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<insert car here> Vs Corrado VR6

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i hate it when poeple refer to my VR as old and ****. One lass even said 'whats this sqauare old thing' i told her to walk if she didnt like it. But was is it with people today, unless its brand spanking new and EVERYONE has one, they dont like it. Ok the ST maybe fast, but ive seen more of them on the road then i have Corrados and the Corrado has a 15 year head start. I hate all this band wagon business, everyone seems to like the same things cars, ipods, music.


Its good to be different! Dont care if its not that fastest on the road, as Dr_matt said, you dont bump into alot of them.


Sorry rant over. :lol:


:notworthy: 100% with you mate! It boils my blood when people say its sh!t just because its old and when i ask what they do like, its all the same mass produced crap that are all the same but with different badges basically! But at the same time i still get a lot of compliments because it is different and people also realise its a one of design by vw intended as a sports coupe rather than just a golf with slightly wider arches, without mentioning any new vw sports coupes coming out soon :wink: (*waits for pedantic replies saying how i am wrong and the corrado is based on a golf etc :lol:)


Lately i have been having a corrado downer (just ask Kev, he's been on the end of my depressed emails :lol: sorry mate!!) as i have recently moved house and the roads are terrible, really bumpy with pot holes everywhere :bad-words: and its really made me think about selling up and getting a modern car that absorbs bumps and doesnt yank the steering out of your hand over every pot hole. But then i look around at these modern cars and yeah they drive nicely and wouldnt feel as bumpy but they are all dull and lifeless (with a few exceptions obviously but not within my price range!). But i know that with a bit of time and money i can get it driving as good as possible and then whack a turbo on it and wipe the floor with all the above mentioned cars :clap:

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I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the VR6's straight-line performance as 'outdated' either. Remember that even a standard one was 5.7 secs 30-70 mph in-gear, which was Escort Cosworth fast at the time. Have a look at the 30-70 in-gear times for some of the 'modern' cars listed, I think people will be surprised.

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i hate it when poeple refer to my VR as old and ****. One lass even said 'whats this sqauare old thing' i told her to walk if she didnt like it. But was is it with people today, unless its brand spanking new and EVERYONE has one, they dont like it. Ok the ST maybe fast, but ive seen more of them on the road then i have Corrados and the Corrado has a 15 year head start. I hate all this band wagon business, everyone seems to like the same things cars, ipods, music.


Its good to be different! Dont care if its not that fastest on the road, as Dr_matt said, you dont bump into alot of them.


Sorry rant over. :lol:


:notworthy: 100% with you mate! It boils my blood when people say its sh!t just because its old and when i ask what they do like, its all the same mass produced crap that are all the same but with different badges basically! But at the same time i still get a lot of compliments because it is different and people also realise its a one of design by vw intended as a sports coupe rather than just a golf with slightly wider arches, without mentioning any new vw sports coupes coming out soon :wink: (*waits for pedantic replies saying how i am wrong and the corrado is based on a golf etc :lol:)


Lately i have been having a corrado downer (just ask Kev, he's been on the end of my depressed emails :lol: sorry mate!!) as i have recently moved house and the roads are terrible, really bumpy with pot holes everywhere :bad-words: and its really made me think about selling up and getting a modern car that absorbs bumps and doesnt yank the steering out of your hand over every pot hole. But then i look around at these modern cars and yeah they drive nicely and wouldnt feel as bumpy but they are all dull and lifeless (with a few exceptions obviously but not within my price range!). But i know that with a bit of time and money i can get it driving as good as possible and then whack a turbo on it and wipe the floor with all the above mentioned cars :clap:


2 of a kind i think mate, because i couldnt agree more with your response either. There are some modern cars i do like , but i feel the designers are making all their cars look boring/samey. Its like no one wants to be more extravogant with their designs, why not? Lets have something different. Completely the opposite way VW have gone with their MKVI.

