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Fat Tony

BP ultimate

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Since I bought my C around 4 months ago iv swore by Shell Optimax.


Waited till me tank was almost empty :oops: then filled with BP Ultimate...... definitely a difference. U can tell where the extra 3p a litre goes. Its good S**T!!!!



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Gotta agree..


I've tried 95, 97, Optimax and all make no difference on how the car feels.

They all give the same power on my Golf too...no advantage at all on Optimax.


Tried the Ultimate stuff...feels more lively for sure.

I even went back to 95 and then optimax before re-filling with Ultimate...the car feels nicer to drive.


It makes no more power though...I proved that at the RR day at Star.

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I wouldn't be too worried about comparing us to the US.. from what I understand, the fuel they have there is pretty poor compared to what we have. I think their premium stuff is 94RON, and their basic Unleaded stuff is like 89RON or something?


As for the BP Ultimate - well I am using Optimax on my Saxo at the minute, will try out Ultimate at some point and see if it seems any better.


Even though the crappy 1.6 on my car isn't exactly a 'performance' engine, it does make the car feel much smoother on a higher RON petrol - so maybe Ultimate will feel even better!


And for those that didn't know, BP are doing an Ultimate Diesel fuel soon as well.. saw it advertised on boards down here with a 'More Poke, Less Smoke' slogan which I thought was rather funny :D

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FYI we had the big US vs UK RON number discussion a while back and found that actually US fuel is possibly very slightly *better* than UK fuel. Their RON measures something slightly different.


You could probably get away with selling "98 RON" fuel in the UK that is awful compared to a "89 RON" fuel in the US, but I doubt such large differences are often encountered.


It's the way it's calculated - the US measures two separate properties of the fuel and averages the two figures, in the UK we just take one of the two figures and ignore the other one.


For once, the US does it better ... ;)

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dr matt,


funny how my corrado hated the us fuel then even using the highest 91 ron available and not from a sht*y garage?


as for CA being wierd i do agree to some extent but i have lived in the New England area as well and the fuel was exactly the same there with the RON levels appart from there were a few places that did Premium Plus which was 94 RON.


interesting about the different ways of measuring the octane tho!

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Maybe you were just unlucky Alex..

Like I say, it's *possible* for a US 91 RON to be better fuel than a UK 98 RON, but it's also possible it's the other way around.

You should move to Japan and run the thing on 102 RON, it should be happy with that!! ;)

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dr matt,


funny you say that about japan cos thats where my car had been imported from when i bought it in Dubai in the middle east!!


i was running it on 99 RON in Dubai for the 18 months i had it there so it may have been cos it had a rapid octane level decrease from moving from the mid east to CA! :?


it probably had issues due to over indulgence seeing as its now approaching its teenaged years!! :lol: :lol:


the petrol in dubai only cost me 8 quid to fill the tank up as well!!!! :D

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the petrol in dubai only cost me 8 quid to fill the tank up as well!!!!



:shock: group buy on the cards here...lol


im up for a couple of hundred litres

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the petrol in dubai only cost me 8 quid to fill the tank up as well!!!!



:shock: group buy on the cards here...lol


im up for a couple of hundred litres


I'll have a tanker full.. :lol:

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I have always used Optimax but James goes on about it a lot! so maybe there is something there however, how can something that is 97ron be any better than a 98.6ron that Optimax is?






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I filled me car up with the BP stuff yesterday on the good old m6, and fook me did I notice a difference, the car was a lot more livelier and there was a noticeable difference in acceleration. Good stuff have defiantly now been converted from optimax!

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I thought I would bring this thread back from the dead cos the local BP garage is now stocking Ultimate. I had a look on the Optimax website- which still says it 98 ron+, but people seem to think its been weakened down :? . The BP Ultimate website doesn't even mention anything about ron :?, does anyone know anything definite on this :?:





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well i heard that Ron ratings are actually just a maximum number anyway.


i filled with super from esso to get me home from getting my head done on the car and other bits. filled it with ultimate and didnt notice anydifference. put optimax in and it flew. exhaust was popping and flaming burbling and the car went for it. never tried ultimates since.

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Matt, send Shell an Email

Just going on what i was told by them!

Emailed them when it was coming out to ask when my local station was to get it and what ron it'd be, 98.6 was in thier answer




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I too contacted BP recently regarding the RON number on their Ultimate, after having found their cash till operators to be more than useless:

Me: " What RON does your Ultimate fuel have, as it's not mentioned anywhere on the pump, the filler nozzle, your website etc.?"

Cahtill-dodo: " Huh, what ?"


Typical ... anyway, a quick phone call to BP HQ revealed that it's got 97 RON.


Now I'm waiting for Shell to finally introduce V-Power, which they've already been selling for nearly a year in Germany: 100 octane stuff :shock: :shock: Muchos expensive (approx. 90p a litre), but the G60- Rado-gang over there tell me that with an adapted chip it does rock !!



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its a octane booster additive,its used as a paint thinner, its known to be carcinogenic although even petrol is but what the hell. Im trying to find some to try it out on my car.

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100 Octane again, cool. Funny how they took 5 star (100 RON) away from us in the late 80s and then bring it back again at twice the price!


Some of the people I know on Scoobynet have done similar research and they reckon Optimax is definitely 98.6 RON Maximum, but BP Ultimate is 97 RON Minimum, so it could be higher depending on how generous the refinery is feeling on a particular batch!



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I used BP Ultimate last weekend and notice straight away that my VR didnt pull or tick over as nice as she usually does (always use Optimax) so was very dissapointed :roll:


Will stick with Shell as always found their fuel to be good! - Optimax rocks!

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Have only used BP Ultimate..... Am still on my first tank of fuel as only had the car a couple of days, so not quite ready to compare with OPTIMAX. But definitely feels good!! :D

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Is Optimax good on (modded) G60's?


Pondering trying it out when its time for the next fill up :)

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