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Why cars?

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Strange question probably. But I've been mulling it over of late. I've just started in the motor industry and my life revolves around cars even more than it did before. Much to my girlfriend's dismay. :lol: They are one of the very few things in my life I never get bored of. During the day I spend my time selling/trying to sell them to people and when I get home I plan my next project, go on car forums, and read piles of car magazines. It's difficult to put a finger on why they capture my imagination the way that they do.


I guess it has a lot to do with my respect for the engineering that goes into them. When you start to look at how they work they are just staggering. The simplicity of it astounds as much as the complexity. Then there is the way some of them look. I saw a murcielago parked up the other week and I suddenly realised I was just staring at it, my jaw on the ground. The passion and attention to detail in something like that matches anything you care to mention hanging up in any art gallery anywhere. Then there are cars like the Rado. My G60 had so much soul and character it was the most compelling object I have ever owned. And I guess finally it would be the freedom they represent. There's nothing quite like a road trip in the summer to a car show, or anywhere else for that matter.


Actually no, the last thing is the people I have met through cars. One of the mechanics I work with is going to look at my girlfriend's Celica for us on his lunch break. How nice is that? And all the people that have taken the time to wave out of their Rado or have a chat at a show have been brilliant. :D

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im the same,im a mechanic in a dealership and there are a few about and no one besides one other mechanic loves cars! well fords! :lol: cant be perfect...!


I just cant get enough of them! but thats a good thing ....right?

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I've been around cars and machinery for most of my life. I've learned my father who learned from his father, and while none of us have them as a chosen profession we all enjoy working on them. I just love the pride I get from making a car better than it was.

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It's a cave man thing.


After shelter, water, food, reproduction (probably accidental but hey it's a by-product of sex), then after love comes cars or if you're a bit gay "watching/being one of 22 men pissing around on a field with a ball" and then cars.

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Spent 5 years trying to work out what to do at uni, and now i'm here I'm loving it! :D


Your'e lucky you chose Motorsport Eng, I did Mechanical Engineering and now I work in the petrochemical industry :(! zZzZzZzzzz...

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I didn't really give a toss about cars until I passed my test at 28, then I became obsessed with them! I now know a pretty amazing amount of useless info, that I've just collected from being interested in the subject.

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It's because all men are autistic. Talking/thinking about cars sure beats communicating with *people*, right? ;)


Seriously. If it wasn't cars it would be hifi, or computers, or fishing, or DIY. Anything to distract your mind from having to talk to those other carbon based life forms.

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