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EBay / Leather door cards

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Just lost out in the bidding on a set of leather door cards on ebay, was it someone on here who killed my dream? :cry:


Nevermind hope u enjoy um 315quid plus postage, :D

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yeah, I was watching them, but decided that my 'rado's better off without the extra weight for now... :wink: :lol:

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Yep true guys, It was gettin hard to justify the price to myself, especially as there wearnt even any pictures to show ya what your buying and the bloke wouldent answer my emails asking how much postage would be on them.


Its amazeing though how much parts for corrados go for on ebay.

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Its amazeing though how much parts for corrados go for on ebay.


That's because the sellers play on it's relative rarity. The First Aid Kit and triangle a classic example. Both are still available from the dealer! Who ever uses either, anyway?



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Does this sound shady to anyone else or just me?


Four days after this auction finished (27/12/03) i was sent the ebay second chance email, kinda one the seller will send to second highest bidder after the initial winning bidder messed him about. After two of these emails i have since recieved an email of the winning bidder saying he had already bought and purchased them and would i like to buy them off him.


To me this sounds as if they are playing the ebay system by getting his mate to outbid everyone for the item thereby finding out how much everyone else is prepared to pay and then offering to the second highest bidder (the real highest bidder).


The sellers email address does not work and only has 1 feedback, while the winning bidder who came out of nowhere with no feedback to win the item and managed to pay and pick the items up and then decide he dint want them

all within four days, christmas weekend at that. Also by haveing the no feedback winnning bidder offer me them, i have no guarentee if i sent him the cash/cheque i would ever recieve anythin, it doesent go through ebay, so no compo or action from them.


Started thinking more theres no pic for the item, so does it even exist, with a full leather interia it would have to be picked up and they couldent have that, so by selling Fake leather doorcards which were posted. Makes things easier.


This deal seems so dodgy to me, Ive told them where they can stick there doorcards. Just thought i would warn people on here incase they try it again. Of coarse it could be all soo innocent but theres tooo many shady points to this. There ebay usernames are: simonarthur (seller) juskalsi (buyer).

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I'd agree that sounds dodgy as anything.

Report the buyer - he'll get his account suspended for offering to sell you an item outside of an ebay auction.

In fact, report the whole thing, ebay might be able to find out if it was in fact the same person doing the selling and bidding. (Might have used the same IP address for example.)

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i was bidding on those too,

I thought that since mj will charge 300 for your own cards it wasnt worth it!

Or just buy some lhd ones from Germany and get them modded, for €50 it wouldnt be a bad move!!

Very sust, i mailed the seller, but he didnt respond!

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That sounds like the one, apoligies if i have slandered him or anything. I take it all back he probley has got some, still think a "friend" was pushing the price up on them, even more happy i got nothing to do with them if they from an earlier corrado.


He had them advertised as 92 corrado skins and no pics and no response to emails

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He had them advertised as 92 corrado skins and no pics and no response to emails


That was exactly what i was annoyed about, but he was at btopenworld on ebay, i got a bounced mail back

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ok so i'm wrong and apoligise


The doorcards were sold but new owner of them was drunk when bidding does not want them now and was useing the original seller to get my email address. Too see if i wanted to buy them off him direct.


They will be going back on ebay.


lol, gonna have try and retrieve my ebay complaint now, what a twat i am sometimes.

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well, i am sure someone on here would take them off your hands if you got stuck with them, post up some pics if you get them

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