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another smashed in corrado.......all fixed!!!!!!!

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how's this for irony, after much soul searching i'd finally sold my beloved corrado, luckily to a good home (andy-toonvw off here) & was off to the garage to get a new shocker top fitted then hand it over to its new owner when not 20 yards from the garage some pillock pulled out of a side road resulting in me hitting the side of him! he admitted he never seen me but how the fxxk did he not hear me! obviously i'm devasted & i'd imagine it'll be wrote off but when i did finally get to the garage they said it should be quite an easy fix so i'll be saving another one from the great scrapyard in the sky!!!


apologies to andy who must've been excited all week waiting for the car only for it to be swiped away at the last minute!!


couple of pics before & after!!!!

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Idiots on the road! :( Really sorry to see that but glad it sounds like it can be fixed up!

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Thats bad luck but at least you are ok and fingers crossed the garage is right about being able to fix it.

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I hate to say it but thats a write off if it goes through insurance. I can see at least £1700 worth of parts alone and once youve added labour to that its game over. Shame as it looks really nice :(

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Hey mate i could'nt be more gutted for you, i know how hard it was for you to decide to sell in the first place & i know the bother you've had with your other little mr2 aswell :( not to mention the timing of the whole thing (about another 1 hour & i would have owned it :( )...i think you're right she does'nt want to leave you, hope you get it sorted Garry & glad you were'nt hurt seriously....apart from the wallet that is !!


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Yeah, it's partly the timing of it that makes it feel like such a killer. I had a similar thing happen when a week before my last one was due to go on sale a driver decided to go alllllll the way around a roundabout in the outside lane and t-boned me through a road sign and into the central reservation.


By the way, impressive alloys. What are they?

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Yeah, it's partly the timing of it that makes it feel like such a killer. I had a similar thing happen when a week before my last one was due to go on sale a driver decided to go alllllll the way around a roundabout in the outside lane and t-boned me through a road sign and into the central reservation.


By the way, impressive alloys. What are they?


the wheels are 17" momo's, never seen them on another corrado but they do look rather good, just been refurbed as well!


thanks for all the comments guys, i have to say i'm feeling rather positive about the whole thing now. just waiting to hear from the insurance company & i've told them i'm keeping the car whatever happens so hopefully things will be sorted very soon. then the search for the spares begins, there's a vw specialist breakers just down the road from me so fingers crossed i can get most bits from there & obviously i'll be keeping an eye out on here & flea bay!


i've already got everything in place for the repairs, once i get the go ahead then it'll be all systems go & she'll be good as she was before the crash! :D

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Oh no, my old car !!

I bought that car back in 1996ish for an awful lot of money, i had to sell it when i started my business in 1997 i was gutted !! The wheels are Momo M1's which really suit the rado, they where a rare wheel back in the day and virtually extinct now !! The car always stayed local and its a real shame to see it like that.

Drop me a PM


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Jimmi ...!!!!! your alive ! :lol:


I am mate, how you keepin? did your mate get that jetta VR sorted finished?


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had some great news this morning, whilst scouring fleabay for the spares to get the old girl fixed i came across a lad very local to me who had a few bits i need. gave him a ring & it turns out he's the lad i bought my very first corrado off many years ago!! anyhoo, told him what had happened & what i needed & it sounds like he's got everything i need to repair her!!! happy days!!!! :D

just got to wait for the insurance assessor to have a look at her then i can get cracking sorting her out!! :D

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well after 5 weeks of total hassle trying to get this all sorted my car has finally been looked at by the assessor & it's sounding very promising! one of the lads at the garage where it's been stored told him i wanted the car back regardless & something like a cat d or less would be a great result (depending how much they offer me or course) & the assessor said he couldn't see that being a problem! woo hoo! :clap: fingers crossed it doesn't take much longer now as i'm dying to get my arse back in it after having to endure a toyota aygo courtesy car!


have to say a massive thanks to the lads at autofix garage at shiremoor who stored my car & kept it safe & twice stopped it being taken away by a salvage company despite me telling the insurance company i'm keeping the car! anyone living in the area i cant recommend them enough, they've looked after my corrados for the last 5 years & they've never tried to take the pxxs & always offer a cracking service! even when i bought a dog of an mr2 they still bent over backwards to help me after i found out it had been bodged for its last mot. ( i know, don't know what i was thinking )

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Hey thats great news Garry by the sound of it, its funny though is'nt it how this smash has seemed to boost your enthusiasm for the old girl just when you were about to say goodbye to it, although i know you did'nt really want to get rid of it anyway.

Regards autofix, i think i might try them in the future seeing as though it is literally about 5 miles away if that & obviously they would'nt just stand there scratching their heads when i roll in with a VR after having looked after you for so long. :wink:

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Hey thats great news Garry by the sound of it, its funny though is'nt it how this smash has seemed to boost your enthusiasm for the old girl just when you were about to say goodbye to it, although i know you did'nt really want to get rid of it anyway.


i know,selling it seemed like the most practical thing to do & i hate being practical!!!!

i have got renewed enthusiasm now coz when i knew i was selling it i tried to detach myself from it coz it was proper gutting once i'd decide to sell (cant believe i'm so attached to a car)

another bit of good news, a friend has offered me the use of her drive till i get something sorted so it won't be at the mercy of my f-wit neighbours who love to park just that little bit too close! :D

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going to collect my car tonight & i'm so ridiculously excited!!!! car's been ready since tuesday but i've been away on a training course ( hows that for bad luck ) my girfriend is almost as excited as me, thinks she likes the purple beast more than she lets on!!! ( no puns regarding last statement please!! :D ) it's a weird feeling, haven't been in it for over two months & i've hardly even seen it so it feels like when i bought it in the first place!!!


anyhoo, i'll get some pics up in the next day or two & hopefully she's looking as good as she was before the crash!! :clap:


i think a long drive is in order tonight, the poor thing's been locked away for too long!

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