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I tend to take it as a major plus when people say they don't like the Corrado. If everyone liked the same things it'd be a dull old world in any case and when it comes to the 'rado, if everyone liked it, it wouldn't be special. What I love about it is that to an awful lot of people it draws either a blank or curious look but to those who know and respect the car, it draws chufties, respect and genuine affection. I've lost track of the number of random strangers who've engaged me in talk about it at petrol pumps, as I've been getting out etc.


I've always viewed the Corrado as being a litmus test of personality. If people "get" it and like it, they and I will get along just fine. If they dismiss it out of hand, they're fit only to be gassed like badgers and I would no more enter a conversation with them about its merits than I would enter an arse kicking contest with a one legged man; there's no mileage in it. Pun intended.


Put it this way: the last missus (who even at the time had my friends, family and me (on the inside) wondering what I was doing with her!) at best tolerated it. She didn't get it and expressed during the long overdue and very necessary break up that she was glad to see the back of it. The current missus (who happens to be the best girl in the world and whom I will marry like a shot when the time comes) adores the 'rado, despite never having come across one before and has huge affection for it. The other day she remarked how she couldn't imagine me driving anything else, that the car and I were perfectly in tune. Moments like that, the marriage thing seems an even better idea! 'Nuff said!

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I've always viewed the Corrado as being a litmus test of personality. If people "get" it and like it, they and I will get along just fine. If they dismiss it out of hand, they're fit only to be gassed like badgers and I would no more enter a conversation with them about its merits than I would enter an arse kicking contest with a one legged man; there's no mileage in it. Pun intended.


:lol: i am exactly the same. If someone wants to slate it then i have nothing to say to them because 99.99% of the time they have never drove one or even seen one before to make bad comments on it. However if they just dont like it but respect that i do then thats fine, each to their own and all that just like i respect if someone likes their 1.2 corsa with a 5" exhaust on :lol: For example the other day was chatting to a bird and she was pretty cool at first because she likes cars and motorbikes and even more rare is she likes the classics, but if i didnt like the car's she liked she would slate me and when i said that i am mainly in to corrados and mk1 golfs she said she didnt like them which was fine but then she started slating them, well that was the end of that conversation, see ya :wave:

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I've always viewed the Corrado as being a litmus test of personality. If people "get" it and like it, they and I will get along just fine. If they dismiss it out of hand, they're fit only to be gassed like badgers and I would no more enter a conversation with them about its merits than I would enter an arse kicking contest with a one legged man; there's no mileage in it. Pun intended.


:lol: i am exactly the same. If someone wants to slate it then i have nothing to say to them because 99.99% of the time they have never drove one or even seen one before to make bad comments on it. However if they just dont like it but respect that i do then thats fine, each to their own and all that just like i respect if someone likes their 1.2 corsa with a 5" exhaust on :lol: For example the other day was chatting to a bird and she was pretty cool at first because she likes cars and motorbikes and even more rare is she likes the classics, but if i didnt like the car's she liked she would slate me and when i said that i am mainly in to corrados and mk1 golfs she said she didnt like them which was fine but then she started slating them, well that was the end of that conversation, see ya :wave:


Cough... 1.2 corsa.... cough.


I dont know how anyone can say they love cars if they drive a Corsa, OR slate anyone elses when they drive a corsa. Let me guess she's got a black one, with aftermarket 5 spoke alloys, chrome filler cap, blacked out windows and a 'little princess on board' sign hanging from the back window? :lol:


Yeah i agree not everyone will like the Corrado and its not a bad thing that not everyone will like it. But to slag it off when they have no idea what it is, isnt on.


Do what i did when a lass said my car was square, other then me tell her she should walk if she doesnt like it. I then asked what she drove - 99 black Astra. I really did laugh hard and told her she had some nerve. She then followed that with 'well, it isnt mine anymore i let my ex have it when we split up', need i say more when she doesnt even have a car. :lol:

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i havnt read all the replys to this but

if your worried about being slower why dont you strap a good turbo or supercharger and make it run 400+ bhp. then youve got a gud looking car with style and power that will leave the cars youve stated standing, might cost abit but it will still b cheaper than a new rocco, plus even standard which of them sounds half as good as a vr6!

