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What have i killed????????

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My battery was flat so got the jump leads out, im rushing the job and not thinking, got them crossed on the terminals on my car not the jump vehicle, never tried to start it like that but the ignition was on.


Now getting -7.8 volts out of the battery, is it just a screwed battery or will it have damaged anything else?

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Just charge it normally. You managed to push a reversed charge into it that's all, it'll probably recover.


Or did you just put the voltmeter on the battery the wrong way round ..... ;)

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My battery was flat so got the jump leads out, im rushing the job and not thinking, got them crossed on the terminals on my car not the jump vehicle, never tried to start it like that but the ignition was on.


Now getting -7.8 volts out of the battery, is it just a screwed battery or will it have damaged anything else?



your special.



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will it have damaged anything else?




You've killed every Kitten on the internet! you heartless :censored:



:nuts: :lol:

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I am the chosen special one :lol:


I definately had the voltmeter on the right way round, im only worried cos the management on 1st initial try with the ignition on was making some very strange noises along with the window control unit, also the dash lights will not come on and nothing works at all but as im not getting any voltage to the ignition switch im hoping thats the only reason why, i just did not like the noises things were making.


Oh dear....

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I am the chosen special one :lol:


I definately had the voltmeter on the right way round, im only worried cos the management on 1st initial try with the ignition on was making some very strange noises along with the window control unit, also the dash lights will not come on and nothing works at all but as im not getting any voltage to the ignition switch im hoping thats the only reason why, i just did not like the noises things were making.


Oh dear....


hopefuly all the electronics are just upset with the fact that no juice is coming from the battery.


7 volts is flucked.

even 11 volts from a battery is bad.

Have you tried to put a charge into it yet?

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7 volts is flucked.

even 11 volts from a battery is bad.


Yup, 11v is "totally flat". Last time I took my flat battery off the car for charging it was reading 3.8v ... After a good 24 hours slow charge it's perfectly fine though, so just charge it and it'll be alright.

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Thats what i am hoping for and its minus 7.8 volts currently lol. I need to buy a charges 1st and im not bothered about it yet or do i need to do it sooner rather than later.

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Thats what i am hoping for and its minus 7.8 volts currently lol. I need to buy a charges 1st and im not bothered about it yet or do i need to do it sooner rather than later.


Sooner, very much sooner. Do it today. Seriously.

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lol lucky your not a paramedic.


"Kiss of life?



We'll do it after lunch."


Do don't want to leave a battery deeply discharged like that.

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I never knew a battery could go reverse polatity - you learn sommat new every day.


Crazy isn't it!


Junkie, did you get a nice firework display when you crossed the terminals? :lol:

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Yup, 11v is "totally flat".


In what sense? Not enough juice to power up a device or the cells are dead and not taking charge?


10V is enough to crank the engine over and I've had the electric windows and engine ECU working with 10.5V.

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Charge meters judge the level of charge in a battery purely by it's output voltage, and 11.6v is considered to be "discharged". I've no doubt that faulty batteries with some good and some bad cells, or batteries based on non-standard chemistry will deliver lots of current at 10.5v (or a discharged battery's output voltage will drop to 10.5 volts under load), but a healthy battery with all good cells is pretty close to dead at 11.2v. Mine won't start the car with less than about 11.8 volts showing on the voltmeter.

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I did get a nice firework show yes but thought nothing of it as i was rushing, it also gets better, i had my car half in the garage and half out as i needed it out the garage but the engine bay was inside still so the jump leads were not long enough to reach my van, hey presto i have 2 sets, 1 nice thick heavy duty set and a cheaper nastier set, joined the 2 together, perfect lenght now, when i realised what i had done wrong i saw the leads smoking away nicely where they joined. :lol:

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LOL yeah they'll get quite hot if you short it out. You're probably lucky you used two sets of leads, and one of these was a bit crap. That limited the amount of current the battery could dump .. Otherwise you might well have had an explosion ..

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Nice :lol:


Is it strange that my Clifford still lights up in valet when ignition off but ignition on it goes out of valet like it should do, yet nothing else works on it.

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