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Jim Bowen

180,000 miles today

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Wow... long way for me to catch up...


Is 180 - 200K about avarage mileage these days. are there many under 100K :D


Mine hit a magical 60k t'other week! The 'trip-o-meter' or whatever it was i had reset for the journey, was on 111.1miles when it hit 60,000 too! Crazy! 8)

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Wow... long way for me to catch up...


Is 180 - 200K about avarage mileage these days. are there many under 100K :D


Mine hit a magical 60k t'other week! The 'trip-o-meter' or whatever it was i had reset for the journey, was on 111.1miles when it hit 60,000 too! Crazy! 8)


Mine hit 86K a few days ago. Just wish I wasnt putting so manby miles on her but every one is great fun

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Wow... long way for me to catch up...


Is 180 - 200K about avarage mileage these days. are there many under 100K :D


Mine hit a magical 60k t'other week! The 'trip-o-meter' or whatever it was i had reset for the journey, was on 111.1miles when it hit 60,000 too! Crazy! 8)


Mine hit 86K a few days ago. Just wish I wasnt putting so manby miles on her but every one is great fun


Yeh I know what u mean, I've done 8,500 miles on mine since March...but Im lovin' driving him every mile and its what they're meant to do, so :D

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212,000 and 145,000 roughly.


The valver feels tighter at 212,000 than the VR did at 140,000


....thats because the VR is a REAL performance coupe under bigger stresses :lol: :lol:......sorry, figured you couldnt get offended as you have both :norty:


TBH, I think it's because the early cars were built better.


That was true of MK2 Golfs, the later big bumpered ones weren't as well made as the small bumper ones.


It's not how ever true with Corrados. Any that are loose and cack and or rusty is purely down to owner neglect.


False with MK1s, the later ones were LOADS better, but they still all rust to bits....except you will notice....the Convertibles, which were built by Karmann :notworthy:

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mines only a baby, turned 130k the other day. Had the option to chuck a new engine in when i bought it, due to it being a non runner, but it got an engine rebuild instead to keep it nice and original!!! soo glad i did

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116,000 when I brought it 5 years ago in May, now on 150,000 odd.


I dread to think how many miles it would have if I commuted and used it every day!

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My next big one is 130,000.



I remember when I passed my test at 17 I thought any car that had over 100,000 miles was ready for the scrap heap :lol:

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My next biggie will be 200,000! I'm at a little under 195,000 at the moment.. and the cars driving as well as she ever has :) :luvlove:

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158k for mine, but has done less than 3k since April. I do agree that they were built to drive and not just sit about, but now I have a daily, I enjoy each mile so much more; every mile is for driving pleasure and not just a run to work and back :D Brilliant!

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Always reassuring to see these high mileages are possible.


At 83K I can probably still be driving the C in my dotage :wink:

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Mine hit 186186 a couple of weeks ago, and just about everything is still original. In the same way as Triggers brush in Only Fools and Horses though the engines more or less untouched

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been avoiding my engine but as good as 117k on a g60, not to shabby i think. this is where you vr boys get to laugh

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and just about everything is still original. In the same way as Triggers brush in Only Fools and Horses


:lol: One of my favourite scenes from OFaH!!

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Was going to start a similar thread when I got to 160K which will probably be tomorrow. It is now being used as a daily and I am falling in love all over again. Drive conservatively to work to get good MPG, and managed to see 345miles before having to refuel. Occasionally though its nice to blat it (like today :nuts: ) don't get to work any quicker but my its a lot more fun.


VRT is 0n 98k, and engine about 4500miles.

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On the way into work today travelling along the A361 the 160K came up as I neared Lechlade, I patted the dashboard and then as I got to a set of traffic lights at the bridge the lights turned red. I stopped the car stalled; started again and carried on with a smile on my face (still got the gremlins) :lol: :lol:

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