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Stopped by police for being too low....

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Youd just prove what officers can be like then....


All on a power trip that is.


Why would you want to do that as ive said nothing wrong other than i got hasseld .... for a problem you may encounter yourself one day as you do own the same car....


I agree,


Huge own goal there by MonkeyVR6, doesn't fill me with confidence knowing that even Officers with Corrado's can have such a pathetic attitude


I remember I was driving up a hill once when the VR started missing, Coil pack was on its way out so lost two cylinders at the time, had to floor it to get anything out of it at all, was going up the hill at a steady 15mph but making a bit of induction roar doing so, Copper jumped out in front of me and waved me to slow down :brickwall:

Any slower and I would've gone backwards

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Youd just prove what officers can be like then....


All on a power trip that is.


Why would you want to do that as ive said nothing wrong other than i got hasseld .... for a problem you may encounter yourself one day as you do own the same car....


And you've just proved what young men with big big balls, big mouths and a loads of bad attitude can be like, havn't you? No wonder you get stopped.

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What grinds my gears is that i hate young, asian, black bmw driving drug dealers. Scum, the lot of 'em!


But i was mistakenly led to believe that all police were trained professionals that have been given the honourable duty of protecting the best interests of the public. A serious duty not to be abused. Much like a barrister, or civil engineer or doctor. Now if a doctor were found to be lying or mistreating a patient because of their age or race in court, there would be serious consequences. But officer nob has nothing to worry about.


Even taking this to a less serious level, i am a landscape architect who deals with building contractors daily. Now if i were to practice my profession based on stereotypes i would breathalyse every contractor daily, and fire most of them because i believe 'all contractors drink on the job' (sorry any contractors, i dont actually believe this at all!!) And i would be a s*it Landscape Architect. But i don't, i act in a professional manner as all 'professionals' should.


Its the fact that police officers are given such an important responsibility, which many it seems (and im not saying all) abuse that drives me mad. If you have no passion or respect for your profession......... find another!


Apologies to all young, black bmw driving asians who are not drug dealers, all contractors who do not drink on the job and all police officers who always act in a professional manner (and i know there are a very many of you). I do not mean to offend you. I do not believe in absolute stereotypes nor should any of you.


Rant over!

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I agree,


Huge own goal there by MonkeyVR6, doesn't fill me with confidence knowing that even Officers with Corrado's can have such a pathetic attitude



here hear.

sounds just like the copper who pulled me over on the M60. opening line "YES YOU. If you hadn't been on the phone you would have known who I was Pulling over!"( shouted with lots of attitude)

I pointed out my mobile phone in a holder with hands free kit in my ear. Told me I was lying. showed him the calls and text register on the phone proving no calls or texts. told me I was lying and must have another phone. I told him he probably saw me resting my elbow on the window sill and thought it was a phone and he was welcome to search me and the car for another phone. He told me that driving with my elbow resting on the window sill is an offence so we were both in the wrong. I pointed out it was only him in the wrong. and his parting shot was "get out of here before you get a ticket", He slammed my door and drove off.

I was shaking all over I was so angry. didn't get his number or reg plate I was so distracted.

I am a very well spoken, smart and polite person and I have yet to meet a copper who speaks to me with anything other than complete contempt.


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Youd just prove what officers can be like then....


All on a power trip that is.


Why would you want to do that as ive said nothing wrong other than i got hasseld .... for a problem you may encounter yourself one day as you do own the same car....


And you've just proved what young men with big big balls, big mouths and a loads of bad attitude can be like, havn't you? No wonder you get stopped.




attitude - you reap what you sow.

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You are a genius. I really, really want to take your VRN, make and model and e-mail the details to their local intelligence officer (LIO) and make sure that every patrol in that county has your description. Safe. Innit.


Why would you want to do that? Doesn't sound very professional to me? Sounds like an abuse of power...

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In the last 16 years of driving, I've been stopped 4 times.


