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24v renshaws car

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wow.. i thought i'd been reading a thread on E38 for a minute :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


lmao :lol:


p.s welcome Vik, a cracking motor you have there!!

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I'm sure I could vent spleen for another few pages :lol:

but nothing constructive, no.


edit - it would appear i was in a bad mood on friday! lol

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LOL, I don't think you were the only one!


So anyway, this weekend I fitted a chuffing great 72AH battery in the space the arm rest normally occupies. And the best bit, the arm rest covers it (after some extensive modification with a hammer) , so it all looks stock :D


I've always thought the arm rest and First aid kit was a waste of space, plus if you have to carry 25Kg of battery around, may aswell carry it in the middle and between the axles, eh?


How's that for going off on a tangent? LOL!

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i'm struggling to see how it would fit and actually why you need it?...maybe if you had a massive build thread then we could all lick your batty and be able to see at the same time? ;)

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I've always thought the arm rest and First aid kit was a waste of space, plus if you have to carry 25Kg of battery around, may aswell carry it in the middle and between the axles, eh?


I've always thought the first aid kit was kinda handy.. not to mention a legal requirement in Europe so bear that in mind if you ever take your car to Germany or anything Kev!

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...So anyway, this weekend I fitted a chuffing great 72AH battery in the space the arm rest normally occupies. ...


just remember to remove it from the car if you ever need to use the fuel tank access cover :onfire:

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Nah it's all done properly :wink: Vented out to atmoshphere and everything, as per OE Mercedes and BMW rear mount applications :D


Corradude, the reason for doing it is because I have zero room in the engine bay for a battery due to chargecoolers and what not taking all the space up. I did have a 45AH Odyssey dry cell in the boot originally, but it seems specialised batteries like that just can't handle cranking a VR6 over every morning - and it started to drop to 11.5V over night. So a big lead acid it had to be.....but I didn't want 25Kg sitting in the boot.


Davidwort, I've had the fuel sender cover off loads of times before, with batteries in the vicinity and also smoking :lol:


Cheers for the warning jim, I'll stick a bandage, some scissors and some surgical spirit in the glovebox if I go to Europe. That's all you get in the VW one anyway!


Now, what can I do with the space the hazard triangle occupies? Clothes drying line that rises up and out of a second sunroof perhaps?

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Cheers for the warning jim, I'll stick a bandage, some scissors and some surgical spirit in the glovebox if I go to Europe.

that reply made me chuckle :lol:


I've always thought the first aid kit thing is a bit ridiculous, like a plaster and TCP is going to be much use if you come off the autobahn on your roof at 140mph :cuckoo:


Like the idea of moving the weight to the centre of the car though,

so, who'll be the first to get 50/50 weight distribution in a Corrado? (and I'm not allowing the time I carried 6 bags of sand and a couple of cement back from B&Q)

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^^^ :lol:


yet to see a twin engined car on here - god knows I have enough spare subframes and suspension (and engines :shock:) to cut and shut the back of the plum, but absolutely zero cashola! :bonk:

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spoke to vick last night. seems a sound bloke and he is a mate of renshaws so its kinda going back to him :p after hearing what his plans are for it im looking forward to seeing it :D


Hi guys, thought to update a little on here. Thanks for the welcome and sorry I didn;t reply to your message Phil, was nice meeting you too dude.


After some elbow, now looks like this. Slowly getting it back to its former glory and changing a few bits along the way. New corvette wheels shipped from the US.




Thought to share with fellow C lovers !


Vick :)

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boost monkey for that yellow twin engined you need to follow it on club gti as if was only going to update on there due to originally doing it on loads of forums

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Yeah - I really do love those wheels, suit the car and so unique on the VW scene...


It's always going to be known as 'Renshaws' car so it might as well stay how he intended it with a few subtle changes to reflect the current owner...


Keep up the good work Vick!

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Glad to see it back on the Vette wheels, and back in some caring hands. What a sublime motor!

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Thanks guys, got a few subtle changes planned once its back to its former glory. I quite like the look of the Dubpower downpipe and manifold.




some more pics form today!








Vick :)

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Full width plate looks better... small one looked a bit "lost" in there Vick!


Did Mark come back to you about what we were speaking about?

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Yeah - I really do love those wheels, suit the car and so unique on the VW scene...


Not quite unique - Jay got the idea for Corvette wheels having seen a MkIV sitting on a set of them at one of the european shows, but certainly it was unique in the UK. The need to have a set of one-off adapters CNC'd to allow the fitment (which Jay specc'd and designed on Autocad himself) will ensure that they remain a very rare sight though.


I also want to say that it's good to hear that the car is now in the hands of someone who'll be able to look after it. I hope Jay has still got those adapter designs saved on his PC, LOL.

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