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I'm lucky.. I have a girlfriend who not only loves to drive mine ( I let her cos she normally has to drive a Tdi :sleeping: ) but totally understands those frequent moments when something else goes tits up with the thing, sending my ability to articulate properly right out the window cos she knows that when I get it fixed (again) having spent the time looking for alternatives,get in it and drive it I'll walk back through the door with a bloody great big smile on me face.


Its nice kicking those trumped up hoody dudes in their Gti's into touch on the dual carriage way into town tho..

They sit at the lights with exhaust pipes that are quicker than their cars and look horrified as you nod knowingly at them through the passenger window (Corrados should never be on the inside lane) floor it and then p#ss off into the distance leaving them wondering where the f@@k you've gone lol.

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i havnt read all the replys to this but

if your worried about being slower why dont you strap a good turbo or supercharger and make it run 400+ bhp. then youve got a gud looking car with style and power that will leave the cars youve stated standing, might cost abit but it will still b cheaper than a new rocco, plus even standard which of them sounds half as good as a vr6!


I was waiting for someone to say it, but it is a fair point. Sort the bushes and the suspension parts, fit supercharger, remap and some 288 brakes and all of a sudden you've got a 300bhp engine in one of the best fwd chassis' ever built. All this, including buying a good VR6 to start with, will cost about £9K (less if you're doing the work yourself) and you've got one incredible car, get to Mr Cheesewires stage and who ever you're racing will need something with serious power to keep up let alone smoke you.


Stick with the VR6, don't become a sheep! :nono:

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Hmm. Best to keep a little perspective here.. No matter what you do to the suspension and engine on your Corrado, it's still a 15-20 year old chassis design. It's still going to ride poorly and flex like a russian gymnast round the bends..

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Stick with the VR6, don't become a sheep! :nono:


New Forum quote. :D[/quote:sznlxce5]


Buy a 16v, don't become a sheep, more like....


Hmm. Best to keep a little perspective here.. No matter what you do to the suspension and engine on your Corrado, it's still a 15-20 year old chassis design. It's still going to ride poorly and flex like a russian gymnast round the bends..


Indeed! And most of them have 100k + on them which helps soften them up even more.

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Hmm. Best to keep a little perspective here.. No matter what you do to the suspension and engine on your Corrado, it's still a 15-20 year old chassis design. It's still going to ride poorly and flex like a russian gymnast round the bends..


A few ARB's, strut braces and seam welded subframe will soon sort that out. You obviously havent been in Kevs car, i cant see just any modern car with a bit of poke beating that, would need to be M3/RS4/Porsche territory imo!

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Hmm. Best to keep a little perspective here.. No matter what you do to the suspension and engine on your Corrado, it's still a 15-20 year old chassis design. It's still going to ride poorly and flex like a russian gymnast round the bends..


A few ARB's, strut braces and seam welded subframe will soon sort that out. You obviously havent been in Kevs car, i cant see just any modern car with a bit of poke beating that, would need to be M3/RS4/Porsche territory imo!


Independant rear suspension is in a completely different ball park to solid rear axles no matter what springy bits you attach to them, I'm afraid.


That's not a slight on Kevs car, just physics...

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Are you trying to suggest that Kev can't defy the laws of physics? :|




Am I about to get banned???



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Are you trying to suggest that Kev can't defy the laws of physics? :|


Maybe we should start a thread 'Kev vs Physics' :wink:

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Yeah im not saying that independant isn't worlds better as i am sure it is, but i cant see how round a track a car like kevs which is fairly sorted is going to be left behind (same driver) than one of these modern cars that have got independant. I went to watch some club racing at Donington park 2 weekends ago and in one of the events there were the likes of ITR's 350Z's etc going round and at the end of the race 3rd place was a Vento VR6 without charger/turbos etc just lightened and suspension mods etc. It certainly wasnt any slower on the bends :wink:

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i hate it when poeple refer to my VR as old and ****. One lass even said 'whats this sqauare old thing' i told her to walk if she didnt like it. But was is it with people today, unless its brand spanking new and EVERYONE has one, they dont like it. Ok the ST maybe fast, but ive seen more of them on the road then i have Corrados and the Corrado has a 15 year head start. I hate all this band wagon business, everyone seems to like the same things cars, ipods, music.


