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how much does your corrado cost you a month!!!!

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just bored at work and wanted to know before i buy as ive been turned from a Rs turbo owner to a raddo owner and im just a little concerned after reading the love hate post that the raddo is bit Fix Or Repair Daily like my old ford that cost me like £300 a month on just repair bills


so lets have it?????? was the raddo a friday car!!!!! from the factory :cry:



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no the build quailty is very good... but since all of our cars (apart from like 1996 VR6's) have like more than 100,000 miles and mate any car will be intitled to pack up by then.. we all love our cars and we forgive them for breaking... when i bourght my corrado it was F***** up and a VW main dealer quoted me like £2,000 to fix it... i was so anoyed :cry: but then i found this fourm (fantastic froum every body helps you out : ;-) :


one of the members sold me this part to fix my acr for £45 and now i am the happest every corrado owner coz i bourght the car with th problem.... so he reduced the price to next to nothing and i got a cheap part here :D :D :D :D :D


so yer you have chosen the righ place to start your corrado ownership !!!!!!


with all the faults a corrdao can have you will love it soooo much forthe time it's on th road..... :) :D :)


mind you to make it drivable... LOL you neede to change a few parts like lupo wiper conversion...

uprated headlight loom....


coz with british weather can can't see in the wet

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Make sure you buy a good one in the 1st place and keep on top of the maintenance and i don't think its to bad. It has probably cost me an average of £800 a year to maintain including servicing.

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the only money ive spent on mine really is for modifications,and general serviceing,although it could do with a head rebuild which is just normal wear and tear

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so long as you buy a good one it shouldnt cost you the earth. Ive not had anything fall off mine, just general servicing costs and any mods that ive chosen to spend on it. quality motor 8)

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My costs, on a monthly basis are about £210, that's £60 for insurance, and the rest on petrol.

Th only repair I've had to do so far, was the rad, and that was £150 all in. Not to bad so far.

I've also got the loan to buy the car as well, which is around £150 per month.


(By comparison, my MKII GTI, was £180 per month, for insurance and petrol.)

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Ha, I laugh at your puny repair bills! ;)

Maybe I got stung when I bought my VR (quite probably), but it's costing me over £200/month in non-service repairs alone. Add petrol and insurance and it's ridiculous. Every time I get something fixed, something else goes.

Why do I bother? Sometimes I wonder..

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dr_mat arrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh i dont want to hear that mate!!!!! my mechanic got to drive the car more than i did which means i paid him to feel the grin factor on the so many test spins to see whats wrong with the old RS!!!! ive had a mk3 golf gti8v for about 9 months whilst my bank balance recovered and it has as nothing major has happened with the golf just general servicing now i want something equally as reliable as the golf but goes like stink hence why i want a raddo vr6

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id say on average mine costs around 250 per month.


what ive fopund is if i dont buy a new bit for tired old one it feels neglected and breaks 3 parts

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Yeah - that's exactly the problem.

The VR runs beautifully when I'm driving it to/from the garage, then becomes a bag of loose nuts as soon as I start it the day after..

It's pining!!

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it all helps if you know one end of a spanner from the the other,doing things your self can save you shed loads of money.it costs me around £130 a month thats petrol&insurance :)

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That's very true....but Winter + crawling under car = misery!


Filling a 15 Gallon tank a few times a month is the main expense!



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Ha, I laugh at your puny repair bills!

With you on that one buddy - just found out that the air flow meter needed to pass my MOT will set me back about 400 quid :shock:

And so far I've totalled about a grand on sorting other essential bits out! Having said that it's still cheeper than running my old Mk1 Golf and makes me smile way more :D

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Hummm, where do I start?!? :lol:


In the last month I've spent over £3K on my G60, and she's not turned a wheel... :shock: mind you, that's a new bottom end for the engine, gas flowing everything that has air flowing through it, new down pipe, bits for the interior, Brembo brake conversion and other such niceties, but it's all due to a breakage at the end of the day... (and that's the effect of breaking a 70P bolt! :shock: )


I think that in the last 15 months that I've owned the car I've spent about £10K on her, not including buying her in the first place... so that works out at about £666 per month that I've owned her... :shock: :twisted: Oh, plus petrol and insurance! :? :roll: :oops:


And the really sad thing? I'd do it all again 'cos of the shear pleasure I've had out of doing the work and the pleasure I got while she was on the road and will have again in January when she's back on the road again... 8) :D


Reading that lot back, I think I may need to go and get my head checked out... :shock: :crazyeyes: :roll: :lol:

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Phil K, I think Kevhaywire sourced a replacement MAF for his VR6 for around £140 - don't pay £400 till you've found out how!!

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your bills are all so small!!


petrol=£240 a month

insurance=£100 a month

loan payment for the car £100 a month

day to day repairs bout £100 a month!!

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well my breakdown(no pun intended :p ) of costs is as follows per month but not including servicing,mods or repairs which are pretty infrequent :wink:



Loan...........£10.5k over 4 years......£240



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Since last march i have spent about £3000 on the C not including the respray which is being done at the moment. Thats about £312 a month. I am Bl**dy convinced that the previous owners tried to drive it into the ground without spending any money on it :mad: . I hope i will get the car back before christmas been without it 3 weeks now getting really fed up driving a Bogey green Olop

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My conclusion is that the car gives you :D when you put the foot down but this always results in :( cause this then needs fixing which means handing over cash for parts or maintenance which is always make you :cry: but then on the way home you get that :D again but you make that terrible mistake of putting your foot down again :cry:




Love corrados hate garage bills :mad:

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