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Scotts of Sloane Square "Carry on" Campaign

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I was backing out of my garage with my Vespa and ever so slightly dinked the C on its rear arch causing a 50mm round dent in the panel........it was quite simply the most frustrating thing I have ever experienced :mad2: I almost put my fist through the front windscreen I was so angry :lol:


So I know how you feel fella........the new paint job and interior looks mint by the way - I'm not going to lie campagins arent my cup of tea but it doesnt stop me from admiring it and the work you have put into it :salute:


Never mind storms this is the real collectors car IMO.

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I was backing out of my garage with my Vespa and ever so slightly dinked the C on its rear arch causing a 50mm round dent in the panel........it was quite simply the most frustrating thing I have ever experienced :mad2: I almost put my fist through the front windscreen I was so angry :lol:



You're not wrong. If you've ever seen the cover of the film "Platoon", well that's what I would have looked like to an onlooker seconds after inspecting the damage.


I won't repeat what I said but I had to say three hail Marys whilst standing in the naughty corner for the next few days..

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So worth it mate.. looks superb inside... keep your chin up - nearly there :)

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nearly there :)


If only that were the truth :lol:


not even started on the underneath/engine bay etc

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If you've ever seen the cover of the film "Platoon", well that's what I would have looked like to an onlooker seconds after inspecting the damage.






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This week brought a new OE radiator which is all silver and shiny. I've taken the fan housing off and ground out the rust then cleaned/repainted etc.


Flushed out the old coolant.


It wouldn't be me if I posted without a new scratch. The same door as was damaged a couple of weeks back (remind me why I spent all that money repainting her) whilst opening the door and catching it on the removed bumper. :brickwall:


Back together for the weekend though.


Calming down by having an epic music listening session (ELP, King crimson, Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Tangerine dream) and a cup of earl grey.

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Radiator back on (after mis-fitting the fan and having to take it all apart again).


The temperature seems to climb a lot slower than before (which is fair enough) but doesn't seem to want to reach 84 deg. Fans not cutting in :confused4:


Took it out for a run a couple of days ago and she cut out about a mile from home. Unsure whether the battery I have really has had it or whether it's fuel starvation. Showing an eight of a tank though :confused4: New battery ordered and should be with me any day.


Had to leave it overnight near my old primary school (nice area so not too concerned). Got it home and then needed four grown men to push it on to the drive :lol: How heavy is a VR6 by the way !!!


New windscreen fitted today, after I sent the head office a rather cutting email. The chap seemed very affable and professional. Time will tell whether his work bears the same reaction.


Not sure if I'm going to risk York on Sunday. It's going to be a close call if I do though.


Fingers crossed...

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Hello james hope all is well i get my car back from the bodyshop tommorow minus some unwanted door dings , fresh slam panel,bumper and smoothed rear if ur still after my slam panel for those clips give me a shout i dont need it an will be more than willing to drop it off for ypu whenever is convienient for you :)

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Crumbs. It's a couple of months since I updated this thread.


To be honest, she sat motionless for a few weeks before Dave (Reggit) swung by for a quick plug in of his VCDS to tell me as brother Marvin once said "What's going on".


Turns out it was the old Crank position sensor that had decided to offer up an :epicfail: . Before I could say anything, Dave tells me he has a working one sat at home, being used as a paperweight ! Crikey !! :dance:


Two days later, Dave swings by in a whirlwind to bestow a CPS on your dear narrator.


Moments later, the cars on stands and I'm on the floor trying to dislodge an eighteen year old 10mm bolt that's playing the nil-movement game quite well. Big soak of graphite oil and a cup of tea later and it eased off with a tap or two.


Bought a new Varta battery to toast the occasion, turned the key and she burst into life. Let it get up to temp and chanced a spin.

It was running a bit rough so left it over night then disconnected the battery for half an hour, bolted it all back up, fired her up and jumped straight in for a good blast. Safe to say the grin factor was re-installed and all the frowns of the past few weeks were turned upside down.


Gave her a good clean and hoover at the weekend and over the past few nights have had a go at the roof strips (Big nod in the general direction of Andy (C5 OEM).

Took them off. A light wet and dry seeing to and then a buttering of primer. Another light smooth and then the satin black top coat.

Left them a couple of days then back they went. There's a couple of images below but the lighting doesn't quite do them justice. I'm very pleased with them. In fact I'd say they're belting.



Edited by James.

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Nice one mate, roof strips look spot on.. 8)


Cheers buddy. It was on my radar to, but took a back seat with all that was going on recently. Seeing yours reminded me that it really needs doing. :salute:



Good to see you got it woken from its slumber - nice one.


I thought the damn thing had gone into hibernation for a second. In fact, nice one to you Dave. Above and beyond the call of duty there buddy. If I can repay the favour then just give me the nod.

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Just trawling/organising through all the bumf that came with the car and dropped on this:


Scotts stock catalogue.jpg

 Scotts corrado prices.jpg


Judging by the registration marks of the cars I think it's safe to assume that this was produced around July 1995 when the cars first owner parted company.


I like the sound of the Oettinger model but I wonder where they are now ? That great big breakers yard in the sky ???



Edited by James.

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Amazing how a VR6 Auto with similar specs / mileage is selling at the same sort of price as the Campaign! Crazy! Would be a big difference in value now and god knows how much difference as these cars glide into becoming full on classics.

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When will we see such prices again? Mind you James I reckon a Campaign is worth a few bob more than a Storm so I guess you will be closest.

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Yeah, very cheap and also that Nugget G60 was a bit of a bargain at £12k for a 4 year old car on very low miles!


I'd certainly pay that now if I could find a car in that actual condition!

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What was the oettinger one then? and an 8v priced more than the campaign! allbeit with less mileage but still. Different class of car!

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Bump Strips

Painted the bump strips (a la gutter strips) in satin black. I tried everything to "bring them back to life" but it wasn't happening. I've already budgeted on them chipping so perhaps a new/mint set is in the offing for next spring.


Steering Wheel

I've been after one of these steering wheels for a long time now. They always sell for big money on the bay but was only prepared to pay so much. One popped up on a "but it now" last week for handy money and it really is as good as new, with no marks or wear (which is a rarity as they stopped making them a good few years ago and most of them have been fitted).

It's an absolute joy as a steering wheel and has a wonderful "feel" to it. Don't get me wrong I'm not ditching the standard wheel but the OE part is rather thick and unsophisticated in comparison.

The look of the wood and perforated leather compliments the dashboard/interior to a T.





Edited by James.

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easypops said:
That looks superb........like its meant to be :salute: 😄


Cheers. I was a little unsure at first but really wanted one. I've had about half a dozen people make the same comment so it helps alay my suitability concerns somewhat.


Fitted an Airflow battery conditioner last week and so far has performed exactly as it says on the box.


Getting stuck into the engine next week (though I've been saying this for the last four weeks)

Edited by James.

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really does look good. I've got a handbrake handle with a wood insert that you may like to complement the wheel? I was thinking of getting a matching wheel myself but never got round to it.

Just wondering if its possible to change the heater contrls to the round ones as this would really improve the interior?

Keep the pics coming!

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