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Kevin Bacon

Colour coded handles

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I've ordered 2 new door handles for the C (from GPC) as the driver's one is failing.....not in the usual way but instead, the lock barrel spring seems to have snapped/fallen off as there is no resistance when turning left to right.....anyway....I'm just curious to see if anyone has colour coded theirs? Anyone got any pics?


I've colour coded the side mouldings already, which I'm very pleased with, but am undecided whether coded handles would be overkill or would finish it off nicely?




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not sure myself Kev :? ...........kinda 50/50........ look cool/naff :roll: :wink: ......IMO you need at bit of "black" plastic to break up some of the lighter colours like you have Kev

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I've bought some new Passat rears for mine which i'm going to colour code Satin Silver, i've seen it done previously and it really clean up the look of what are quite bulky/ugly O.E. handles. Heres an example with the locked variety there are more pics on the Edition 38 website



****MOD EDIT**** pic thumbnailed-vr6storm

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I like the look of them being colour coded silver, but you never really know what they look like in different colours, some colours seem to work, some don't.


I say go for it, when have you ever done a bad mod Kev??? ;)

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Cheers, thanks for the replies chaps!


OSV & Stevie, thanks for the pics....I'm definitely going to do it now I've seen those!


Dave, cheers for the compliment!


I will also take this oppurtunity to commend GPC on their excellent service and knowledge, top blokes :lol:



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i have them colour coded but they paint comes off if you dont do it properly. you need a good primer

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i think that looks really good. i might be interested in doing it my self. how do u think it would look on a red c.


Do it. Definitley suits any colour C imo. Most cars these days have coded handles, so it would be rude not to really. It's a very subtle mod.


Mine are on and I don't regret it. You also get the added benefit of decent handle action and smoother locks if you buy new handles like I did :lol:


The original ones fell to peices in my hands, so they're were on borrowed time. I also lubed up the window mechanisms and sealed the doors up with the VW foam membranes.


Sorted :lol:



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