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The CF Forza 3 Race League, Final League Standing Pg 1

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1.swiftkid86 - not available fri, sat (unless im drinking and forza driving) and thursday nights

2.-=Kris=- - sundays are perfect... tho we may need to do it after topgear...

3. Yandards - friday, saturday or sunday night is good but if in teams can do any night every other week.

4. Alex_G60_Fanatic - Evenings after 7pm and All day Sat Sun

5. Mattski76 - Sunday evenings are perfect, don't mind joining up in a team of 2 if need be.

6. Uniformgorilla - cant do sunday, thursday or friday really.

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2/ If you want to keep your Rado as a D then you could always get another one, its not very expensive. I personal have 3...


Fair point... :lol:


I'll get crackin with the tuning! :grin:

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Is there any way you could 'record' the race so you can post it on here for us all to see?


hmm, dunno about that... im sure you can upload videos to the net that you make but ive never done it myself

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Is there any way you could 'record' the race so you can post it on here for us all to see?


I think so but it only lets you encode 30 seconds sections of video max to host on the Forza website for a maximum of 24 hours (although you can download it), it is 720p video though. I could post some race highlights if I get chance, although I intend to post some photos at least.


As for max tuning class, I had a good play with a range of tuning options and as already mentioned capping it a C class with a 350 limit is too restrictive, I appreciate a B class goes to 425 PI but that then gives you too many tuning options, the point of the PI cap was to create a variety of different options but at the same time restrict the choices.


Car colour wise, if you could also stick down what colour you plan to use that would make life a lot easier to tell who is who in photos, I have considered making it compulsory to add numbers to the doors on each side in a white box but if we all have different colours then it doesn't really matter too much.


Mine is yellow obviously...

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Is there any way you could 'record' the race so you can post it on here for us all to see?


I think so but it only lets you encode 30 seconds sections of video max to host on the Forza website for a maximum of 24 hours (although you can download it), it is 720p video though. I could post some race highlights if I get chance, although I intend to post some photos at least.


As for max tuning class, I had a good play with a range of tuning options and as already mentioned capping it a C class with a 350 limit is too restrictive, I appreciate a B class goes to 425 PI but that then gives you too many tuning options, the point of the PI cap was to create a variety of different options but at the same time restrict the choices.


Car colour wise, if you could also stick down what colour you plan to use that would make life a lot easier to tell who is who in photos, I have considered making it compulsory to add numbers to the doors on each side in a white box but if we all have different colours then it doesn't really matter too much.


Mine is yellow obviously...




As for paint i think you should have a number either side. I would like to have a black car and i think that would be a pretty popular colour... as well as red! maybe we should each have a car with a number and then take a side on picture and post it so we know whos who in the photos like you said.

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i'm up for this but i aint very good yet, makes it more fun than gettin whooped online against randowm though


1.swiftkid86 - not available fri, sat (unless im drinking and forza driving) and thursday nights

2.-=Kris=- - sundays are perfect... tho we may need to do it after topgear...

3. Yandards - friday, saturday or sunday night is good but if in teams can do any night every other week.

4. Alex_G60_Fanatic - Evenings after 7pm and All day Sat Sun

5. Mattski76 - Sunday evenings are perfect, don't mind joining up in a team of 2 if need be.

6. Uniformgorilla - cant do sunday, thursday or friday really.

7. dj3bby - sunday evenings are perfect for me

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I am going to clean this thread up a little as its wandered off topic a touch, all the posts have been moved into the FM3 discussion thread instead so we can keep this one clean for racing.


On a side note about 360 failures, the newest ones have a board that should have fixed the problem, they have been on the shelves for about a year or so now so if you do get a new one it will have that board. I am waiting for my old one to come back from repair as the rumour is they change your whole board for one the new ones.


Race wise, its looking more and more like Sunday night is the better option, although I would say before Top Gear so race start would around 19:00 instead.

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Race wise, its looking more and more like Sunday night is the better option, although I would say before Top Gear so race start would around 19:00 instead.


can i not be after top gear? or is that to close to bedtime?

