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Wolfsburg tat on Corrados - Now with Poll

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    • I like ham
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    • Knowing that stuck on tat is not correct for the cars production history etc?
    • Tat stuck on in ignorance?

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IIRC Corrados weren't built in Wolfsburg, so why do people insist on encrusting them with Wolfsburg badges, door pins, gear knobs etc?


It really annoys me!

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They were build in Osnabruck, by Karmann... not even VW :lol:


But yeah, I just presume they're muppets...

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Why is there a stamp on my drivers side inner wing that says made in mexico or something similiar?

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I believe all of the original panels were made at Karmann and they still have the tooling for it there sitting in a dark warehouse somewhere.


There were some plasticy bits made in Mexico tho and there may well be some other bits and bobs made elsewhere (any bits pilfered from Golfs, Passats, etc weren't made by Karmann), but the cars were assembled largely by hand on the Karmann production line in Osnabruck.


Buut either way, it's not Wolfsburg :lol:

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Because people are not aware that aside from paying some bills Wolfsburg have nothing to do with a Corrodo and in fact, Karmann got the car built and designed their way by ensuring that the design they wanted to build was the cheapest option. This was a lesson they learned whilst building and designing the Scirocco.

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This may upset quite a few dubbers but for me its the same offence as putting other bits on your C, (or Golf for that matter), which still have porsche, mercedes, bentley badges or wording on.


Such as Porsche door handles with 'Porsche' stamped on them?! Why? If you want chrome handles get chrome handles. :?


Obvioulsy its not tat, but its the same argument in my opinion.

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I secretly hate Porsche wheels on VWs. I think they look rubbish, apart from anything else! But as with everything else, if people like em, more power to em I guess...

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If you saw a Pug or C*rsa with Porsche wheels then you would split your sides with laughter. :lol:


But just because there is some tenuous link with VW and Porsche then its ok. :?


If you take the porsche centre caps off then I've got no problem as then it becomes a matter of style and individual opinion, but obviuosly then everyone doesn't know YOU have porsche wheels unless their a car fan.


Is this making sense? :? Feel I'm moving into another post...........?

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I'd hardly say the link between Porsche and VW is tenuous, the porsche 914 and 914-6 were made in partnership with the two companies, the Cayenne uses exactly the same chassis as the Touareg and Porsche own 30.9% of VW.


Then again.... you didnt know that or you wouldnt have made such a ridiculous comment. :?

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If you saw a Pug or C*rsa with Porsche wheels then you would split your sides with laughter. :lol:


But just because there is some tenuous link with VW and Porsche then its ok. :?


If you take the porsche centre caps off then I've got no problem as then it becomes a matter of style and individual opinion, but obviuosly then everyone doesn't know YOU have porsche wheels unless their a car fan.


Is this making sense? :? Feel I'm moving into another post...........?


I think that's just brand-name hate. In my opinion, if a set of wheels look great on a Corrado (BigBens Porsche ones for example) then they look great, regardless of what car it's on.


The annoying thing is when people try to sell a Corrado saying it's 'Wolfsburg Edition", same as Karmann, usually they've just got only half of the story when it comes to the connection. Maybe it's a bit 'scene'. Maybe it's complete cluelessness.

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ooo i feel opionated for once :lol:


woflsburg badges on C's... cock!


porshche 'tat' on vw's i'm all for it as its very well made and if it fits then go for it, same as audi or bbs wheels IMO and the link between porsche and VW is somewhat more than tenuous if you look back over the years!


...although i do feel like pimping my microwave now i've seen an awesome porsche blender the other day :lol:

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...although i do feel like pimping my microwave now i've seen an awesome porsche blender the other day :lol:


You'll be buying Porker Pipes next Andy!


Actually there's a Porsche Kettle that's rather nice.. but £150+ IIRC...

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Porsche design products are for utter idiots with more cash than brains. Porsche must be laughing there arse off every time someone buys something off of them. And what is so special about porsche design? Every car other than the 911, which is an evolution of a VW beetle chassis, has been unpopular. The engine at the very back is not a great idea or design and it's took them ages to finally work out how to get the car to handle correctly and not kill people. People where jumping up and down when the Audi TT killed/injured a few people and there was a recall. No one ever jumps up and down when porsche produced the turbo charged 911 which must have been brilliant fun up until the point that you died. I've even heard that they tried putting lead in the front bumper to try and sort out the handling, bodge not design


That said I actually like the porsche 928 and the 90's 911 not that I have ever driven either but all this porsche kettle s**t makes me want to become a communist :)

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I fitted a Wolfsburg badge on the rear panel of mine for the simple reason the old VW badge fell off and this filled the space nicely.

Wouldn't you just get a new VW badge though (


On the Porsche topic, clearly there is a general connection to VW and, in particular, wheels have their own "identity" anyway so can carry their own branding more easily. You wouldn't see people putting another manufacturers badge anywhere on VW produced parts though?

By contrast, Wolfsburg is only really going to have brand value and relevance for cars specifically produced there IMO.

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I don't know about the 2nd half after the porsche looses the backend and ends up in the barrier, trys to drive off again and his bonnet flips open and folds over his windscreen/roof. The first half was a police car chasing a porsche very calmly. The 2nd half seemed to be a very very calm chase of a golf I think.

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Did Porsche have anything to do with the design, build, selling of the Corrado, Golf, etc? NO.


I just don't like to see cars covered in products from other vehicle manufacturers which still have the wording, badging, emblem on etc. Porsche rims with the centre badges on are just an example. Porsche rims without centre badges no probs, as I said before thats a style choice.


You wouldn't put an old skool jaguar bonnet cat on your C? Oh bugger...........maybe that would work?! :shock:

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No Wolfsburg badges on my car but I do have.....dare I say Porsche lol


I'm not a Porsche fan and never have been, but I have put Porsche centre caps on my new RH wheels. Not because of the name, but because I think the colours go well with the black car (Its the red and gold ones). I'm not trying to make them look like Porsche wheels, because anyone who knows their wheels will know by looking at them that they ain't Porsche wheels.


If anyone asks, then I tell them they are RH wheels. It will prob only be another one of my fads, which is why I still have the RH ones handy to change back to when I get bored :) It could have been worse and just have been stickers :lol: :lol:

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I've got one of those frosted circular wolfsburg edition stickers from fleabay in my back window and like it!! :p :lol: :lol:

Got D90's too but have never fitted them. Think i might now and keep the porsche centre caps on!

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