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Stopped by police for being too low....

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As it sais, yesterday i was stopped by 3 police running out in front of me in the road so as to make me stop, he told me to get out said i was being anti social by using my accelerator he said "Theres going to be points given mate" i said points for what and he said being anti social (Which i stated if i didnt use it the car would not move) One he was a right arsehole plus he looked under my car and said there was body work hanging on the floor, which i laughed at and said bolloks.... (Splitter only hits the floor usually)


I said i wasnt speeding, my cars mot'd plus there is no legal restriction on how low your car can be etc etc


Made me sit in the police car waiting for a traffic officer to arive and then they radio'd through to say they couldnt come up, so he told me to leave it as a bolloking..........


As if that nober was going to try and get me points for nothing...


Surley theres ways around this sort of abuse of power?

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in my experience dont smart answer or annoy cops...be nice to them and theyll be nice to you!


I had blue under car lights on,revving engine,slammed golf gti 16v,subs on full and done a burnout when cops were 5 meters from me(didnt realise) clearly not beening a good boy.

they stopped me,i turned music off,undercar lights off.they procedded to chew me a new asshole but because i was apologetic and said sorry alot they sent me on my way saying if they caught me doing it again,id have my car crushed.being young,of course i done it again


police will be harsh or leaniant depending on how much of an arsehole you are to them!! pure and simple.

A good old threat now and again lets them feel like theyre in charge.swallow your pride for five minutes and say sorry.i not on the cops side but it helps to know how they work!


dont think they can give you points for anti-socal but can fine you though.just dont revv your engine when cops are around,it attracts unwanted attention

Your car can be low as you want so long as it doesnt damage the road surface which IS an offence

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in my experience dont smart answer or annoy cops...be nice to them and theyll be nice to you!


I had blue under car lights on,revving engine,slammed golf gti 16v,subs on full and done a burnout when cops were 5 meters from me(didnt realise) clearly not beening a good boy.

they stopped me,i turned music off,undercar lights off.they procedded to chew me a new asshole but because i was apologetic and said sorry alot they sent me on my way saying if they caught me doing it again,id have my car crushed.being young,of course i done it again


police will be harsh or leaniant depending on how much of an arsehole you are to them!! pure and simple.

A good old threat now and again lets them feel like theyre in charge.swallow your pride for five minutes and say sorry.i not on the cops side but it helps to know how they work!


dont think they can give you points for anti-socal but can fine you though.just dont revv your engine when cops are around,it attracts unwanted attention

Your car can be low as you want so long as it doesnt damage the road surface which IS an offence


it doesn't matter how nice you are. if you get an a hole one then they will be a p*ick regardless.

i always treat people how i would like them to treat me. so if they are nice then ill play nice, if not then i won't take their crap because they are on a power trip

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Speaking as a Police Officer, I say its all about the initial attitude test. So many people get the hump when being pulled over and can't see that they are either at fault, or in need of being quiet and being gently reminded of their wrong-doing. Thankfully, due to the nature of my job, I don't have to deal with that many specific traffic offences.


It goes grip my shit when on pretty much every car forum people moan about the Police, why can't they leave their ride alone and catch real criminals etc etc etc.

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Hear what youre saying from a coppers point of view, but they do seem to waste alot of time on trivial shite.


Ive been pulled over for wearing a hat before, that was his honest reason for why! Then when your house gets burgled they dont bother to turn up.


If youre driving like you stole it, fair game though.

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Speaking as a Police Officer, I say its all about the initial attitude test. So many people get the hump when being pulled over and can't see that they are either at fault, or in need of being quiet and being gently reminded of their wrong-doing. Thankfully, due to the nature of my job, I don't have to deal with that many specific traffic offences.


It goes grip my **** when on pretty much every car forum people moan about the Police, why can't they leave their ride alone and catch real criminals etc etc etc.


I quite agree, so many people go round with ridiculous attitudes now.


I've had torrents of abuse from motorists when closing roads because of accidents and fallen trees, and been on the site of a fatal crash when a person in a people carrier has moved the road closed signs and bollards out of the way, and then driven through all the debris lying in the road. W@nkers.

