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Increased Corrado activity?

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Can't be me dreaming, there really is a lot of Corrado related activity recently. In addition to the diehards and longterm keepers there seems to be a lot a new guys buying or looking to buy a Corrado or equally common place cars being broken.

New owners due to low prices at the moment ? Maybe although i'd guess those breaking rather than selling are often making more money. When all this activity dies down I think we'll be left with far fewer quality cars in dedicated ownership and we'll see the prices start to rise and cult classic staus will be assured LOL

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Yup lots of new young blood :grin: Hey if you can buy a Rado for 800 squid then you can afford to insure it as well!

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i've noticed a lot less corrados for sale, pistonheads has gone from nearly 100 corrados listed to around 30-40 at the moment. I think in the last two years lots have been sold on due to people needing money or not being able to justify the running costs

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agree with above! prices are so low i have manged to pick up a second only at the weekend to use as a daily now, and im sure when im finished with it and prices go up for nice ones i will make money on it :grin:

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They better bloody go up as I bought mine just before the "crash" :lol: Not that Im looking to sell it mind you but I am debating whether to go all out and make it a track day machine or get it looks spick and span again.

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They better bloody go up as I bought mine just before the "crash" :lol: Not that Im looking to sell it mind you but I am debating whether to go all out and make it a track day machine or get it looks spick and span again.


thats a hard one, i like to have best of both worlds if im honest... i like mine looking brand spanking new, but you also got to be able to put ya foot down and not worry about it too much

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They better bloody go up as I bought mine just before the "crash" :lol: Not that Im looking to sell it mind you but I am debating whether to go all out and make it a track day machine or get it looks spick and span again.


thats a hard one, i like to have best of both worlds if im honest... i like mine looking brand spanking new, but you also got to be able to put ya foot down and not worry about it too much



I'm more concerned with go than show, and my bodywork looks like it! :lol:


Yup lots of new young blood :grin: Hey if you can buy a Rado for 800 squid then you can afford to insure it as well!


Prices are rock bottom which means a C is now available to the masses, but its still insurance and servicing that will kick them in the butt. Yeah you can get a Fiesta for that price, but it won't be a 1.8 or 2.0 and will be a heck of a lot cheaper to run.

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They better bloody go up as I bought mine just before the "crash" :lol: Not that Im looking to sell it mind you but I am debating whether to go all out and make it a track day machine or get it looks spick and span again.


thats a hard one, i like to have best of both worlds if im honest... i like mine looking brand spanking new, but you also got to be able to put ya foot down and not worry about it too much



I'm more concerned with go than show, and my bodywork looks like it! :lol:


Yup lots of new young blood :grin: Hey if you can buy a Rado for 800 squid then you can afford to insure it as well!


Prices are rock bottom which means a C is now available to the masses, but its still insurance and servicing that will kick them in the butt. Yeah you can get a Fiesta for that price, but it won't be a 1.8 or 2.0 and will be a heck of a lot cheaper to run.[/quote:2jjizr7u]


And its those costs which mean budget owners are less likely to invest to keep the cars in tip top condition and with each new owner the price reduces and the 'restoration' price and jobs to do list raises, making breaking considerably more likely and financially inevitable.

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I'm a bit hung on this one. On one hand any potential increase in values is welcome, but on the other hand it's good to have a steady steam of breaker's parts still available as dealer parts prices for so many things are just ridiculous - assuming you can even get the parts you want anymore!


BTW Gareth I've only just noticed you back (doh!) - good to see you back here & Corrado owning again.



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I'm glad there's still interest in the Corrado - I just hope there isn't TOO much interest, and that I can finally buy a decent VR6 later this year before all the good ones are gone!

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BTW Gareth I've only just noticed you back (doh!) - good to see you back here & Corrado owning again.




Good to be back,always visited the forum but it feels right having my car back home

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I wonder how much lower prices can go. There are some very cheap cars coming up on Piston Heads. A one lady owner Mystic Storm with 126k was up for £2995. There are also a number of cars for under a £1000.


