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lights left on... buzzer???

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I noticed that in the Corrado, if i leave my lights on and open the door there is no buzzer... I heard this is someting that can be bought and added very cheaply..


where would i start looking though..


I've left my lights on a few time already now and i dont want to come back to a flat battery



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most car accessory shops should sell them, i got one a few years back for the golf, only cost a couple of quid.


if you cant find one anywhere get in touch and ill pop one in the post.

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Apparently, you can get them from Maplin, but they look like self assembly kits, and im not any good at making electircal cicuit boards, and soldering resistors and diodes etc. However, i've also heard that you can get them from car accessory shops. Gonna look into it myself in January, and will keep you posted Jedi.

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the one i bought was a buzzer you connected into the interior light circut and the light switch, when you opened the door the buzzer would use the interior lights earth so if the light were on it would buzz if not it would stay quiet.


but yes maplins should sell them, i got mine from motoring world ( dont know if you have them down south) but as i said if your having probs ill look and see what i can get for you from this end of the country



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How straight forward was it to fit Big mac? Do you have to do much taking apart of switches and bits on the dashboard etc? (i hate the idea of trying bust something that was working perfectly, whilst trying to do make life easier> sods law and all that)

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Apparently, you can get them from Maplin, but they look like self assembly kits, and im not any good at making electircal cicuit boards, and soldering resistors and diodes etc. However, i've also heard that you can get them from car accessory shops. Gonna look into it myself in January, and will keep you posted Jedi.


I've built up that exact kit but as yet haven't fitted it to the car. It needs a feed from the door switch, the headlight switch and an earth and +12V IIRC. This particular kit also does other spangly stuff but a simple buzzer, at the end of the day, is all that's required.



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I fitted a simple buzzer to the headlights/doorswitch circuit but my alarm does not like it as it also uses the door switch. This resulted in the alarm going off as soon as I set it!! - So I have had to diconect it. I believe you can overcome this by fitting various diodes and relays but I havn't got round to doing so. Therfore if anyone does know of a kit that incorporates all the required gubbins please let me know!

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I bought a little 90p buzzer from Maplins (the smallest I could find) and wired it up as per instructions above.

Works a treat !


It's so simple to do and only took me 10 min max.


Only thing I did differently is instead of cutting the headlight red wire,

I just sliced the insulation and wrapped my new length of wire around it into the incision.

I did the same for the end of the door-light switch where I just wrapped the new length of wire around the clip at the end.

Obviously used insulation tape ... :oops:

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Not a 'buzzer', they sound crap....................why not go with a 'beeper', it's alot more up-to-date.


I know what I'd sooner hear 8)

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Eug - did you have any trouble with conflict with your car alarm door sensor ?

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Eug - did you have any trouble with conflict with your car alarm door sensor ?


Not at all mate.

Think you've connected to the wrong wire of the door-switch and shorted it.

So your alarm thinks the doors open now.

Does your interior light stay on when you close the door ? One way to check.


Nick_Micouris The beeper does sound like a more up to date version and I'm sure Maplins sells one too.

I'll let you know my findings and opst here, and if you could do the same.

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