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Hear what youre saying from a coppers point of view, but they do seem to waste alot of time on trivial ****.


Ive been pulled over for wearing a hat before, that was his honest reason for why! Then when your house gets burgled they dont bother to turn up.


If youre driving like you stole it, fair game though.


Mate, I'm not going to comment on each indivdual Police Forces operational proceedures, however, you'll probably find that a description (i.e your car and physical appearance at that time) was profiled.


As in local intelligence (don't get too excited I don't mean Mi5 / SIS) was probably given out to various patrols with a description of a person to be stopped and searched for a huge array of possible reasons and/or scenario's.

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I find a nice polite "Sorry, how can I help?" usually throws them off guard a little...


Anti Social Behaviour is backed by a Section 59 and afaik isn't backed with points.

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Speaking as a Police Officer, I say its all about the initial attitude test. So many people get the hump when being pulled over and can't see that they are either at fault, or in need of being quiet and being gently reminded of their wrong-doing. Thankfully, due to the nature of my job, I don't have to deal with that many specific traffic offences.


It goes grip my **** when on pretty much every car forum people moan about the Police, why can't they leave their ride alone and catch real criminals etc etc etc.


I quite agree, so many people go round with ridiculous attitudes now.


I've had torrents of abuse from motorists when closing roads because of accidents and fallen trees, and been on the site of a fatal crash when a person in a people carrier has moved the road closed signs and bollards out of the way, and then driven through all the debris lying in the road. W@nkers.


I used to be surprised by peoples stupid behaviour... I know it wasn't your priority at the time, far more pressing matters at hand, but I would have made a note of the VRN and used the err...Ways and Means Act 2010 :lcop:

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I used to be surprised by peoples stupid behaviour... I know it wasn't your priority at the time, far more pressing matters at hand, but I would have made a note of the VRN and used the err...Ways and Means Act 2010 :lcop:


Next time I'm just going to coil one out into my hand and throw it at them.

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From another thread not very long ago:


Couldnt just post one.....







You live not too far from me....i used to pass when i used to work for parcelforce, you live on my old route. Looks nice, although i must say you've got a rather heavy right foot, everytime i saw you out in it is was on full cam :lol:


To me it does sound like you have a bit of a habit of driving, shall we say, at an inappropriate speed ... ? I'm not saying you were but if you did happen to be booting it and the police had to force you to stop, you can hardly blame the bloke if he wasn't in the best of moods.

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in my experience dont smart answer or annoy cops...be nice to them and theyll be nice to you!


police will be harsh or leaniant depending on how much of an arsehole you are to them!! pure and simple.........


This is so true it hurts, I totally agree with this ........ your a damm fool if you think you can bad mouth a copper and get away with it even if you whole heartidly believe you are in the write ...... so just be wise, shut your mouth and be apologetic - if you dont there is only ever one winner and one loser.


VR6's detective work is genius :lol: ..... although I think more evidence is needed !!

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white corrados make me happy.


know your pain about the two low business, i got pulled for it, was polite and he let me on my way, was the same scenario in my old car too. i dont have beef with the 5-0 really

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Pretty much what everyone has said with the attitude thing. At the sam time, i dont see why i shouldnt be annoyed if i get pulled over without reason.


Luckily ive never been pulled by nobplod. If and when i've been pulled for no aparent reason they've kindly explained that it was a routine stop etc (even though it clearly isn't) so i just let em get on with their checks and comply. Keeps em shut to be honest.


Having said all that, some coppers are actually nice guys who give a crap and don't abuse their powers.

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I just don't share the general belief that most police are people out looking for aggro and a small minority are there to do a good job. I think it's quite the opposite.


I have the opinion that they've probably seen some truely horrendous things out on the roads, and when they see young lads in fast cars driving like pillocks they're probably reminded of countless occasions when they have to go and knock on the doors of a deceased persons house and inform the next of kin of the good news. I suppose there is an element of what we go through with trying to moderate the forum some times.. even after all the years we've been doing it, people still post adverts without fixed price or still post asking why their doorhandles aren't working. It's hard not to post something snotty!


In my limited run in's with the police I've always found them to be polite and fair (as I have been) !

