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Super Unleaded 121.9p!!!

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I posted a receipt for £82 or maybe even more last year or whenever prices were last this bad - that was when i paid £1.26.


Yesterday I paid £1.23 at Shell and BP was £1.24, so with the extra 3p tax about to come in we are basically back to that level already - it was front page news at that point too... And those were just prices near me - I would say we'll be over £1.30 on motorways in a few days if not already..

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Just wait till it hits £1.50 a litre. Then it will get worse as the pound gets weaker and weaker. Time to take a stand RIOT :shock:

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I just wanted to say that I get Shell Racing 100 RON petrol for less than 70p a litre. :wave:


That is all.



:o HOW?

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I just wanted to say that I get Shell Racing 100 RON petrol for less than 70p a litre. :wave:


That is all.



:o HOW?


He's not in the UK

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more importantly he's not in the uk but also in the forces! petrol in germany is even more expensive in sterling than it is here since the exchange rate's been in the toilet.

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Found a garage selling regular unleaded at just 114.9/l round our way (S-Bucks)as opposed to the usual 119.9/l, and yet 5 miles the other way there's a Shell (in the middle of nowhere) selling V-power at £131! :epicfail:

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Im afriad to say that I cannot see it going down much if at all. Its only going to get more expensive. The oil companies make big profits but thats only because they are so huge. The return on a barrel is not as much as you would think, its the tax thats killing us.


Im pretty sure they tax the companies on how much oil they produce so they are double or even triple taxing the oil that coming out the ground by the time we plonk it in our cars. Im almost considering going back to a diseasel for the everyday car as its starting to be a more viable option for me.

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According to a different forum, the current bare price per litre for unleaded is around 40p. Gordon Brown is currently adding 80p to that in various duties.


It's pointless getting worked up about it. Just as with the other endless debates people have about pot holes, speeding, poor driving etc etc, unfair fuel pricing is part of our daily motoring life that is never going to change.


If people want to demonstrate their contempt, then vote for a different party. But people won't. Brown will be back in office for another 4 years and petrol will end up being £2 litre by 2012 :roll:

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... Brown will be back in office for another 4 years ...


God no :shock: if anyone is considering not voting at all, then surely that is a good enough reason to vote for someone/anyone else.

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Trouble is, as a lot of people are feeling, are any of the parties worth voting in? LOL!


It'll be interesting if it goes to a hung parliament though. Will we get the worst of both parties, or the best? I think I'd rather have one bad blue or red party, than a combined purple of schittness.....

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Trouble is, as a lot of people are feeling, are any of the parties worth voting in? LOL!


It'll be interesting if it goes to a hung parliament though. Will we get the worst of both parties, or the best? I think I'd rather have one bad blue or red party, than a combined purple of schittness.....



With a Dash of Yellow in no11 if the papers are right! :brickwall:

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Trouble is, as a lot of people are feeling, are any of the parties worth voting in? LOL!

It'll be interesting if it goes to a hung parliament though. Will we get the worst of both parties, or the best? I think I'd rather have one bad blue or red party, than a combined purple of schittness.....


Personally we should gather the lot of them, put them in a field, and shoot the lot of them. The entire mainstream political class is a disgrace to our nation. [/rant over already]


p.s. the Topic headline is out of date already. I had to pay 123.9 on the A12 on Sunday.

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p.s. the Topic headline is out of date already. I had to pay 123.9 on the A12 on Sunday.


Wasn't the Shell just outside Colchester was it? That's my regular haunt and it was indeed 123.9 the other day when I filled up. I just don't look at the pump any more and block my ears when I go in to pay :?

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I bought a Mk2 Gti as a daily, and i'm getting about 40-42mpg out of it on my 150mile round trip each day, but that's still £100 a week in Petrol, that's a load of wedge a month for just commuting. It's made me think about changing it to something newer and more efficient, but will I ever see the money back? probably not, newer cars are better but not by much I'm thinking. Need a closer contract!!

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for those living in norn ireland its even more expensive, due to the cost of getting the stuff here :? rip off britain.


off topic but re brown, we didn't vote for this clunking idiot as PM, but a majority did vote for labour and browns *miracle* debt based economy, and we're now gonna pay as the governement purposely scews inflation, and the bank of england turn on the printy printy money press, debase sterling and in the process make us all poorer - more of the same, no thanks :mad2:

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I bought a Mk2 Gti as a daily, and i'm getting about 40-42mpg out of it on my 150mile round trip each day, but that's still £100 a week in Petrol, that's a load of wedge a month for just commuting. It's made me think about changing it to something newer and more efficient, but will I ever see the money back? probably not, newer cars are better but not by much I'm thinking. Need a closer contract!!


You have to take everything into account though. I started to look at Mk5 Tdi's and to get a decent one your looking at £9 - 10k. For me that would be about a £6k difference. At the moment I worked out for 10k miles a diesel is around £800 a year cheaper on fuel. Thats with 26mpg against 45mpg. Slightly cheaper insurance and tax will mean it would take about 7 years to break even. Then theres depreciation etc to take into account so unless your doing mega miles and keeping the car for a good few years its sometimes not cheaper getting a diesel.

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That's the trouble, I'm doing about 750miles a week, which is about half way between making it worth it!

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p.s. the Topic headline is out of date already. I had to pay 123.9 on the A12 on Sunday.


Wasn't the Shell just outside Colchester was it? That's my regular haunt and it was indeed 123.9 the other day when I filled up. I just don't look at the pump any more and block my ears when I go in to pay :?


Close but no cigar. It was the Texaco about 6 miles south of Ipswich. The bloody Shell garage on the outskirts of Ipswich didn't even have a Optimax pump that I could find.


for those living in norn ireland its even more expensive, due to the cost of getting the stuff here :? rip off britain.

Shurely shome mishtake? Surely that should be "rip off northern ireland" ? LOL


That's the trouble, I'm doing about 750miles a week, which is about half way between making it worth it!


Buy a Mondeo Diesel. My mate bought one on a 53 plate for £1500 two years ago and he gets 59mpg out of that easily. As Volkswagen enthusiasts we attach ourselves to the romantic notion of a cheap VW but frankly the economics of an oil burning Ford kick equivalent VWs into the woods I'm sad to say. I bet you'd never find a 53 plate VW TDi of anything even now for £1500, let alone two years ago.


An here's the painful bit. The Mondeo is a great car.



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Filled the VR this morning, as heading up North this weekend, Tesco99 ron....


122.9 ppl!!!


I nearly fell over.


£68 :(

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It cost me over £90 to fill my T4 last week and I'm off to fill the VR in a bit with optimax so I'll take some lube with me!

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It cost me over £90 to fill my T4 last week and I'm off to fill the VR in a bit with optimax so I'll take some lube with me!


You'll need smelling salts too. Robbing barstewards!


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Buy a Mondeo Diesel. My mate bought one on a 53 plate for £1500 two years ago and he gets 59mpg out of that easily. As Volkswagen enthusiasts we attach ourselves to the romantic notion of a cheap VW but frankly the economics of an oil burning Ford kick equivalent VWs into the woods I'm sad to say. I bet you'd never find a 53 plate VW TDi of anything even now for £1500, let alone two years ago.


An here's the painful bit. The Mondeo is a great car.




:nono: Twas £2k, 16 months ago..... and 59mpg average is doable when capping yourself to 85 on cross-country mixed driving, so driving at normal speeds 47-53 is more typical.


A good daily barge, for milking company mileage rates with.

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