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some little to$$er keyed my car!!!! :(

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im gutted, i woke up this morning, last day of work, all was good until i get to my car to find a massive key scratch right down the drivers door of my car!!!! :mad2:


i thought this car was the 'lucky' one..my last one was always getting knocked and scraped by other inconsiderate drivers but i've had this one for almost 9 months and nothing..until the last 2 weeks, in that time someone has knocked my passenger wing and left a considerable dent, ive had my brand new VW badge pinched and now this! and the worst part is it happened in my village where i live which is like the nicest village in the whole world! bastards!


i know its not the end of the world but this time of the year is expensive enough as it is...i could have spent the money i will have to spend on fixing it on far more 'productive' things..like new brakes! :D

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Gutted for you mate, know exactly how you feel, mine was done down the whole length of the passenger side last week outside the GF's house. Fkin scum, I nearly cried.

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That is my worst nightmare. Mindless fookin vandalism, I mean why!!! Happened to mine a couple of years back. Stole badges, snapped aerial off, keyed car and glass.


Really feel for you mate. Try and turn it into a 'positive' and get a couple of items colour coded or something when you have it fixed. That way at least you feel like you have improved rather than spending money on nothing. May sound daft but it cheered me a little.


Have a good Xmas anyway



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i'm gutted for you too buddy - stuff like this really upsets me.


i just can't get my head round the mentality of some people and what motivates them to do $hitty things like that :bad-words:


hope you get it all sorted alright my friend - really sorry you're being put through this :(

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thanks for the sympathy guys..much appreciated! Matt, good idea about the old colour coding thing! seeing as i have had to replace the VW badge with another shite one, maybe i will get that done, and maybe the door handles!

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What I don't understand is how the people that do it think they're immune from a good beating if they're caught?


If I ever caught someone doing that to mine or a mate's car, I'd follow them home. Wait until the early hours and then scour his whole car with a brillo pad.

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Mate, hope you get her back to as before. Then give her a good clean and go for a drive and let the car do what it does, put a big smile on your mush.

That way they don't win. If you know what I mean :?

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If I ever caught someone doing that to mine or a mate's car, I'd follow them home. Wait until the early hours and then scour his whole car with a brillo pad.



i quite like the aproach of if i found out someone had done that to my car to find them and hit them over the head throw them in the boot and dump them in the middle of wales with no phone or money then they might ponder on there actions on the long walk to the nearest town which hopefully it would be rainning all the way there !!!






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unfortunatly these people only deal in one currency. Actions. In their filty low life community, I'm sure if they step out've line they get a smack in the chops. What they get from doing this is 'the buzz' of being a fu cking prick and knowing they'll never get caught. Which makes catching them in the act all the sweeter, 'cept you never do :mad2:

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just got back from two garages..first one quoted me £400, the next £300..and thats just for the scratch..im gutted!

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just got back from two garages..first one quoted me £400, the next £300..and thats just for the scratch..im gutted!


Sounds a bit steep mate I would have thought you would be looking at no more than 150-200 and that would be for the whole door.


Have you tried one of the mobile dent/paint guys, they are pretty good do a decentish job and prob only cost you £60-100

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damn mate, i hate stupid vandalism really does my nut in, mindless vandilsim and joyriders... i mean seriously wtf..


the only time my car has been vandalised was when i was *uhuumm* with sumones missus...kinda expected i suppose....and it was only an astra lmao



If I ever caught someone doing that to mine or a mate's car, I'd follow them home. Wait until the early hours and then scour his whole car with a brillo pad.



i quite like the aproach of if i found out someone had done that to my car to find them and hit them over the head throw them in the boot and dump them in the middle of wales with no phone or money then they might ponder on there actions on the long walk to the nearest town which hopefully it would be rainning all the way there !!!






hang them in bridgend :censored: , itl never come back to you.

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hang them in bridgend :censored: , itl never come back to you.


That's a bit dark mate...

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Ahhhh I hate it when that stuff happens :mad2:


However there may be a cheap fix, I've done it on my wife's car after it was keyed and you CANNOT see where the mark was. It all depends on how deep the scratch is, and if it has gone through the blue basecoat underneath. There is an easy test, wet it with water, and see if the 'whiteness' just about disappears, for a more realistic test get a can of lacquer and spray it along the scratch as look for the same.


If it doesn't, bad luck it's off to the body shop....


If it does, they get off to halfords, and get a touch up tin of clear lacquer, some wet and dry 1200 sandpaper, and a tube of rubbing compound. Shouldn't cost much more than a tenner. Get a rubber sanding block too if you don't have one.


Give the door a good clean, and then gently sand along the scratch area with your finger, doesn't matter if you stray a bit..Just enough to matt the paint finish and key in the surface. Get the lacquer and paint a fine line along the scratch, do this once a day, until it looks like the scratch is gone, and the laquer is nice and proud of the surface, if it looks borderline than just put another layer on.


Leave it for a week or two in this cold weather for the laquer to 'sink' as all the solvents evaporate out of it.


Then, with a sanding block (very important) and some cold soapy water (soap is important too) gently sand the laquer flat to the door paintwork.


With a damp cloth and a squirt of rubbing compound rub all the sanding marks out. This is hard elbow grease time btw if you've sanded a large area! As the rubbing compound breaks down it gets finer, giving a glossier finish to the paint, so don't just keep adding new all the time, rub hard and get the panel warm helps.


If you cock it up, off to the bodyshop and what have you lost for trying, a few quid and a hour or so of your time. :shrug:

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yeah i know..the main problem is the length of the scratch, whilst it is only on 1 door it is quite close to the edge so im gonna have to have the panels either side blended so as to avoid the new paint standing out too much should it be not quite a perfect colour match..which means even more $$$! :(

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o no :(


someone did this to my passat literally a week after id finished the engine conversion- id polished it up all nice and was mega chuffed with it hooning around wales on holiday and some nobber keyed all the panels down the drivers side, really upset me :mad2:


hope it gets sorted out ok!

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