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I miss my Rado = (

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She's been gone for a couple of weeks now :(. I have been driving around in my Girlfriend's Gen 7 Celica which is a beast and I have really learned to appreciate it after driving it regularly. To the point where I've joined a Celica forum [traitor!] just so I can talk about a car I actually get to drive. Seriously though, I would have one myself. It's a different experience to the Rado, the steering is a lot lighter, but the handling is superb, the throttle response p!$$es on the G60, and the 16v engine is very eager but very, very smooth. My only complaints are the torque delivery doesn't match the Rado (obviously, it was a G60 after all) and you do have to work hard to keep it in the power band (typical Japanese engine). It may well end my love affair with old cars though....


But I still miss the Rado. Even though I did sell it out of necessity. I miss walking home from somewhere and just seeing it sat there with it's little black and white face looking like it wants to go for a drive. I miss the whine (or is that wheeze?) of the charger, I miss people in Golfs rubber necking, I miss the potentially superfluous automatic spoiler, I miss trying to guess which bit is going to break next, and I miss always having something to do/fix at the weekend. I'm finding jobs I can do on the Celica just so my torque wrench sees the light of day.


In short, don't sell up, sell a kidney, f*ck sell your liver, just keep the Rado. It may be getting old, it may be falling apart, it may be in a ridiculously high insurance group for what it is, but there is nothing else that feels like a Rado.

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I go through phases of thinking about selling - but everytime I see another Corrado - I always think they look amazing. I love the styling and the power of the VR6 - what else is out there that has the rarity, looks and power for the same price.


We should keep them - forever!

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I go through phases of thinking about selling - but everytime I see another Corrado - I always think they look amazing.



I second, third an fourth that!!!!


as for you other two up there^^^, Buy mine!! viewtopic.php?f=12&t=63740

problem solved!! :D

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I go through phases of thinking about selling - but everytime I see another Corrado - I always think they look amazing.



I second, third an fourth that!!!!


as for you other two up there^^^, Buy mine!! viewtopic.php?f=12&t=63740

problem solved!! :D


Don't tempt me! :lol: And you're right Boj, there is nothing better for the money. Not by a long shot IMO. Who knows what I'll be getting next. Depends what job I'm in.

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Im really missing mine too,i still have it but its off the road now :(


After driving the 328 sport beemer,the rado felt really,really good too!



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Im really missing mine too,i still have it but its off the road now :(


After driving the 328 sport beemer,the rado felt really,really good too!




I know that if I decide not to go for another rado I'd better do everything in my power to make sure I never drive one again...! I know how good it feels to get back in one after not having driven one for a while.

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Aye...Its crazy how you notice the little things...Like the seating position,it really is superb,more so than i already thought!


The indicater/wiper stalks...they just feel really nice!

Another one is the windows,pretty quick compared even to a lot of later cars!


Weird little things like that :? :)



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Im missing mine, its all tucked up in the garage and im at the other end of the country, cant wait for April/May to get it back on the road..


I washed my daily last week and in the 4 days ive been driving it it is black, rear number plate has gone etc etc, thats when i think yes, a little time not using the Corrado is worth it..


Id just buy another one, youre going to at some point..

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Quite miss my valver, especially while I nurse the vr around hoping that nothing else tries to fall off before the valver achieves roadworthyness.

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how true is all this.....

Quite miss my valver, especially while I nurse the vr around hoping that nothing else tries to fall off before the valver achieves roadworthyness----- :lol: Yep! been there. :lol:


Id just buy another one, youre going to at some point..-----Yep! i thorght i wuldnt but did :lol:


Aye...Its crazy how you notice the little things...Like the seating position,it really is superb,more so than i already thought!-----Yep!! THE biggest one for me, i have not come across another car with such a excellant driving position, its like your cocooned in there!! :Mr Green:


(Riley think your getting abit too excited bout windows an stalks :lol: :lol: )

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Even if I hit the (relative) big time and get a mk5 GTI or something I'm going to be driving down the motorway having the time of my life, and then I'm going to see somebody in a mint mystic VR rolling down the road low as you like on 17s and I'm going to think "scrollox, I knew I should have got one of those".


Oh well, I'll find out about the job I'm going for on the 27th/28th as had my final interview on Saturday. Went pretty well, spent two hours there and he went through the payment structure and company car stuff so I'm quietly confident but not getting my hopes up too much.

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Im missing mine at the mo. Its still off the road with the throttle problem, after being off the road with the rear brakes issue. Ive been using my mum's focus for 4 weeks now, its just not the same. I sometimes think of selling, but then i know there's no point, as i'd only end up with another.

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