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Has your 'rado been mistaken for anything?

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Corrocco, Scirraado...


most of my mates that have never seen it haven't got a clue what it is when i tell them :lol:

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I had an arguement with a chap at work who was convinced the new(at the time) Ford Focus shape was based on a Corrado because it had the same/similar silouette!! :shock:


Yeah like a front, a rear, wheels and a roof! :nono: :lol: :lol:

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Had the 'Its a Scirocco isnt it?' comment this morning. :bad-words:


Its funny, because even a person with VERY VERY Little interest in cars can tell 2 shapes apart. How does a corrado look like an old vectra, Beemer or Focus. I mean you wouldnt get a circle, square or triangle mixed up even if you didnt know what they were called :lol: Its almost as if they have absolutely no concept of different car designs.

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Got pulled by the police a couple of years ago and on the slip to produce my documents he wrote Sciroco, when I sai it was a Corrado he muttered a bit and changed it to a Curdado. When I pointed it out at the station the next day the guy on the desk looked at the number on the form and said"Oh him, dickhead, I always liked them calibras." Being the soull of diplomacy I smiled, nodded and left."

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An old housemate of mine once stood next to a Rover 220 waiting for me to open the door. I got into my Corrado and considered making her walk :D

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^^^ ROFL


same as everyone else - Scirocco. More people call it that than Corrado, even before the new one came out. Sigh.


Also had Corolla a fair few times and a friend of mine insists of calling it the Corroda but I know he only does it to wind me up. It also gets called a Jetta from time to time by another friend who gets my 2 mixed up. Oh well, at least I haven't had Calibra. Yet...

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yer ive had the same corrola, rocco, but the best was a few months back and it was from my nan saying 'oh james hows your coriander goin?' i jus looked at her and burst out laughing i think she realised pretty quick! but still i spose if you really squint your eyes they do look quite similar!

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Just got chatting with a guy in a petrol station tonight who said he really liked my Vento! :cuckoo: :lol:

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green flag woman today on a reg check "a volkswagen camper... whats that word.... sue sue... what does that say..... oh corrado hello mr.... oh god i'm sorry i didn't think you were there" Kinnda lightened up the mood after the "incident" on the M6 earlier :( Pics to folow soon....

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the best one i ever had was "hey that's the car from the back to the future isn't it?"..... errrrr no it's not a DeLorean :nuts:



Had that one from my mates misses, mad eme laugh when she asked if i had the doors aswell

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just the usual suspects, "nice sirocco, rocco, golf"


and have had the back to the future comments to!! :lol:


thank god it hasnt been compared to a ford, vauxhall or rover... would be the end for that person :bad-words:

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I`ve had loads of "nice scirocco" and even a "nice golf" :shrug:

Best one was, waiting in a VW Dealers for the parts i`d ordered, when a sales rep comes up and says "Is that your Scirocco parked outside?" when i said "if by Scirocco, you mean Corrado then YES it is!" :censored:

He then asked if he could have the keys because it was blocking a customer car, which normally i would of said "NOT A CHANCE" but feeling evil :twisted: i said yeah here you go, when i went out 5mins later he was still trying to figure out now to start it :epicfail:

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mine has been called a cordoba on more than 1 occasion. Dafties!


yep that one too, I had forgotten that one :(

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One of my uncles who is into cars insists on calling it a Currada, but he is contender for world's biggest prat and is currently wooing potential wife number 5.

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He then asked if he could have the keys because it was blocking a customer car, which normally i would of said "NOT A CHANCE" but feeling evil :twisted: i said yeah here you go, when i went out 5mins later he was still trying to figure out now to start it :epicfail:


I do that... but you've usually gotta wait for the sweet sound of a clifford alarm going off! :lol:


it's truely is idiot proof, even if they have the keys!

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I've had the usual Scirocco, but also had







Mine is Green, but once when I got it MOT'd it said it is Blue on the certificate :nuts:

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I was down my alotment one (dont laugh) when I shouted over to a women (she was about 50) and asked her to move her car so I could get by, and to my ammacement she shouted back "ok you wouldn't want to get your corrado dirty" :o I was shocked. Then she said I love the vr6 engine I used to have a golf. I was well shocked lol.


yeh, 50, sounds old doesnt it. Then I remember my mus over that age and she used to have a scirocco and a Mk1 Gti. The rocco often got called a Delorean - pah!


Whats this about handing over the keys? Whats so difficult about starting one? Presume you've got one of those imobiliser fobs.

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Just remembered when I had Sky installed in my flat, the installation techie referred to it as a Vauxhall Colorado...was not impressed! :cuckoo:

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scirrocco, every weekend by my neighbour. fed up with correcting him now, so its a GTi scala storm edition. very very rare :roll:


snap just had a guy come over and drool saying lovely scirrocco

problem was he really thought he knew what he was talking about doh!!

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Ive just got a ticket for not having a front plate...On the ticket it says "Vw Scirocco"


People are forever mistaking it for one!

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