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Super Unleaded 121.9p!!!

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I thought as I don't do very many miles in the old girl, I'd treat it to the good stuff, been using super the last few months without fail. Didn't even notice the price til it was pumping away. Was in Tesco so thought it would be around the cheapest in town. Wow bit of a shock as I'd been used to paying about 115p.


Will you guys carry on using the good stuff or go regular?

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I have to reduce the ignition timing a good 5 or 6 degrees on normal unleaded, so I'll keep on using the Super :D


I only do about 15 miles a day now, so the price rises won't affect me much.

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if i did as many miles as some people on here then i'd definitely be thinking about it but as i dont I'm just gritting my teeth for the £75-80, 300 mile tanks

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In a few months, it will probably be cheaper to buy the bog standard green stuff, then adding a bottle of additive to the tank of your preference instead. :|

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if i did as many miles as some people on here then i'd definitely be thinking about it but as i dont I'm just gritting my teeth for the £75-80, 300 mile tanks


300 miles? I get 400 from mine and it costs around £75 (optimax) - then again yours isn't standard I suppose!

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From a purely selfish point of view, I'm glad to only be living 4 miles from work these days... and heading into the summer when I plan to use my bike more and more!

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if i did as many miles as some people on here then i'd definitely be thinking about it but as i dont I'm just gritting my teeth for the £75-80, 300 mile tanks


300 miles? I get 400 from mine and it costs around £75 (optimax) - then again yours isn't standard I suppose!

lets not go there again, its not non-standard enough for that though.. :scratch:


thats a mix of london driving and open road though so it can be better depending on the journey, but it can also be worse too (270 not so long ago)..

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I'm close enough to cycle at the moment, but might be 20 miles from work by the end of next week. Might start to cost a little bit more then, but I'll be doing 20 miles on one of the most fun roads around here every day. :shrug:

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I thought you could only run them on super? i know the handbook says you can in an emergency use normal if theres nowt else. i'll stick with the good stuff, she's got expensive tastes... :lol:

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£129.99 in my local!! :shock: I nearly feinted when i noticed!


lol...Now that is frickin' expensive!!!!

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I'm lucky enough to be able to cycle to work now- but I always put Tescos premium or V-power in my G60 and it's really hurting the wallet now. But I wouldn't put anything else in as it's heavily modded and pinks under full boost with V-power anyway!


My mate at work had a Bora running on chip fat, I expect to see more of that going on if the prices don't drop!

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Regardless of cost, I need to run on the good stuff.

Although when the weather gets better, I'll run to work (10 miles :gag: )

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I'm just glad I don't HAVE to run the car daily, only done about 2k miles in 11 months :cuckoo:


Since using the good stuff, the engine has been purring and not stalling at junctions etc at all, so it does make a noticable difference, I'll carry on with using it.

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What I don't understand is, the motoring organizations are widely reporting how much we're being ripped off.


When prices got this high in the last year or two it was because of the price of crude oil. Right now, crude oil is about 1/2 or 2/3 the price it was the last time around.. and yet despite them reporting it, and the public at large being upset, nothing happens. The government don't care as they make extra tax money (and lets face it, every penny they can get right now they'll be grabbing merrily) and the companies are making more money so they won't say a word either.


It's a disgrace frankly.

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Fair point. And they did say US dollars is how everything is done in the oil business..

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Don't get me wrong, it's still a rip off. The split second oil costs more or the pound is worth less, we get the premium passed onto us. However, any time the opposite happens ... does the price go down? Does it hell. Just trying to show that oil price going down + GBP being worth far less against USD means we still get humped in a bad way.

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Indeed... a sorry state of affairs. :(


When will this situation improve.......WILL it ever improve?


The government just seem to squeeze every penny they can get out. Road Tax going up and up, fuel tax... there's word the b*stards are going to put VAT on food goods.


I understand that they need money to pay these damn debts the ones in control have got out country into. But why not start by not paying these damn spongers dole money and get them working!!! :mad2: Makes me so mad!!!


Sorry :lol:

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You guys all need somewhere with a different Government.


Isle of Man ;)


Upper rate tax of 20% ... up from 18% this next tax year due to the UK butt-f**king us on a VAT agreement ..... travesty! No CGT, IHT or Stamp Duty plus others I probably forget.

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