Undoubtdly the recession has driven down prices and there is still a sufficient suppy of cars to satisfy demand. Once that situation changes prices should start increasing.


Anybody on here buy the Storm?

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Probably see it in it's component parts on here in a few weeks... sigh :(

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I reckon that TCS guy is buying them all up, he's got one up for £5375 and another 3 at £3975 all 4 of them in Mystic Blue :shock:

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Yeah... it sucks for private buyers like me. I just need to keep saving so I've got the cash and I can spring onto a good deal as and when it arrives!

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Yeah... it sucks for private buyers like me. I just need to keep saving so I've got the cash and I can spring onto a good deal as and when it arrives!


It WILL happen for you Jim. I spent the four years after selling my last Corrado riding a bike and driving a £300 fiat so that the money was laying in wait for the right time.


Funny thing is I nearly bought back my old C the week before I bought my current one. REALLY glad i didn't now.




Talking of activity, I went to mid Wales over Christmas and saw three in three days (within 10 miles). That's more than in the previous 12 months !

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This thread has got me thinking now. Seen a few cheap small bumper Mk2 Golf around and tempted to buy one as I reckon they will soon become in demand as well. If I keep it original I cannot see me loosing money on it. Only choice is 16v or 8v really.

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This thread has got me thinking now. Seen a few cheap small bumper Mk2 Golf around and tempted to buy one as I reckon they will soon become in demand as well. If I keep it original I cannot see me loosing money on it. Only choice is 16v or 8v really.


16v all the way! I need to dust my valver off and get it out of my neighbours garage as they're having a kid soon and want the space back.


Seriously thought about selling it for bad money to pay for more C suspension, but then I saw this and nearly wee'd myself with love for the small bumper mk2, and decided the C could live on the drive for a bit 'til Golfy is taxed and tested again...



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I reckon that TCS guy is buying them all up, he's got one up for £5375 and another 3 at £3975 all 4 of them in Mystic Blue :shock:


Damn, I wish I knew why people sold their cars to this guy. He only offers peanuts and sells at top whack prices (tho dropping since the market is going down in general). Frankly, the cars I viewed at TCS were nasty. One particular black VR6 with aircon and a serious damp problem springs to mind...


..sorry, trying to retain a rant :nuts:

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a standard golf gti 16v in oak green, now they will be worth MEGA money


Yep, but mostly they be worth more mega money the closer to standard they are.


Rewind 2 years ago and Mk 2 Golf GTi's were around half the price they are now for a good one.


It's a classic cycle in the lifespan of a car, especially a performance car. We are also at a point where the performance is not why people buy Corrados (as much), they are fairly rapid for the money but the new Tdi lumps are putting out similar power to VR from the factory.


Yes I am now more interested in my project car than I have been in ages, typical considering it's bloody freezing outside, but all the long termers go through highs and lows - that's life really.

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a standard golf gti 16v in oak green, now they will be worth MEGA money


Personally I'd take an E plate (post 1/4 light) Monza blue over an Oak Green any day.


Decent small bumper MK2s are hard to come by now, and that colour is arguably rarer (and nicer) than Oak green, imo. Oak green also appeared on the E plate campaigns aswell as the big bumper run outs, so plenty more of that colour kicking around than Helious or Monza.


During my MK2 days, it was Oak Green this, Oak Green that. If you had a MK2 that wasn't Oak Green, you were a nobody :lol: Got sick of it in the end!

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The Mk2 Golf 16v in Oak Green was the car I never got. After uni I drove around for 4 years in a Fiesta 1.1L and saved up enough cash for something good from the VW stable. A 16v Ink Blue Corrado happened to be on sale at Deepdene Dorking and the rest as they say is history. :)

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Personally I'd take an E plate (post 1/4 light) Monza blue ...


Is that the bright/lightish metallic blue?, one of my favourites in small bumpers, with the open air ducts in the front spoiler, they just looked spot on, standard 16v ride height too.

There's a woman at work here with one, it's starting to get a little scruffy round the edges but looks in pretty good nick for it's age and totally original, seems to just be used as regular daily transport, one of these days I'll have to offer her a couple of hundred quid for it :)

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