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Audi TT

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I very nearly traded the LCR for one over Christmas but decided it wasn't worth it at the last minute... will still own a mk1 some day but for now the LCR remains a lot more practical and still has the same power :)


Out of the 3 your looking at there I'd go for the Black and if you've missed that then the silver one - the blue doesn't do anything for me and I'd have to have a 225 version...

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Why not look at the 3.2 v6 model they seem sensibly priced for what you get. I know that the 1.8 is more easily tuned but you can't beat the v6 soundtrack.



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I like that blue 1 alot then black next.


I would go for a V6 but the mrs would struggle on the insurance and they are probably out of budget.

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I know you gotta love the Hyundai.


I seriuosly want a V6 model its just the insurance and higher buying cost that puts me off, and i might like the engine that much i may want to put one in my corrado too.

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Yes a daily but not in the sense that we have kids, do the shopping run etc, just something reliable daily is the most important.


I like the Golf kinda, dont need the "practical", dont need it to be faster, dont need the newest car out kind of thing as in keeping up with the Jones's style :D , the TT looks alot nicer, i like coupe's, the mrs insists she wants a TT and to be fair i would have the TT over the Golf anyday. Thanks for the biased opinion they are all taken on board.

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See i have to agree there and i have seriously considered it, good choice Matt :clap:


Thanks :grin:


What if I was to suggest a Porsche 968??? :norty:

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I nearly got a TT, my budget was £5000 so I was only looking at high milers but the one I drove (a 225 with 110000 miles on it) felt really together, hid the miles amazingly. In the end I couldnt sell the rado. But if you can put up with knobs telling you you're driving a girls car then go for it, Deffo go for a 225 though 270ish with a remap.

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wow, i didn't realise A3s were so cheap :shock:


not that i'd want one, i much prefer the tt as well, but only double the price of a C for a car a 3rd of the age.. :scratch:

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Yea they really do feel good after lots of miles but the reason i want a lower mileage example is for the fact we will have the car 5 years or so at least, which is why i would like a 225 as it will be hopefully more desireable later on down the line if/when we sell on, i dont need it to be remapped upto 270 just yet though its not been bought for the performance.


I dont give a monkeys what people say or think about the image etc, if it was pink and i liked it then that is still fine by me :lol:

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stick we the TT,on a slightly more un happier note i'm seriously thinkin about sellin mine due to lookin into sortin out my finances an home improvemnets :(

its just at the thinkin stage till i've spoke to the mortgage lenders

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tt1 for me, love the blue! altho i rekon i would be too tall to get in one and drive it comfortably, greeny doesnt have to worry cause he a short arse!

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not true mate,theres a thread on the TT forum an seem that most drivers are well over 6' tall,so even the freakishly tall can have a TT :grin:

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tt1 for me, love the blue! altho i rekon i would be too tall to get in one and drive it comfortably, greeny doesnt have to worry cause he a short arse!



Theres more headroom than a corrado!

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