Its good to be different! Dont care if its not that fastest on the road, as Dr_matt said, you dont bump into alot of them.


Sorry rant over. :lol:


:notworthy: 100% with you mate! It boils my blood when people say its sh!t just because its old and when i ask what they do like, its all the same mass produced crap that are all the same but with different badges basically! But at the same time i still get a lot of compliments because it is different and people also realise its a one of design by vw intended as a sports coupe rather than just a golf with slightly wider arches, without mentioning any new vw sports coupes coming out soon :wink: (*waits for pedantic replies saying how i am wrong and the corrado is based on a golf etc :lol:)


Lately i have been having a corrado downer (just ask Kev, he's been on the end of my depressed emails :lol: sorry mate!!) as i have recently moved house and the roads are terrible, really bumpy with pot holes everywhere :bad-words: and its really made me think about selling up and getting a modern car that absorbs bumps and doesnt yank the steering out of your hand over every pot hole. But then i look around at these modern cars and yeah they drive nicely and wouldnt feel as bumpy but they are all dull and lifeless (with a few exceptions obviously but not within my price range!). But i know that with a bit of time and money i can get it driving as good as possible and then whack a turbo on it and wipe the floor with all the above mentioned cars :clap:


Alright Rob, I was wondering if you have fitted the track rod end sleeves and lower ball joint extenders to your car? you'd be surprised how much bump steer they can eliminate on dropped rides, and can restore the suspension geometry quite effectively :salute:


harshness of pot holes may still happen though :salute:

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Alright Rob, I was wondering if you have fitted the track rod end sleeves and lower ball joint extenders to your car? you'd be surprised how much bump steer they can eliminate on dropped rides, and can restore the suspension geometry quite effectively :salute:


harshness of pot holes may still happen though :salute:


Link? Price? :lol: nah i havent, didnt know they were avilable tbh, could be the answer though :D

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Alright Rob, I was wondering if you have fitted the track rod end sleeves and lower ball joint extenders to your car? you'd be surprised how much bump steer they can eliminate on dropped rides, and can restore the suspension geometry quite effectively :salute:


harshness of pot holes may still happen though :salute:


Link? Price? :lol: nah i havent, didnt know they were avilable tbh, could be the answer though :D


Did you read the thread that Dr_matt created? It stated that after he had changed everything to sort the dodgy steering out, it turned out to be the front wheel bearings. Changed them?

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I Love my C, and no matter what other cars i drive i still love it. I don't care if its slow it just means people can appreciate it for longer. Speed isn't everything. My mate at work used to have an old Mk5 cortina estate with a cossie engine in pushing out over 350hp not including the wizzards of nos kit he had fitted and that would beat a hell of a lot of cars off the line but dam it was ugly. Most new cars are fast but any car can be made to go faster. Me I'd rather have a good looking woman than a ugly old heffer who could bang your brains out!

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Did you read the thread that Dr_matt created? It stated that after he had changed everything to sort the dodgy steering out, it turned out to be the front wheel bearings. Changed them?


Yes mate i saw that thread and i have had all wheel bearings replaced with genuine VAG bearings.

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Well ive just come back from a long weekend at the 'Ring where the old girl coped admirably against alot newer stuff.

Did 9.20 BTG and short shifting at 5500rpm due to increasing oil temps - got her upto 148'C at one point!! :shock: (just didnt get the time to fit a Mocal before going) luckily id already stuck some 10w/60 race synthetic in to cope.

The only real let down for me was the low down grunt out of some of the slower corners ie exiting out of the Karousel, bogged a bit on 3rd but too high for 2nd - this is where the modern day turbo'd stuff just pulled lengths on me and i had to reel them in again.

She really did well and i was very impressed at how well she performed.

Only real things to go past me were race prep'd BMW's & Golfs,GT3's,RS4's and the odd Evo/Scooby etc.

2 hours from the Ring Monkey, what you waiting for? (after the oil cooler of course!)



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