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:( Another one goes to VR6 heaven :( - Or does it?

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happy to here theyve caught him dude, hope that hes rightly punished. as for the c lets hope you get a decent price for it..

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Result! Sometime the plod do do a decent job (as in the fact they caught the scum-bag that broke into mine early this year!)


gather as much proof taht it's worth as much as possible then reject reject reject....

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They've caught the little b#stard :) And it turned out he was insured!!


He's been charged with leaving the scene, dangerous driving, actual bodily harm and they're trying to get him for drunk driving, apparently they got him 2 hours later when he said that he was so shocked after the accident that he'd gone for a drink and drunk approximately 16 units in that time :).


I am in a situation I've never been in before now though, the value of the car will, I guess, be argued over at length by the insurance companies, is it worth taking copies of Autotrader, local ads, 'Practical Classics' listings to prove what it was worth or do they just base the estimate on Glasses??????


Any advice much appreciated



Doubt they'll be able to pin DD on him but it certainly sounds like he'll get a criminal record anyway... he should be locked up with a large gay man for a few years so that he has no hope of holding a fart in for the rest of his life!


Tw@s like that should have their identity printed in the local press...


Best of luck with the insurance co's - if worst comes to the worst there still seems to be a load of good replacements about! Fingers crossed it won't come to that though :?

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... he should be locked up with a large gay man for a few years so that he has no hope of holding a fart in for the rest of his life!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Must have missed this :shock: Really feel for you buddy, remember seeing the old girl pass me only a couple of weeks ago!!


No more rado fleeing into dunblane first thing in the morning anymore :(

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glad everyone is ok. :thumbleft: get copies of rados for sale in PVW....show these to your insurers. any reciepts for work done and parts bought....what was silly bollox driving as u say he fled the scene,a freaking hummer... :scratch:

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Stuff like this just makes you want to cry. You try and have a nice rare motor and treat it as your hobby - spending money and caring for it then some tw@t destroys all that in a second. I hope you get another Corrado.

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sad story mate....


any news on the Hernia?? Had me an op for one in my stomach this year, not fun. well the free mophine was ok but other than that - not good!!

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Just in case anyone was still interested, it looks as though they're gonna fix it :D


After months of gentle persuasion and haggling with my insurers [Elephant - absolute pap but they are cheap] they've decided that it's worth more than the £1.9K the 3rd party offered and are now looking at repairing it rather than fork out the £4K that I refused to go lower than.


I'm hopeful that once repaired it should be better than ever as the chassis wasn't twisted after all it was just the outer wings which had popped off and it's being done by a VW garage 8) ...I just have a little problem...I've already bought a replacement :( so one of the two has got to go............anyone fancy a mint [except for heater control] VR6 with rebuilt engine 20K ago? :(


As for injuries, it turned out I had a cracked pelvis and internal bleeding [well only clotting] of all of my internal soft muscle in the general vicinity of my unmentionables :) ..........although it fuggin hurt for a long time. It took 3 months before I could walk comfortably again and I've only just been able to get back on my downhill bike. Still, the courtcase is on the 14th April so maybe ££££££££££££££££


Have to agree about the morphine VAG-hag :)

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Ah great to hear that you've got the result you were after, just shows if you persist with these insurance companies you can get blood out of a stone :lol:

I bet it will come out better than before....bit like the bionic man eh :wink:

Did you end up buying the vr from 'son of a beesting' in the end ?

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Glad your it's getting repaired :D


Not seen the replacement going around! Any photos?


Random question but do you live in wishart drive? Friend of my GF's was telling me about a green corrado that parked across the street?


Hope the court case goes well when it comes around.



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No I decided that I couldn't replace my baby with another Corrado, it just made me sad to look at another, so after months of deciding between a scooby, a Celica GT4 or at a stretch a Porka 912 I went for a ...........Skoda Roomster :) . It came up at auction for silly money, a year old for under £6K, it had lost nearly £6K in 12months! It's a brilliant car, handles OK and I can get 3 bikes and all my climbing gear in the back, plus it looks unlike all of the 'new 'boxes'. This is my 1st new car and I have to admit that having a warranty ROCKS, although I've already had to have the heater controls replaced - must be me :roll:


I'm tempted to keep them both but my wife would shoot me and she's fallen in love with the Roomster


I do indeed just_say_meth, I hope it was good stuff they were saying :)

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I can't say that I see the appeal in one of those but each to their own! - it's certainly alot different to a Corrado! :)


Glad to hear that your rado is being sorted though, and good luck with the court case.

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I do indeed just_say_meth, I hope it was good stuff they were saying :)


Actually have 2 friends stay in the street, the GF's one was just saying 'theres a car just like yours but green across the road' the other one 'Noisy green corrado goes past now and again :lol: ' That was my old manager :lol:


They all know how daft I am over corrado's :lol:

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That's the very beast!


I love that Skoda has the balls to release something which people aren't sure if they like, rather than pandering to the mass market and building something average which won't put anyone off. As far as new cars go under £12K there's not a lot of individuality if you want more than just a runabout [cue a multitude of responses showing examples of me being wrong :) ].


There's nothing else new that I would have bought, much better to stick less cash into an investment car usually, but then I have a wife who watched me flail around on a bed for nearly 3 months because I was in pain and couldn't really walk so she was keen for airbags etc. Maybe the 1st Roomster VR6 in the future?


Hereby starts the Roomster Revolution - Viva la Revolution!

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those roomsters are pretty cool imo, but cant help thinking it would be better if the side windows+back seats wernt there like a skoda "caddy" type van. Would be a damn cool works van :) Love the way the screen and front windows wrap around the front with the black a-pillars.

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