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I just couldn't keep it to myself

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Am I the only one that thinks the bonnet thing looks a little like an autobot badge?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Am I the only one that thinks the bonnet thing looks a little like an autobot badge?


this is the one time i wish the Decepticons would come and beat the crap out of it.

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Ho-lee... shi-tte.


I thought I'd seen some utterly minging body addenda in my time on this earth, but this catalogue takes the biscuit, eats the rest of the pack, and then runs off to the supermarket to buy more. Has Kazakstan entered the car modifying market or something?




I almost want to write to these mongrels and complain. More to the point if I see any Corrado wearing this kiit at a show next season I will personally take a sledgehammer to the whole car.


Utterly fugging minging...

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Am I the only one that thinks the bonnet thing looks a little like an autobot badge?


this is the one time i wish the Decepticons would come and beat the crap out of it.

I think they already have..

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