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24V Renshaw


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Got a lot of work to do to get this car how I want it, but I am looking forward to it now. Only managed to wire in the headlight switch last night as I needed to get the car mobile to drive to work this morning. Currently got the Corrado clocks stuffed into the middle of the boxster dash so I can check my speed and temps etc..! :)

Mission for tonight is to get the boxster clocks wired up, will post some pics up later if I get them working....



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Managed to finally get an evening with some breaks in the rain and partially wired up the clocks. Will need some extra work as some of the feeds are CAN-BUS, but there are ways of getting round that :)




Pleased so far and with a few more bits of the dash dropped in its starting to look quite good, even though there is a long way to go yet. (too dark for photos)


Will being doing Auto Jumble at Edition 38 with various Rado bits so pop by and say hello :)



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You can get a CAN-BUS converter for the clocks, I've had to use one for my R32 conversion keeping my old clocks. I got mine from Stealth when Vince done my wiring loom so not sure where you'd get one from :shrug:


Good progress though, I'm looking forward to seeing what's to come!

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hey Jay if you speak to Mark at South West In-Car Tech, he'll be able to sort you out with a CAN-BUS converter.



oh, and welcome back!

the dash conversion is a nice idea - can you get some more pics of it now it's a bit more "in" with the holes for the glove box etc all filled and looking as they should do.

nice work - please keep us posted





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Cheers all. Actually figured out the easiest way to get round the CAN-BUS issues is to use earlier Boxster clocks which look identical, but don't use CAN-BUS for anything significant, so I am going to swap the clocks next week. Most CAN-BUS converters are expensive and tend to convert CAN to Analogue and not the other way which is what I need. Swapping the clocks for earlier ones is free :)



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Looks great so far.......not only do i wish i could do something like this.....i also would like to have a clue what CAN-BUS is :lol:

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Yep, digital speedo should be fully functional aswell. :)


Got a lot of inspiration for cracking on with the car having a wonder round the show at the weekend. Spent too much time selling stuff in the autojumble to really soak it up, but was good to catch up with a few people and come away from the show with some decent cash for new bits on the rado :)



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You've only had it a few weeks!!! lol





Yeah hurry up -------- :lol: :lol:

Get on with it--------- :lol: :lol:

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.....i also would like to have a clue what CAN-BUS is :lol:



X2 :lol:


it's a new standard way of wiring vehicles up. Instead of using seperate looms for everything, there's a loom that runs the length of the vehicle and different signals/control information for various sensors/controls is sent down the same wires. It saves having duplicated wires in the car, and allows standardised controllers to be connected easily. In a tractor it saves several miles of wiring, and means that you can control various third party implements through the tractor's own control system, saving on having an extra control box cluttering the cab up and reducing visibility.

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Sorry for the lack of updates on the car over the last couple of weeks.

Unfortunately I lost my Dad to cancer 3 weeks ago, quite suddenly after a very short fight with it and consequently have not been too focused on the car. Also we are moving house this week, so that has kept me busy too!

New place has a bigger garage with power and lighting though so I will be able to crack on soon :)

Bought some wheels and a couple of other interior bits which I will update with as and when they arrive.





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Really sorry to hear of your loss - I lost my dad nearly three years ago 6 weeks after being diagnosed with a brain tumour, I hope you said everything you needed / wanted to say to him - knowing that I did has helped me a lot since he died

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