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Car noise- has this happened to anyone else?

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I'm driving to the next town this afternoon, and the drive there from Ashland is basically just a long country road. I'm driving and it's just me on the road, except for the cause I'm going fifteen miles an hour: The Amish.


Yes, there is an Amish man driving his horse and carriage in front of me. As soon as the road opens up to four lanes, I ease slowly around him, and apparently my car is too loud and scares the driver. I waved an apology as I saw him jump, and continued about my business.


I want to take this time to state that I have nothing against the Amish folk. :D


I stopped at a gas station about two miles down the road, and his horse must've been in hyperspeed and he pulled in with his horse and carriage as I'm getting ready to leave. He gets down and starts yelling at me, throwing things around such as "worthless," "delinquit," "juvenile," and "immature." He says a few others that I don't care to repeat right now. He then demands that I use my cell phone and call the closest police officer.


I'm pissed and I just want to get on my way, but I go ahead and do what he tells me. The police officer shows up and asks me to start my car so he can see just how loud it is. I start it and I can clearly see that the officer is annoyed that he's there. I rev it a little bit and he tells me to turn it off and step out. The amish man continues to yell at the officer telling him to arrest me and impound my car. The officer tells him to settle down and then looks to me, doesn't say anything about my car being too loud or anything, and tells me I have a nice looking and sounding car and that he wishes there were more good looking Corrados on the road as he used to have one ( 8) ). He then tells me I can leave and I do so, a bit more relaxed after having a nice chat with the officer about the car while the amish man sits there sulking in his anger.


But I ask how the hell my Corrado can a) be loud enough to scare the guy and b) does that warrant a call to the police?


has anyone else had this problem or something like it?

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has anyone else had this problem or something like it?


I think it's pretty safe to assume that no-one else on this forum has:


- had to go slowly down a road because of an Amish horse/cart

- annoyed an Amish person by driving past them

- had an argument with an Amish person

- been forced to call a police officer because of an Amish person

- found that the police officer was polite and reasonable about it all


Quite a lot of unusual things in one day! Did you take lunch at Milliways afterwards?

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So - the Amish guy tells you to use your mobile to call the cops and you actually do it? I would have laughed in his face, frankly. What a knob (the Amish guy, not you). Fair enough if you want to live an alternate lifestyle, go ahead, but it's fair to assume you'll get cars on roads in 2008.

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has anyone else had this problem or something like it?


I think it's pretty safe to assume that no-one else on this forum has:


- had to go slowly down a road because of an Amish horse/cart YUP

- annoyed an Amish person by driving past them YUP -at 60!

- had an argument with an Amish person Yup, about why he didn't have lights on his cart!

- been forced to call a police officer because of an Amish person Nope

- found that the police officer was polite and reasonable about it all YUP pulled for speeding on NYE (twice posted limit :oops: )told to have a nice evening


Quite a lot of unusual things in one day! Did you take lunch at Milliways afterwards?


Ah the joys of Nothern Ohio... Little tip for those who do go over to Mid-Ohio raceway in Lexinton... Beware men with big hats and beards, in carts with no lights!


Saying that over here I do try and slow down, clutch in and roll past on Idle for any horses over here... couple of my G/F's have been horsey and seen what damage a skitty horse can do to a car too!

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The equivalent of an Amish gentleman sitting on a cart steering his horse is known as a pikey round this way.


Well done for keeping relatively calm but if I'd have been in the same situation, I would've told Mr Pikey where to go. I can't say I'm a fan of horses in the slightest (or pikeys); there are plenty of off-road country routes and horse-tracks for horses and riders so if they are on the road, I'll be as quiet and polite as I can be (in a car that sounds like a WW2 bomber) and if the rider gets scared, tough sh*t, they shouldn't be on the roads in the first place (imo).

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I would have told him calmly that im not phoning the cops on my phone as you dont believe in using modern technology to assist you in your life. Nothing against the horse though.I love them and always slow down.

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I dont understand them not wanting to use modern technology to help in life. Surely the technology they do use would have been "modern" at some point. So shouldnt they go back to living in caves etc????


Correct me if im talking shoite.

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I demand they stop using the wheel! :D


Everyone should be allowed to live life however they want. The problem comes when people question how others live using there own values. You made noise, His horse poos all over the road causing potential hazards. If he starts questioning your way of life, he should expect the same in return.

