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gti international..

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I was considering organsing a show up at Elvington airfield, but it'd be really hard to get people to come for the first time to a new show. Especially up North.


I was thinking, only about £5000 to hire the airfield for the day, plus paying staff, insurance and all the other sh1t it'd be around £40K. Aloow traders for free, and don't charge for showing. If you could get 4000 people paying £10 a peice you'd break even.


I don't think 4000 is a lot considering GTI attracts over 20,000 and it's a LOT more than £10 to get in....


Only off the top of my head sums, but do you think it'd work? obviously I'd do a lot of reseach into what people actually want to see froma show, but after being on the forums for 3 years and into VW's for 6.5 years I think I have a damn good idea of what workds and what doesn't, and I know for a fact that being ripped off is top of the list of most peoples hates and the reason they don't attend certain shows.

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Sounds like a good idea Phat...


If you put out the feelers on some of the bigger, more popular forums and try and give the idea some magazine coverage, you might be onto a winner.


Would be a heckuva lot of work to put something like that together though!

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Judging from the amount of work that went into the CGTI Megameet at Ragley last year, i sure as hell wouln't fancy trying to organise a show as big as that!

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I think its unfortunate that the organisers see fit to limit the Club Displays rather than trying a bit harder with the layout to accomodate everyone. I think on balance the Club scene has more relevance to the VW scene as with increasingly ageing vehicles there are really fewer and fewer cars of genuine Concours or show standard. The show should be about displaying your car and meeting like minded individuals.

Whilst this new idea is clearly flawed a boycott is no use. Use it or lose it is too true, just look at the organising costs involved. Its the clubs and the people that make the european shows work so we need to do the same here only by going to the shows and creating the atmosphere will things gain momentum.

In respect of this years GTI International can I suggest 2 things

1 The VW clubs and forums all write an open letter perhaps also via the magazines and t'internet expressing their dissapointment at the invite only and 5 cars per stand criteria.

2 Clubs and forums meet up outside the show prior to entering and all go in together forming their own display in the car park. If this is organised well enough it will provide an alternative focal point to the show which won't be profit motivated. From my experience the real atmosphere at European shows is the campsite car parks etc anyway. etc etc etc :mrgreen:

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2 Clubs and forums meet up outside the show prior to entering and all go in together forming their own display in the car park. If this is organised well enough it will provide an alternative focal point to the show which won't be profit motivated. From my experience the real atmosphere at European shows is the campsite car parks etc anyway. etc etc etc :mrgreen:


Now this sounds like a good idea :!: i'm up for it, any thoughts :?:

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I spoke to Autometrix a couple of weeks ago and they are trying hard to make changes to improve the event based on the feedback they got from everyone last year.


Last year was the first at Bentwaters, and by thier own admission the layout could have been vastly improved. The Club stands were out in the middle of nowhere, as were the the show cars. The public parking was also naff and the traders were spread out in about 4 directions.


Everyone said to them "can't you try and make it a bit more like it was at TRL?" and so that's what they are trying to do this year; moving trade stands, clubs, and show displays all more close together and trying to 'mix it up' a bit more just kike it was at TRL.


The problem with doing this is that there will have to be constraints on the number/size of the club displays. I guess we'll have to see how well it works this time and see if overall it's any better than last year.


Ultimately the problem is one of thier own making in that really the location itself is useless for an event like this. The layout is just not suited to holding an event like this, it's absolutely miles from anywhere, the roads are not up to it, there are few decent hotels within 20 miles (the list goes on & on).


Why they don't just bite the bullet and hold it at a proper race circuit like Donnington or Silverstone is beyond me (well it ain't - they won't make as much profit) but if an event like Trax can turn profits whilst paying Silverstone I can't see why Inters can't do the same.


/end of rant



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RAF Bentwaters is a good site and is certainly big enough to hold the event but there is a bit of a problem with road access as the dual carriageway ends at Woodbridge and the roads just don't have the capacity for that many cars decending on a single place for 2 days let alone everyone leaving at once!!


I still think its a good location for it tho (obviuosly) but was suprised at last years lack of european cars with Felixstowe and Harwich being so close with good road links, hopefully we'll get more of a presence this year but like I said earlier the organisation and planning of the whole event leaves alot to be desired!