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My dad was in the police and while he didn't talk too much about his work it was clear that he dealt with the dregs of society on many an occasion. It's not surprising that they react to people being arsey. So my view has always been that being polite and courteous from the start will generally cause them to treat you ok too. If you put yourself in their position and someone is a pain in the arse the second you talk to them, then you're going to be assertive straight back. But if someone is polite and helpful from the start then you're more likely to traet them in the same manner.

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I thought everyone knew about the police attitude test, the crucial first few seconds when the officer determines if you are a decent person who can hold conversation or if they are going to be dealing with some wound up moron.


If the OP has started to kick off and winge about there being no law on how low he can be blah blah when the officer has decided that in his opinion the car is too low and has evidence eg chewed tyres to suggest there is a safety aspect here then take it like a man an raise the car or sort it. If there is genuinely nothing wrong with the car and the wheels/tyres fit fine then it could be the officer having a bad day or trying to get you for something because they heard/saw you speeding but had no proof.


Id say on 90% of the times i have dealt with police after being pulled the officers have been professional and treated me fairly given the circumstances but in the past I was forced to make a complaint about an officer as he was acting well out of order - he had a servere case of small man syndrome :shrug:



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"take it like a man an raise the car or sort it." thats the fannys way of dealing wiith it, id have appealed if he did try and do anything to gain me points....


Also ie had many encounters with the police soem good and some bad but most i find theres one coc* and the rest are fairly polite and friendly realising that to fine someone is fairly harsh they dont usually bother...


I was very polite, friendly was also appologetic about the fact i was noisy but said i wasnt speeding (I wasnt the roads in peices it would snap my car...)


He was just a bellend... think i did piss him off because i said you obviously dont like cars if your stopping me saying this is too low he told ME not to patronise him, this is whilst he was mid lecture telling me how anti social i was....


I didnt speed, cars fine ....


He was just a coc* muncher.


No numbers or id of the bloke either but still, aint fair to those who want to modify their cars, just another way of the gov robbing us...


And did you say theil have y information writen down on file or with other officers?




Also i never said i speed...just havnt said i dont....

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I've had a long day dealing with c**ts, so maybe its that, but it really makes my head hurt to try to read this post.


He was just a bellend... think i did piss him off because i said you obviously dont like cars if your stopping me saying this is too low he told ME not to patronise him, this is whilst he was mid lecture telling me how anti social i was....


You are a genius. I really, really want to take your VRN, make and model and e-mail the details to their local intelligence officer (LIO) and make sure that every patrol in that county has your description. Safe. Innit.

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Youd just prove what officers can be like then....


All on a power trip that is.


Why would you want to do that as ive said nothing wrong other than i got hasseld .... for a problem you may encounter yourself one day as you do own the same car....

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from my own experience, if your a young male and the police think you have done something wrong they will be nobs whatever, seen it many times...


i got pulled over one friday night and they were being dicks, told me a didnt pull over straight away so accused me of drink driving (there wasnt any where safe to stop btw), only until i had done the test and they realised i was just driving home were they polite to me!


how can you be polite to someone when they talk down to you! if i havent done anything wrong and they give me attitude, im sorry but i give it back!


not saying they are all like this, i have had some dealings with some i really liked, and you always come away thinking why arent they all like that

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Had a very similar experience, was pulled late at night in a black (all oem) bmw. Apparently i was driving recklessly. I wasn't speeding. Wasn't drunk. I passed the officers car that was parked in a side road after coming off a roundabout.


I'm a young asian male (pulling the race card here as you can guess why they pulled a young asian male driving a black bmw......... drug dealer) They searched the car, found nothing. Decided to try and charge me with reckless driving anyway. I appealed, went to court, one officer said i was verbally abusive and uncooperative. Other officer said i was well mannered. I showed an aerial photo of the road in court, explained that the police car could have only been behind me for approx 10meters, 5 of which were on a roundabout. The nob officer said i swerved when coming off the roundabout, the aerial photo shows road markings that lead the driver to swing out when exiting the roundabout.


Courts Verdict: NOT GUILTY


My Verdict: One serious racist, ageist, stereotyping nob of an officer.


Wasted my time and the courts. Deserves to be stripped of this badge.

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