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Thought it was pretty brilliant. I was actually crying from laughing so much at the cars on the cobble track falling apart.

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They are damn ugly cars though! How the hell did they get so little power out of a 3.5 litre v8 = 150 bhp baffles me!

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Thats nothing. I was watching an episode of Wheeler Dealers earlier - they had a Corvette C4 with the 5.7 litre V8 in it that, from the factory, produced a barely believeable 207BHP!!

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They are damn ugly cars though! How the hell did they get so little power out of a 3.5 litre v8 = 150 bhp baffles me!


Carburetors and points ignition thats how! Getting a car to give reliable power back then was like trying to summon the devil, we're talking the late 70's christ even my old 897cc, IIRC, polo was an utter b***ard for breaking down for no apparent reason. I'd only go out with a full tool kit in the boot. :) Thank god I hand-braked it into a tree at the tender age of 18 or I'd still be stuck on the hard shoulder. You live and learn and then live some more, hopefully.

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Similar Conversation about Michelle Pfeiffer when she was on Jonathan Ross the other Week!


Now she has deffo got better with age!

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My housemate and I had a similar conversation earlier.


Sort of relieved that it wasn't just me that had those thoughts crossing my mind then!

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I keep forgetting about it these days - has anyone else not found it as entertaining recently?


I actually fell asleep last night when they were doing that load of crap with the scrappers :sleeping:

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In the past I would have never missed a second of it - now I never go out my way to see it. Hammond's new style is a bit questionable!

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Its become less of an entertaining car show and more 'this weeks challenge is....lets see how badly we can do it'. and i don't even know why they have the star in a car, its such a waste of time.

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One feature I wish they'd do is sort of retro road tests - ala the Corrado / Merc Cosworth feature they did and promptly never revisited.


That and group tests of cars of the day would be really cool and fun. But I just guess they're not about that sort of stuff any more! :(

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Yeah. those challenges are not very satisfying as far as I am concerned. More like a slapstick comedy show than a motor program. (More yawns!) I'd rather watch Tiswas reruns!


At risk of sounding like a technophile anorak, do you get the feeling we are being conned most of the time? Doors falling off and letting out torrents of water, cars breaking down in African deserts and getting back on track in a short time with minimal tweaking? - give me a break!


I would far rather see the challenges done in a fair fashion with the cars having been made reasonably roadworthy , etc before the contests.


The exotica are interesting but how many of us have an old runway and the loan of a new Aston Martin to pi$$ around with.


I would rather see more "ordinary" affordable cars - or old classics - in tests and comparisons.


The humour and chemistry between the 3 presenters is first rate entertainment but they have not got the "motor car" ingredient correct IMO. All those posers in the audience in the hangar trying to catch glimpses of themselves on monitors, too. Yuk. I'm surprised one girl the other week didn't slip out of her top so anxious was she to impress.

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I'm surprised one girl the other week didn't slip out of her top so anxious was she to impress.


In all fairness - that'd probably get me watching again!! :lol:

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They're going past the boundaries of what's believeable. As craigowl puts it..


It's hard not to take notice.

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