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3 month detail!

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Oh my lawd :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


WTF are these guys on? :lol: :lol:


Surly there's bigger things to worry about than the amount of microatoms in your paintwork :cuckoo:


This pic had me really giggling, these guys need to get themselves a woman in their lives :wave:




:lol: :lol:

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saw that a few days ago, i asked a question and it got deleted, so i asked again :lol:


i don't see how you can apply 51 layers of wax??


the guy really loves his astra :lol:

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Surly there's bigger things to worry about than the amount of microatoms in your paintwork :cuckoo:



thats what also get me, guy buys a sub £20k vauxhall and expects it to be a flawless piece of art :lol:

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It really does amaze me seeing these incredibly over the top threads of such detailed descriptions and such a huge amount of pics, of such a boring subject - surly even watching paint drying is more interesting that looking at pics of it already dry :lol: Its hard to work out which bit is funnier - the way the threads are written, the pics of people taking pics of paintwork/the amount of pics, or the sheer anal retentiveness of the subject matter :lol:


The questions and bum licking on there as well, it's hard to believe that the whole forum isn't an elaborate tongue in cheek joke tbh


Once inside i asked the salesman if i could have half hour on my own with the new car so i could fully inspect it...



Once the salesman had left i inspected the car then got my Paint aDepth Guage out and measured the paintwork on all panels to ensure that no accidental damage had been done and that no panels had been blowed over as i would have rejected the car instantly , i cant have that....The car was in good condition although i did spot a couple of blemishes and a bit of a sticker on the window which i queried but i knew it would come off so i left it..


GET A GIRLFRIEND!!! :lol: :lol:

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I thought it was ridiculous. Evian FFS! The guy is so anal it's untrue. And he has friends!!

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I'm all for having a clean car and admit to spending some time keeping it clean but even I find this level of detailing mildly ridiculous. Fine if you're going to encase it in glass and bever drive it but if its being used on the road its insane.


If I were a car salesman he would be my nightmare customer "I have a complaint to make about the size of a piece of grit that I have discovered is lodged in the tread of my offside rear tyre - I find it unacceptable that your PDI did not pick this up and I wish to reject the car and make a complaint to the head of Vauxhall"

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He got the hubs resprayed due to a brown spot. Surely it's only visible with the wheels off?


The bloke is clearly a mental. I wonder how much it cost him to adjust it and polish it?


The bloke who custom made the chrome boxes under the bonnet must have had a mare!

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the guy that did the CNC fabbing and the metal airbox and such looks he knows his siht.


51 coats of wax... my most retentive day was 8, and I ached and said likely never again.

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it is a personal goal for me over 3 weeks to apply 51 layers 3 layers per day with the zfx kit..

Well, I suppose everyone needs a goal in life...

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The 1st man with the camera appears to be leaning on the car. I couldn't have that, Id have to get it resprayed :gag:

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God help the first pigeion that decides to dive bomb the car, poor Marc will keel over with heart failure :D

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Is this the same sad git that did exactly the same thing with a VXR Astra a few months ago? Or do all anal-retentive detailers have the same silly blonde haircut?

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its the same guy, he spent all that time doing the blue one to then get rid of it. find the topic about where he had is ice done. he was immensly upset that there were 2 paint splodges underneath the carpet in the car that were put there when the car was being assembled, so much so he asked the bloke who was doing the install to leave that piece of carpet out and give him chance to get it resprayed, you cant even see it!!

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its the same guy, he spent all that time doing the blue one to then get rid of it. find the topic about where he had is ice done. he was immensly upset that there were 2 paint splodges underneath the carpet in the car that were put there when the car was being assembled, so much so he asked the bloke who was doing the install to leave that piece of carpet out and give him chance to get it resprayed, you cant even see it!!


Wow. That's a whole different league of sad.


I suspect the blue one got rained on or something devastating like that, so he simply had to sell it.

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its the same guy, he spent all that time doing the blue one to then get rid of it. find the topic about where he had is ice done. he was immensly upset that there were 2 paint splodges underneath the carpet in the car that were put there when the car was being assembled, so much so he asked the bloke who was doing the install to leave that piece of carpet out and give him chance to get it resprayed, you cant even see it!!


Wow. That's a whole different league of sad.


I suspect the blue one got rained on or something devastating like that, so he simply had to sell it.



Pmsl @ Dom :lol:

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I want to see what the reast of his house is like!


Reckons he Zaino's his bog as well? :lol:


He washes his wheels 4-5 times a week! :camp:


If I ever see this out (unlikely) I may well be laughing so hard I crash into it! :pale:

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He washes his wheels 4-5 times a week! :camp:


I don't even wash myself 4 or 5 times a week!

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i could understand if was a £200.000 super car but a bloody vauxhall astray :D

what made me laugh is having the car remaped and getting nearly 300 horses out of it and then adding 2 tonne of sound proofing (well worth it :confused4:)

what the f*_k was the zorst pipe change all about saying it looked like an xr3i how many xr31's had a center exiting oval pipes :clap: and then not happy it was not centered correctly and got his tape measure out and made the fella fitting it sort it b4 he lobed all his toys out of his pram think you could go on for ages about him really

one of the pics of the engine bay looked like he mounted his mates pot of wax on it seriously who buys £10.000 worth of wax for a £20.000 motor the guy obviously has too much cash floating about (personally i would have brought a £30,000 motor) not a bloody vauxhall though.

i would say the guy clearly has not had sex for at least most of his adult life unless the reason for changing the zorst was due to a sticky accident one evening

god help his girlfriend (if he has one)

i like to clean my car,s as much as the next man and have quite a bit of gear to do so with but please somebody hang me if i ever got that anal about it

hmm i think i might try and get 1002 coats of zaino on my vr6 over the next 3 years and then top it off with a coat of turtle wax just to see if it looks good!!!!!!!!

a new personal goal for me then

anybody else have any interesting personal goals like your 3 month detail man ??

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