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Project Plum - The Plan of Attack

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I still have to degrease before respray, and am a little concerned about grit getting inside the main rack itself.


Willl have to think on about how to clean it, if only I had some blanking plugs!

Drink some wine, save the corks! :drinking: :lol:

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lol, they need to be tiny bottles of wine, with lids that will not disintegrate under mild pressure!


Champers for Midgets? :dorky:

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I'm thinking anything cork-like which is going to disintegrate on contact with hydraulic fluid would be a bad idea!


Wonder what I could wedge the holes up with.

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Went to the V-Wizzle this morning to order these parts:




Although they had the switch in stock so I took it there and then for £28!! This thing better have a small ECU in it to measure coolant temp for that price!


Most parts are on back-order so will take a couple of weeks, leaving me time to wrestle with the PAS rack and some other bits and bobs.

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Went to the V-Wizzle this morning to order these parts:




Although they had the switch in stock so I took it there and then for £28!! This thing better have a small ECU in it to measure coolant temp for that price!


Most parts are on back-order so will take a couple of weeks, leaving me time to wrestle with the PAS rack and some other bits and bobs.

That's awesome :thumb right: your front end is going to be tighter than... the molecular bond between adjacent carbon atoms in a diamond (family audience :wink: ) :lol:

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I hope so! :lol:


Now I'll just have to save up and do the rears which will probably be going sideways due to the front's overhaul!

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Tried to fit the new thermotime switch this afternoon and it sheared in half at a relatively low torque, so the threaded end is stuck in the block too.


This car is really starting to p

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I owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwned that wishbone bolt down with the help of Erwin! God, that was satisfying.


But I started pulling the bolt out, and it came out about half as long as it should have done... sheared from my extreme torque attack!


I had to laugh, plus i might be able to drill the inner bit out, if not i'll dump the subframe which would be a shame.

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I owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwned that wishbone bolt down with the help of Erwin! God, that was satisfying.


But I started pulling the bolt out, and it came out about half as long as it should have done... sheared from my extreme torque attack!


I had to laugh, plus i might be able to drill the inner bit out, if not i'll dump the subframe which would be a shame.


that bolt is laughing at u mate.


If i was you I wouldn't take it.


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:lol: I am being calm today mate!


Just have to remember to set the guns to 1/2 power next time I beef something with a 2' breaker bar!


Hoping remains of bolt will drill out, as this is a perfectly good spare subframe for the 16v or G60.

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To all my dear groupies,


I ordered some more stuff today. A gallon of jizer (a good degreaser, apparently) some bolt removal dies for the spare wishbone, and also a POR-15 rust removal tester kit. I'm not even sure it'll work, but i've heard good things about POR-15 so I thought i'd give it a try.


Am lining up a new set of Golf 16v samcos + extras to makwe the kit Corrado friendly, which will probably go on the new engine unless I have a major hose failure sometime soon.

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Engine degreaser.... who'd have thunk! :shrug:


What kind did you use? I used a combination of Greased Lightning and Mother's metal polish and got the best results I've ever seen from an amateur (and by amateur I mean my frist ever attempt :lol:)

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It's on order, but it's stuff made by Swarfega... not sure if you guys have that over there, most yanks i've spoken to look at me kinda blank!


I used some neat petrol on the steering rack i'm rebuilding, that came up real nice!


I've also ordered some Marine Clean and Metal Ready which you might recognise? I'm not sure which brands are international or not.


Did you use the metal polish to clean something or just to polish it after? We have some pretty old school metal cleaners over here with nasty chemicals in!

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Bolt extractors arrived today. Looks like you have to drill a smallish hole down through the middle of the bolt you're extracting and then use these to bite onto the insides of the drilled hole.


I don't think they will bite and chew their own hole by themselves, just don't look strong enough (mine have pointed ends, pic is for reference):




Problem I have with these is that the horizontal wishy bolt has seized on the inner edge where the thread is, potentially rendering the thread inside the subframe useless... :eek:


Am going to start degreasing everything today with my gallon of goodness, plus I will de-rust them when I can find Prodigal's wire brush drill attachment.


Coming soon: POR-15 starter kit review, hopefully enough product in it to do the whole cross-member I have! :cheers:

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I bought a set of these from the Snap On man some years ago, came with some left handed drill bits too which half the time get the broken piece out on their own without even resorting to the extractor. And yes, you're right, drill a hole down the centre of the bolt, all the way through if you can manage as it seems to relieve the bolt more than just going half way through.

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Cool, cheers for the confirmation tonedef.


I've been degreasing aaaallll afternoon and now I stink of solvents.... but so much stuff is soooo clean :D


tried to get the 256mm carriers off the hubs this avo but those 17mm bolts aren't having any of it. I might have to bolt them all back up to the subframe as they're just turning on the ground at the mo...kinda sucks.

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awsome hun ill pop up and see u soon :wave:


no doubt you will be about in the car shows this yr n e ways


so will see u there doooode :clap:



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