The main reason, as Kev says, that the event got stopped at the TRL was bassically 'max power' to$$ers pissing about and I think it was the noise from sound off's etc that really that was really the last straw!


The good thing about Woodbridge is that there are loads of good pubs (Adnams), restaurants, hotels and B&B's around, for anyone wanting a nice hotel for the weekend with good parking etc try...


Seckford Hall on 01394 385678



Or Ufford Park on 01394 383555



Both have lesuire facilities, gym, swimming pool and golf courses near by.

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I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there.


The fundamental problem with Bentwaters is that it is simply a huge distance for everyone to travel to it. I live in Bournemouth, and Woodbridge is the best part of 240 miles each way for me, whereas TRL was only 90 miles (and Wroughton was only 60). As a further illustration, for me Inters is now about the same distance for me to travel to as going to Tatton Park !


Now not everyone lives in Bournemouth (hey - you can't all be lucky!) but the fact is that Bentwaters is a bigger distance even for Londoners to travel compared to the previous locations. From central London, Wroughton was only 90 miles, whereas Bentwaters is more like 115.


The point I've made to Neil Birkitt on a number of occasions now is that we are now in the ridiculous situation where there isn't a single major VW show located in the heartland of the country; everything is scattered outside of the M4/M1/M6 "box" and given that Inters positions itself as the biggest show it clearly makes little sense to position it so that the vast majority of attendees have to cover simply massive distances to attend it.


Several year ago Inters rapidly climbed the ladder and became the biggest show on the scene because it was well located, and also because it was the best of a small portfolio of shows. 10 years on, there will be something like 20+ major VW events (and that's just the watercooled ones) in the UK this year, and Inters now has to fight hard to retain it's position or people will just divert to more local shows.


This year is certainly going to be very interesting...

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It seems a bit frustrating that they postition the UK's largest VW show on the east coast, purely for the purpose of attracting international visitors.


It seems a bit unfair really that it ends up slighting all of the UK owners, for who the show should really be for! Obviously attracting international vistors is very important (as the VW scene is huge in Europe), but it just seems odd to make it a real inconvenience for the majority of the UK.


Even for me in the West Midlands its a bit of a trek.. but then I don't like travelling huge distances, so thats not saying a lot! :D I sympathise for those driving from places like Wales, or like you John up from Bournemouth.


I'd love to go to my first GTI International this year, but it sounds like a nightmare to be honest.. stories of overheating cars (thanks to a totally unsuitable road network leading up to bentwaters), having to walk for miles, the prices they are charging clubs for postage stamp sized stands.


Might just hold out for a more local show!

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He'll no doubt argue it merits the International name :p now that its closer to most of Europe than it is for most UK dubbers!

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Might just hold out for a more local show!


Yup, there's Stanford Hall, Dubfreeze, that GTI show at Stoneleigh (forgot the name, was on October 5 last year, quite a few Rados there, despite it being an all-marques show, went with my Mk1 Rocco) and, of course, some local meets :D



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What about us Scottish Dubbers who come down? That is a long drive!


well said that man!! :wink: :wink: ........and i aint the farthest North in the UK either :roll:

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Distance to the venue has got nothing to do with it. People will travel if the desire is strong enough.


VW fans used to come over from Germany, Belgium and Holland to attend Inters at the TRL, which didn't seem to deter them, so a trip to the East coast isn't too big a deal, imo. Equally, Brits regularly attend the Treffen too. I've been to Castle Coombe a few times and that's a good 300 odd miles away from me....... like I say, if you really want to go, you will.


I personally enjoy a long drive in the Corrado....you get to drive on unfamiliar roads and learn a bit more about the car. Use it for the purpose it was intended!


The main reason for going to an event is because of what you're likely to see and do there, and if the last couple of Inters are anything to go by, not a lot. If the appeal is lost, then people won't go, simple as.....



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Well there's the rub. The turnout of the Europeans at Bentwaters easily was the poorest I've ever seen at Inters despite it's location, but then to be fair the euro turnout was also unexpectedly small at E38 last year as well.


I don't disagree with you about willingness to travel, I myself racked up over 3,500 miles to 8 events last year (work out the average involved) but most people don't do anything like that mileage and (whetehr you like it or not) are not simply not hardcore enough to undertake those kind s of distances only to end up at a so-so show. As anyone who organises big events will tell you, you can't build a big show based on a hardcore of diehards, you have to make it easy for masses to come or they won't come - full stop. This consideration is merely significant if you are organising something like last year's CCGB National Day, but for a purely commercial event like Inters it's absolutely crucial.


