motorsport,but then why bother replying to the thread? Go elsewhere to speak about something you are into.


And as for the 'police officer' dying comment...well personally im not 'into' the police as a hobby or anything :? I love cars/motorsport and the people who drive them.People who are 'into' motorsport are bothered about the loss of Colin McRae...We know people are dying every minute of every day,but as motorsport fans we don't follow or know of these people.


As for 'fake condolences' , i take that as an insult to be honest...Are you calling me a bullsh|tter? If i wasn't bothered about his death like yourself as a "non appreaciative non motorsport fan"...Then i wouldn't have started the thread and physically felt upset.






Lets see some more video's eh?



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You don't need to meet someone to respect them and their achievements and likewise - I've never met you but I'm pretty sure you're an idiot.

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More of this and less of the other:


McRae, Australia, Bunnings, say no more. If your a fan you'll have seen this loads and loads before. I seem to remember he pulled out at least 20 seconds on everybody else on this stage alone. Awesome driving.


Enjoy! Could find it with english commentary, but the Spanish says it all anyway it you listen closely.



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About 5:20 into No.3 some great jumps, I love the one with the early Imprezza all crossed up and you'd think he'd have lost it, but regained perfect control on the landing.

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What a loss to the world of Rally Sport - I was a huge fan of Colin and hugely excited to have met him at the Castle Coombe Rally Day two years ago.


As stated before, a helicopter and not his day job takes his life - so unfair.

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I'm splitting off this crap later on today into a new thread when I get a chance.


Just don't understand your attitude to things like this sometimes dr_mat.

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Wow - there are some unmannerly, bitter individuals out there.


Free speech is a priceless and hard won gift, why waste it for unquestionably negative purposes?


Difficult, I know, but try not to let drink or ego allow others to form an indelible, possibly false, impression of your character in the minds of other forum users.



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Free speech is a priceless and hard won gift, why waste it for unquestionably negative purposes?


You are right, of course.

I have removed my posts because I didn't really see any point to them any longer, and people seem to be taking them the wrong way. Feel free to split the thread or delete the blank posts in this thread as you see fit, Jim (or whoever). I don't come here to start an argument, just to put the other view across and try to be even-handed about things.

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You don't need to meet someone to respect them and their achievements and likewise - I've never met you but I'm pretty sure you're an idiot.


thats is without doubt the funniest thing ive read on corrado forum in the past 4 years!


RIP joining too many other heroes Hizzy Mike Hailwood Yer Maun none of which ive met all of which are godlike and deserve the utmost respect in life and in death.

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