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Jim Bowen

People with leather interiors?

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not sure how many have leather here, but wondering how you guys look after it?


i know there is a guide on here by jedi_nath, and its actually my car in the guide, but i don't feel the gliptone is really doing anything that will make the leather last much longer, its certainly not turning back time (may be impossible)


i find the gliptone makes the seats nice for nearly a week, then most of it seems to be on your clothes and the seats return to how there were before you started.


heres some pics of my seats





they not too bad, but i want to keep it that way, they just feel a bit dry to me and the "crazing" seems very obvious...


this is the bolster on the base of seat, can see here that only the seat facings are real leather, and its these area that look old now




am thinking of getting something from here:




^^^anyone any experience of that stuff?

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Id agree,your seats are in pretty good order. I use autoglym leather cleaner & care cream and am generally happy with the feel. They do give quite a gloss finish and I prefer matt so am going to try something different next time. I don't think you will get rid of the creases with a liquid. Although they can be renewed to a new condition by sanding them down and redyeing them. Not done it myself but there are some posts on here about it.

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You need to get in and out of them carefully :lol: .

Seriously though, a conditioner/balm applied once a month to drivers seat should work a treat. Autosmart leather cream conditioner is longlasting. Or go to Sainsburys/Tescos, they sell a product called 'Lord Sheridans leather balm' they are both good product ive been using for years.

Try to use as little cleaner/liquid on the seats as possible.


Not directed at you mate, but, the heavier you are the more the seats stretch causing the noticeable lines. :)

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You need to get in and out of them carefully :lol: .

Seriously though, a conditioner/balm applied once a month to drivers seat should work a treat. Autosmart leather cream conditioner is longlasting. Or go to Sainsburys/Tescos, they sell a product called 'Lord Sheridans leather balm' they are both good product ive been using for years.

Try to use as little cleaner/liquid on the seats as possible.


Not directed at you mate, but, the heavier you are the more the seats stretch causing the noticeable lines. :)

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I ve got both the Autoglym and the gliptones leather cleaner and conditioner and the gliptones is by far the better product. I do a full clean twice a year and condition every other month. Keeps them in great shape.

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I ve got both the Autoglym and the gliptones leather cleaner and conditioner and the gliptones is by far the better product. I do a full clean twice a year and condition every other month. Keeps them in great shape.

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try and use products that contain lanolin, which is an extract from sheeps wool, horseriders have been using it for years to look after leather saddles and tack it keeps it supple and maintains a good shine, you can usually find loads of good traditional leather care products in places like farmstores.

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I also used the gliptone stuff after seeing that guide and although it renewed much of the leather (it was filthy from the PO), it dried back up within a few months. The rear has never been sat in since, and it did the same thing. I found that this product really allowed the stitching to soak up the filth that got spread around during the whole process. As a result, I had to clean them separately with a power toothbrush and Dove soap :lol: .


I've heard of a number of people having great results with Leatherique and repeating the process just once a year. This will be what I will be playing with next. Apparently the stitching also comes out bright white, but on its own.

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Not directed at you mate, but, the heavier you are the more the seats stretch causing the noticeable lines. :)


:lol: I'm 6ft and weigh less than 11st 8)

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I get the best results using Mr Sheen wipes for leather. Sheens, Shines & Shimmers.. in Shecounds ;-)


It keeps my leather clean and most importantly, nourished. Available in most supermarkets.

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I get the best results using Mr Sheen wipes for leather. Sheens, Shines & Shimmers.. in Shecounds ;-)


It keeps my leather clean and most importantly, nourished. Available in most supermarkets.


It's been my experience that you want to stay the hell away from all in one types. Think about it... a cleaner is designed to take the gunk out of the leather, then the conditioner is designed to put different gunk back in. Two in ones are counter productive.


The best and I do mean best stuff I've used is a product called Lexol. Wonderfull stuff.

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i got some stuff in the end, a separate cleaner, colouring balm and a protector


will get the details up later, but basically got told that fixing the cracking would involve more than rubbing a lotion into it.


so just cleaning it and protecting it till i figure out what to do. i.e: wetsanding the cracks etc

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heres what i got




not had a chance to use it properly, just applied a little to a bolster to test it out before i splash it everywhere...


cleaner seem very good so far


am going to have a bash at using the colour balm on the steering wheel as its look a bit worn


Before pics: not started job yet







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I think the Autoglym cleaner and Gliptone conditioner is about as good as you're going to get, unless you resurface the leather.


KAD VR6 on here re-did his black leather seats in a matt bright red with this kit http://www.furnitureclinic.co.uk/Leathe ... nt_Kit.htm


Red might not be your taste, but the kit certainly seems to do the job. Have a search and you can find his thread on it somewhere.

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i also use that furniture clinic stuff on my leathers, the cleaner is amazing! and the conditioner is really good too, makes it feel really soft smooth.

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yeah i think at some point i will be sanding the seats and recolouring them, but for the meantime am just going to use the cleaner, balm and protector stuff i got. bought it from the same place as KADVR6.


reds a bit bright for me :lol: not too original either :( so will stay black

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i'm doing my old mans 750i's driver seat for him next weekend using the re-dying kit, and thats BORING black leather, so i will take some pics so you can see how good the kit is when not changing the colour, but simply getting rid of all the nasty creases.



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can i ask 3corsa mate where u got your gliptone, or the products in that photo from. would be interested in given it ago (where is it sold halford etc)


there are thousands of products out there, swissol, do a re-dying product, i use armoral, conditioner and also the wet wipes and found them to be very good,


i think if you want to stop it cracking it might be worth trying some tack cleaner/conditoner. you know the stuff they use on horse gear, down side is it smell a little but it will soften the leather up


hope this helps






Chris L

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