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Jim Bowen

Know anyone with a VXR8?

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There are some very sad responses on that... The originator gets way too overexcited from what sounds like a bit of banter between car fans with different tastes...

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They are always like that. You will never beat a corsa driver in an arguement about cars as they always resort to the price arguement :cuckoo:

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Funny. People will always stand up for the marque they drive and are blinded to anything else. I'm not saying we're better than them or anything, but if you offered me an Atsra or a Golf I know which one I'd take.

Rofl'd about the VW just being a Skoda bit...er no, its the other way round actually. :D

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someone said this \/ \/


for a start none of them have the correct wheels driven, none are especially fast and the mk4 gold is rated as the worst handling isnt it?


Yours has a v8, and the correct wheels driven.


well thats being said on a forum where 95% of its cars are front wheel drive? errr hello :wave:

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this is brilliant, some of my fave bits;


If he drives a VW he's boring. If he drives an Audi he's boring. If he drives a Seat he's driving a poor mans Skoda, if he drives a Skoda then he's driving a poor mans Seat. I think that covers all the marques

and driving a vauxhall is fun :lol: worst cars out there to drive imo


To be honest you'll never win, people like that are to far up their own arses to appreciate a REAL car, if it was badged up as Holden he would probably be getting wet over it.


this coming from a guy driving a red corsa, WTF????? its the most femine little shed going (apart from a nova), and yes people do instantly think the Holden is crap because it has a vauxhall badge on...


It's not a Vauxhall though. It's a bloody Holden, sold under licence by Vauxhall. It shares nothing with any Vectra and Vectras are decent cars anyway.


we know the VXR8 isnt a vauxhall, because its actually a decent car :lol:

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I don't think they come across that bad tbh, the 'VAG NUT' sounds like the ass hole if anything :lol:


:lol: yeah alright

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What a nice bunch.


"Stab him up a bit, punch him in the face, beat his head with a keyboard"


The guy was only on a wind up ffs, I think they need to cut out the steroids.

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I think they need to cut out the steroids.


:lol: :lol:


they all drive corsas and novas, they have barely started pubity, so all that testosterone is natural :lol:

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I don't think they come across that bad tbh, the 'VAG NUT' sounds like the ass hole if anything :lol:


:lol: yeah alright



Granted, there's a few stupid comments, but every forum has a few ill educated bell ends spouting crap about things they know nothing about at any given opportunity :wink: but on the whole the posts seem fairly balanced.


Not all VAG cars are the bees knees you know, and the point they're making is that just because a car has a VAG badge on it doesn't mean its better than anything else available, and I agree with that :)

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its friendly banter, just like football imo. he has taken it to heart, and so has the majority of the forum, by slating VW's they are basically doing the same as him but worse

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yep :grin: if it was any other forum apart from vuaxhall (oh and maybe kia) i wouldnt of said nothing, but you cant have people owning corsas slating VW's!!!! i know not all vauxhalls are bad and i also know not all VW's are good

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Granted, there's a few stupid comments, but every forum has a few ill educated bell ends spouting crap about things they know nothing about at any given opportunity :wink: but on the whole the posts seem fairly balanced.


I love you. :luvlove:

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VW Corrado 2.9V6 - Biggest pile of golf wank ever - its not even made by Volkswagen - it was made by karman in a shed based on a mundane nk3 golf with a shit engine thats nearly 3 litres and produces a feeble 174 or something bhp


And you guys are saying that most of the comments are fair?


The engine was revolutionary for the time, and the Corrado is still raved over by some of the most respected car magazines out there.. a 15 year old Cavalier or Corsa aint going to be getting the same kind of love.

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VW Corrado 2.9V6 - Biggest pile of golf **** ever - its not even made by Volkswagen - it was made by karman in a shed based on a mundane nk3 golf with a **** engine thats nearly 3 litres and produces a feeble 174 or something bhp


And you guys are saying that most of the comments are fair?


The engine was revolutionary for the time, and the Corrado is still raved over by some of the most respected car magazines out there.. a 15 year old Cavalier or Corsa aint going to be getting the same kind of love.


Best to just ignore it mate. Reading that reminds me why I visit only two forums....

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Granted, there's a few stupid comments, but every forum has a few ill educated bell ends spouting crap about things they know nothing about at any given opportunity :wink: but on the whole the posts seem fairly balanced.


I love you. :luvlove:


Toad You love anyone :lol:

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Arguing over cars (or music, football, computer games etc) is so pointless... A discussion stating you OPINIONS is fine, and giving advice, or even constructve criticism, but out and out bitching is such a waste of time- Especially on the internet!


Makes me think of this (sorry if anyone finds it offensive but it's so fitting to this thread!):



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Arguing over cars (or music, football, computer games etc) is so pointless... A discussion stating you OPINIONS is fine, and giving advice, or even constructve criticism, but out and out bitching is such a waste of time- Especially on the internet!


Makes me think of this (sorry if anyone finds it offensive but it's so fitting to this thread!):




LOL... Finding that funny is just wrong on so many moral levels but it just IS funny...



Anyway back on topic... Load of spoilt brat Vaux owning to$$pots really...

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LOL... Finding that funny is just wrong on so many moral levels but it just IS funny...


:lol: not a truer word spoken and i know its bad but that is funny :lol: :nono: :lol:

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And you guys are saying that most of the comments are fair?


is was only walesy saying most of the comments were fair :cuckoo: theres maybe 2 or 3 out of the entire thread that are fair... still made my morning reading what the halfords car park lot had to say :lol:

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VW Corrado 2.9V6 - Biggest pile of golf **** ever - its not even made by Volkswagen - it was made by karman in a shed based on a mundane nk3 golf with a **** engine thats nearly 3 litres and produces a feeble 174 or something bhp


And you guys are saying that most of the comments are fair?


The engine was revolutionary for the time, and the Corrado is still raved over by some of the most respected car magazines out there.. a 15 year old Cavalier or Corsa aint going to be getting the same kind of love.


Exactly, and the Corrado in any flavour will continue to be remembered way after their Vauxawful have been forgotten. So what its not the fastest machine, but it does have road presences.

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