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we might have to start a brak away league for the people who cant play on sunday night then :lol:

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I'm up for this, sunday night suits me fine too...I'm off to tweak tune my Corrado DOWN to 400 :lol:

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I was talking to Alex on xbox live lastnight and i mentioned about the teams thing... we agree this is a good idea, but if both team members are able to race at the same time...


So really it would be like F1 teams... you collect ur personal points and also team points, like a sort of constructors championship... i'm not sure if this is what we were going to do before, so i thought i would mention it... it would make things nice and competative!


Also, just for a larf, we should get novice bumper stickers for any nooobs! :tongue:


whats ppls thoughts?

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it sounds a good idea in theory but if people are getting personal points whos to stop one person racing in every single race but coming last, whereas another racing in as many as they can manage, winning them all then still coming second?


i think its going to be difficult to include everyone in the league unless everyone posts their finishing times on each track from 2 different races a week (same track and laps etc), then added up points like that. it would be like time trials essentially but its the only way i can think of running two races a week fairly

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it sounds a good idea in theory but if people are getting personal points whos to stop one person racing in every single race but coming last, whereas another racing in as many as they can manage, winning them all then still coming second?


i think its going to be difficult to include everyone in the league unless everyone posts their finishing times on each track from 2 different races a week (same track and laps etc), then added up points like that. it would be like time trials essentially but its the only way i can think of running two races a week fairly



Thats all presuming we get more than 8 players for the races... also, i just think that not everyone will want to wait 2 weeks to go for another race...

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yea, think you may be right. I reckon 2 races a week, you can race in either race but only 1 set of points will apply ie say wednesday and sunday nights, you can race on wednesday but points won't count on a sunday if you just fancy a race but be aware others are racing for points so no ungentlemanly nudging?

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We can do after Top Gear, depends what the general consensus is really.


At the moment we don't even have 8 people committed to the race series yet so I see no need for teams aside from a constructors type afair, although this makes it harder if we end up with an odd number and if anyone drops out.


At the moment we have 6 people that can do Sunday evening, I would like to start with the full 8 just so the racing is more interesting but if we don't get a few more then 6 is not a bad number.


I am going to set a provisonal series start date of the 22nd to give everyone time to sort of live membership if they want in.


*Whoops* :epicfail:


Right we do have 8 people by my count now so if we go for a practice race so everyone can get a quick feel for online play, lag etc this Sunday at 21:00 after Top Gear, race start will 21:10 to give people time to use the loo and get into the lobby area.


1. Swiftkid86 (CF ID Swiftkid)

2. vKRISv (CF ID -=Kris=-)

3. Yandards (CF ID Yandards)

4. Kahnayda (CF ID Alex_G60_Fanatic)

5. Mattski76 (CF ID Mattnorgrove)

6. DJ3BBY (CF ID Ebby)

7. Jamin VR6 (CF ID Jamin)

8. Jimjon81 (CF ID 3Corsameal)


If anyone in this list can't make it or wants out please say so, thanks.

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sounds like a plan!


I'll be up for a practice session on sunday...


also, what are everyones 1st names? i'll just get confused otherwise! :lol:

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so is the car still capped at 400pi, as i've now built mine for the events :D its beautiful :lol:


Yes, all the original rules stand and I have updated the original post to reflect all the new details.

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so is the car still capped at 400pi, as i've now built mine for the events :D its beautiful :lol:


looks good... i like the off red colour... it seems that everyone likes maple valley! :lol: my fave track!

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sounding good, sunday night is fine for a practice for me...hopefully i aint too far behind people skills wise..


i'll look at adding you all as friends tonight

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Great stuff, I've got a couple of you added already will add the rest of you all later.


Will see you all online Sunday evening for a practice run.


Couple of Qs, Yan, will you be on for the practice this Sunday? If not who wants to host?


Maybe we could use the practice result for the first race grid? If that's possible, don't know really as I've never hosted...

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