There has been a big thread on this on the Club GTi forum which PhatVR6 has been very involved in and I have to say I agree with Paul 99% in everything he's said over there. Many of us will probably be going anyway, but the reason for that these days is because the nights out are good fun, and also because you run into loads of mates from the scene at the event. That's fantastic in itself, but it doesn't follow that the show itself can't be a big disappointment because for me last year it was just that.


The good news (as I alluded to earlier) is that I am also in the fortunate position to know many of the people involved in Inters, and they do honestly listen to the feedback they get from people like myself and PhatVR6 and try as far as possible to act on it to improve the show. However there are also constraints that they have to work within (which most people don't know or care about) and these mean that everything on the wish-list can't be done. It's probably fair to say that in that sense they are between a rock and a hard place.


Of course none of that also means that you have to think the show is any good either does it...? Their problems are not your problems after all...


Anyway... I hope to see & meet loads of you guys on the CCGB Club stand over the Inters weekend. Also keep an eye out for the "Are you a C.NUT?" t-shirts. The owners will probably own a Corrado :D



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as I recal, they had their car park on the fat part of the runway, and never used the part inside the gates....the bit where you queued to park. The club stands were on the fat part and the trade stands were on the thin taxi ways.....why dont they put the parking on the thin stretched out bit, and the action on the fat bits??


maybe this is rubbish.....but thats how i remember it!

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What I have been told by the organisers is that for this year's show, the Traders, Club stands and show cars are all going to be in much closer proximity this year. That has to be an improvement compared with the last two years.



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You and me both PValver-aslong as its sunny! and there are various types of dubs. oh and of course no NEDs!!!

Scots people speak up-wheres every1 thinking of going this yr-england or europe.


Cheers Fraser

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dont think you get many neds driving dubs cos there all in to corsa's and ford fiasco's!!

im thinking about going to roadstar 2004 (all rados & roccos)

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I've got my finals in May so will be studying my a$$ off in May. Guttet though as I was either going to go to Inters or be brave and venture to europe :cry: There's always next year :D

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Well there's a load of us going from around the Worcester area. We'll be heading down around midday on the Friday, so if anyone wants to join us, let me know! 8)

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Though i may as well give my 2p worth,


I've been thinking long and hard about wether to go this year, thats the problem for me. I shouldn't have to. I should be buzzing and excited about going. I remember my first Inters in 2000 i could sleep the night before waiting to see the best VW's in the country. The show has lost its draw, there isn't the enthusiasm for Inters because it doesn't feel like our show anymore. The traders are mostly enuthusiasts who turn a hobby into a small business and find themselves in the situation of have to pay £1200+ for a stand for two days. Its very unlikely that even the big companies could turn over enough cash over the weekend to make the show worth visiting. I spent 2 years on the concours scene and felt and was dismayed that i could predict the winners at inters by who the judge was, not the quality of the cars and being charged £8, to me thats bitting the hand that feeds you. Moving to the sprint £ 7 a run when its £10 all day a a proper venue like santa pod? The last santuary was the club stands, free of show politics, just a bunch of people having a chat with friends they possibly see only once or twice a year and i'm saddened that they feel theres profit to be made here too. This is turning out more negative than i planned....but its off my chest now.


However shows which are run by enuthusiasts were disappointing last year and that our fault for not making the effort to join in. Sure some shows are along way to travel but theres probably a bunch of people at your regional meet hoping you'll join them and drive down in convey making the trip to the show enjoyable (or more so) than the show itself. My favourite show ever was York in 2002, i was in a 10 car convey all driving flat out down the B1228 after the show to Maccy D's, it was a blast. The show itself isn't the be all and end all, just a focal point which sells sh*t burgers. Its the friends you make and the reward of people respecting your hard work and leaving inspired to have a go themselves


Inters may not be the show it was, that could be a good thing. Theres sure to be some great cars appearing well into the season this year as a result of is fall from grace. I could name a handful. I still feel theres a place for a GTI International, it just shouldn't be profit driven. I'm hoping the traders and the owners clubs put there heads together, hire a decent venue and hope for nothing more that to raise enough gate money to cover the venue hire.

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