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Uprated Loom Voltage gain?

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Just bought an uprated loom off ebay


Link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140232253769&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=004


However, not 100% sure of the improvement - looks a little brighter, but i really should have taken before and after pics! Anyway my voltage on the loom went from around 11.89v to 12.25 both sides. Is this normal for everyone else? Or have i bought a crappy loom? Im pretty sure its wired correctly.



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Mine went up from about 9 ish volts, I noticed a night and day difference in light output. I just made mine up myself with a couple of relays,some new wire and Halfords 30% brighter bulbs. Did you measure your voltages with the bulbs in circuit?

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Yep, the voltage drop is made worse when the bulbs are there: cos the current will heat the wires up and increase their resistance.

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tested beforehand without the headlight unit connected. Put the negative multimeter terminal on the battery earth and the +ve on the loom terminal. Maybe new bulbs could help. Is 12.24v a healthy reading in that case?

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Anything just over 12V is fine - thats what bulbs are designed for and will produce the best light at this voltage (ie white rather than yellow)


Halfords Super Brilliance are well worth a try (as are any new bulbs if yours are more than 3 years old) and also check the lenses are not pitted and the reflectors in good condition.

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It's not just about voltage, but also current carrying capacity, which is ultimately what bulbs draw a lot of.


The stock weedy loom couldn't carry much current, so the light output was shoddy to say the least.


12.24V with the engine off is respectable. Should rise to ~ 14V with the engine running.

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great! cheers for the reassurance. Tried cleaning the interior of the headlight (the shiny parts), but scrubbed too much as yellow started showing from underneath? woops! Wonder what I could use to give it a restoration :scratch:

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Ouch!.....There's not really a whole lot you can do to repair them I'm afraid. :shock:


I failed an mot on the yellow backing showing through the reflectors a few years back. We found a few places that can "re-chrome" plastic, but it worked out to be cheaper just to buy a new reflector. :gag:

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Hey Dec 8)


The good thing is i tried it on my MOT failed headlight, bad thing is that I was going to buy the replacement housing from some site you had mentioned on another post. Do you know VW would sell the reflector and at a moderate price? My guess: No and No :( Obsolete maybe?

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It won't be perfect, but better than bare plastic...


Shiny! 8) This sounds like a cheaper alternative, will have to buy a test can ;) Cheers

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