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I would have told him calmly that im not phoning the cops on my phone as you dont believe in using modern technology to assist you in your life. Nothing against the horse though.I love them and always slow down.


Haha. A guy from my local club said "I would have told him that what I had wasn't a cell phone, but a small electronic demon box that was only good for sucking the souls from non-believers. Then I would have cracked his horse on the ass and watched his technologically non-advanced conveyance tear ass into the distance."


I called the cobs because I was already pissed, and knowing some people, he had my plates memorized and would've reported me for doing things such as speeding, reckless op, DUI, and basically anything else he can think of, which would've ended alot worse in my situation.


I don't think its safe to be driving a horse and carriage on open roads like that. In small towns where the speed limit is 25mph it's understandable, but not somewhere like that. I think our government should step in (first and ONLY time you'll ever hear me say that) and make some kind of regulations, but freedom of religion is in our constitution so they can't really do anything about it.


I know what can happen if you scare a horse, I've been on one when it's been scared. Which is why I tried to go around it as slowly as I could, and I also shifted into fifth at about 40mph, leaving my RPMs under 2000 so it basically sounded like it was idling.

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I demand they stop using the wheel! :D


Exactly. Point Mr Amish man in the direction of a dirt track running down the middle of a field and tell him to get off the tax payers modern tarmac road.


Everyone should be allowed to live life however they want.


Except maybe suicide bombers, terrorists and other fanaticals who use religion and 'alternative lifestyles' as an excuse to forcefully doctrine the world into their way of thinking.


Everyone thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong. As far as I'm concerned I have no time at all for any religion of any kind. All it does is spread hatred and death.

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Point Mr Amish man in the direction of a dirt track running down the middle of a field and tell him to get off the tax payers modern tarmac road.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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As far as I'm concerned I have no time at all for any religion of any kind. All it does is spread hatred and death.

I salute thee!

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Religion, another issue all together. I believe what I see with my own eyes or what can be proven though science and technology. But then people can live there lives how they please, Apart from terrorists and such, who seek to change my views to a religion which they made up.

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has anyone else had this problem or something like it?


I think it's pretty safe to assume that no-one else on this forum has:


- had to go slowly down a road because of an Amish horse/cart

- annoyed an Amish person by driving past them

- had an argument with an Amish person

- been forced to call a police officer because of an Amish person

- found that the police officer was polite and reasonable about it all


Quite a lot of unusual things in one day! Did you take lunch at Milliways afterwards?


Absoulte GOLD right there.

Had me in stitches!


Also.. what a story!

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I wouldnt have called the police either.


whats he doing in a petrol station anyway? i suppose buying lottery tickets and m&m`s is allowed now in the Amish community? bloody hypocrits these religeous/self riteous groups, always trying to inflict on others their twisted little ways and beliefs


I can NEVER keep a straight face when someone mentions Amish people as i just think of the film "King pin" if you have not seen it? do, its phooking ace :D

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Wasn't the national spokes person for the Amish commuinty busted a few years ago for using a computer and fax machine to send out press releases?


Sometimes I can "understand" not wanting to live a modern life... But only for 2-3 weeks on a beach somewhere...


Now Traverse explain the concept of "Dry Counties" to us!


That will REALLY blow our minds! :shock:

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I believe what I see with my own eyes or what can be proven though science and technology.


Careful there, you'll be accused of being a Scientologist and have weird notions of the world being created by Jabba the hut's cousin. Actually, I think Tom Cruise thinks the world was created by himself. He's a strange man.


Anyway, I'm the same. I only believe in tangible evidence. What's the word for people who aren't aetheists, but believe in the concept of 'something' that is a higher power we don't understand? I think a lot of people are that. Too afraid to admit they don't believe in god in case they're struck down by lightning, but not bothered about religion at the same time. If that makes sense? Humans just struggle with the concept of being alone, but all we are is a bunch of molecules with the ability to think. We're just the latest thing on the evolutionary conveyor belt.....

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What's the word for people who aren't aetheists, but believe in the concept of 'something' that is a higher power we don't understand?

I think the word you are looking for is "Agnostic/Agnosticism" :)

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I'd class myself as an agnostic too.


I think believing in life after death (if that isnt a contradiction in terms) could be seen as a way of dealing with the fact that you will eventually die. Wouldnt be so bad if you knew there was something after you pass on from this world. Lets face it it cant be any worse then Labours Britain can it!

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