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F**d Pumas

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I drove my Mrs's 1.4 Puma again last nite when the VR6 cut out.

Proper love driving it, its just so much fun.

Ok it struggled up the hill as I pulled on the M65 but can just fling it into a roundabout and you know its going to go round it.

You will love the FRP, never driven one but if I won lotto there would deffo be one in my garage.

Get pics up when you get it!!!!

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(Copied and pasted from another forum I just wrote this on)


Today was meant to be a good day, a day when I bought my new car and boy, I was waiting all week for this.


But oh no.


Let's go back to last Sunday. I went to look at a Ford Racing Puma. £30 to get there via a mate. Saw the car, and it was utterly perfect. Low miles, FSH, 12 months MOT, private plate and at a decent price too. Took me for a spin and all was ok. Afterwards;


Me: "Yeah, I really want it now, I can get you the money on Thursday and come up then, will phone you on Wednesday to sort a time"

Him: "Ok sure"

Me: "I can give you a deposit now.."

Him: "Nah, don't worry mate, I'm in no rush to sell anyway, just phone me on Wednesday and we'll sort out a time""

Me: "Great, ok"


We shook hands and off I went, happy as a bee.


Come Wednesday, I phoned him and there was no answer. So I left an answer phone message as I knew he said he usually goes out on a Wednesday night. So today there was no reply from him, and I phoned him again at 12:30am, no answer. Then about 15 minutes later my phone called and I didn't know the number calling;


Me: "Hello?"

Him: "Hi mate, it's xxxxx here."

Me: "hi:"

Him: "Just phoned to say unfortunately I sold the puma"

Me: "Oh, alright.."

Him: "Yeah sorry mate, a lad came on Monday and gave me the cash, as I needed the money badly"

Me: "Oh right"

Him: "If I'd taken the deposit from you I'd have kept it for you"

Me: "Well, I offered you a deposit the day I came and saw it"

Him "Yeah, I know, sorry mate"

Me: "Bye"


Fucking prat. Really, ultimately fucked me off that.


So, he sold it on Monday and left it 3 whole days before bothering to tell me, my dad took a day off today aswell so he could take me there as soon as I finished work. What a fucking waste that was. The fact that he said if he'd taken a deposit he'd have kept it for me, when I'd offered him one anyway, how useful was that info. Finally, how can someone go through "Not really in a rush to sell" to "Needed the money desperately" in the space of 24 hours?


Fucking THANKS.


I can't find any Ford Racing Pumas of that standard at the moment now, and I need one asap, well there is one, but it's £800 over budget.


My dad was gutted aswell, but he told me to take it as experience.

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Hope you carry on enjoying.


I found the ride very hard but the seats, brakes and exhaust pop absolutely awesome

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Skinny - nah, keeping it completely standard, it's already a bloody good car and I'mma keep it that way!

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keeping it completely standard, it's already a bloody good car and I'mma keep it that way!


LOL, that old chestnut eh? I give it 6 months tops before you've got an ecotec valve and a lowering kit on it :camp:


It looks like a minter anyway dude, and I bet it's a fair bit nippier than your old valver, enjoy 8)


EDIT - Got any pics of the interior

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Apart from an engine conversion there is actually very little you can do to improve(!!) a standard FRP - they are pretty hardcore in terms of overall driving experience. Whilst I sometimes got frustrated with the lack of outright power it did give me plenty of opportunity to enjoy exploring the (very high) limits of its handling capabilities. I did drive Pumabuilds FRP with Focus RS engine conversion and whilst it was massivley quick it spoilt the overall balance of the car.


Keep it standard (apart from maybe a set of the Richard Parry Jones dampers - if you can find a set as only five sets were released), keep on top of the stonechips and enjoy it

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keeping it completely standard, it's already a bloody good car and I'mma keep it that way!


LOL, that old chestnut eh? I give it 6 months tops before you've got an ecotec valve and a lowering kit on it :camp:


It looks like a minter anyway dude, and I bet it's a fair bit nippier than your old valver, enjoy 8)


EDIT - Got any pics of the interior


Lol, don't tempt me. I just love it as it is anyway!


Feels so more sorted than the 16v in every way, I love the gearchanges too, really sharp and quick. Just everything about it, I can't get over just how chuckable it is and yet it doesn't feel like it's going to give in.


Not took any of the interior as I'm a crap at taking pics really, it's the same as this though :)



Mmm, suede 8)


Andy> too right !


Though the downside is when people say "You drive a puma then?"...:lol: And I sound a right chav if i reply "no it's a racing one" :lol: And the Puma forums aint as good as this one either! :?

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Well done that man! Looks a treat. What number is it? The early ones came with LSD.



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Any one of the 500 could be ordered with an LSD, seem to remember about 50 were so equipped, TBH it didn't make that much difference although its a nice to have

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I like to think it's a bit more special, it's number 123 :D Not got LSD on it, only 80 customers wanted them. And AC is pretty good, I never saw the point of it at first, but when you want cool air, and to be able to listen to music on a hot day, it's a god idea to use it rather than open the windows!

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