First time I had done nothing wrong, but I had a car full of people and it was not long after kicking out time on a Saturday night. I guess the tugged me due to the time and conditions. Nothing wrong with the car and they checked the handbrake. Sure they only did that to check the inside of the car, and passengers.


Second time I was driving back from Chester, it was late, and I was giving it beans. Caught up with a Police car. He let me pass and then followed me for a mile or so, pulled me over and gave me a bollocking for driving too fast.


Third time, I was driving my mates 306 like I'd stolen it, on my own. I clocked him following me, well, trying to catch me up. I managed to drop back below the speed limit before he caught me up. Pulled me over and gave me the bollocking of my life. Said he couldn't do me for speeding as I had been going too fast for them to get me on video, as I'd slowed down.


Fourth time was in the Corrado. I was on the Shrewsbury bypass, single carriageway, and had accelerated off a roundabout up well over 100mph. Suddenly realised the Police bike behind me. Oops. Pulled me over. I admitted the speeding which was averaged at 92mph over 4/10 of a mile. He let me off with an SP30. 3 points and fine, due to me being a 'reasonable gentleman'.


In all 4 cases, I got out of the car as soon as I was pulled over, ate humble pie and accepted that when I was breaking the law, I should expect to get a bollocking. At the end of the day, they are only doing their job, and you only have to watch the likes of Road Wars to appreciate the amount of complete cockerals that they have to deal with day in day out.




Sent from my HTC Desire

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I am a very well spoken, smart and polite person and I have yet to meet a copper who speaks to me with anything other than complete contempt.


but how many times have you met a copper in anything other than a situation where he suspects (rightly or wrongly) that you've committed an offence? not saying what happened to you was right but how many encounters have you had for other coppers to prove themselves otherwise?


You are a genius. I really, really want to take your VRN, make and model and e-mail the details to their local intelligence officer (LIO) and make sure that every patrol in that county has your description. Safe. Innit.

Why would you want to do that? Doesn't sound very professional to me? Sounds like an abuse of power...

i imagine its because he feels frustrated that, no matter how many people say most police are fair, the guy is still being generally insulting. and he only said he "wants" to in response to that, not that he would, because as you say, that would be unprofessional.


we all have our share of bad experiences, but I've been pulled over 6 times in my life and have been committing an offence of one sort or another on 5 out of those occasions. I've never been had a go at apart a little by the guy who hadn't been able to get me on video doing about 60 in a 30. its better not to over-generalise in the same way that they should try not to about "types" of drivers either.

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In the last 16 years of driving, I've been stopped 4 times.



In my 3 years of driving i've been pulled 5 times, once in my polo, once in my audi, twice in my valver and once in the vr, all of which were 'routine' stops.


Everytime i was on my own cruising at sensible speeds, mind you, i must say on 3 of the occasions the coppers have been sound. :)


Fulltimejunglist, get some stretch tyres, roll your arches and drop it another inch or so? 8)

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I've had a long day dealing with c**ts, so maybe its that, but it really makes my head hurt to try to read this post.


He was just a bellend... think i did piss him off because i said you obviously dont like cars if your stopping me saying this is too low he told ME not to patronise him, this is whilst he was mid lecture telling me how anti social i was....


You are a genius. I really, really want to take your VRN, make and model and e-mail the details to their local intelligence officer (LIO) and make sure that every patrol in that county has your description. Safe. Innit.


Well you come across like a right prick innit. :lol:


See i can imagine being pulled by you would be a feckn nightmare as i'm usually very polite and compliant with the police etc but you do get guys who take the piss and think they own the f*ckin road, that's when some people who don't like being spoken down to retaliate and speak back in a disrespectful manner as i just did above.



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lets not make it personal between people who said nothing to each other please...


lets not forget that the real reason the OP got pulled was because he was revving his engine, not because his car was too low either

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I was not revving my engine i was driving up a hill.... is that wrong in anyway at all?


About 25 mph, crappy road, which i pay tax for which destroys my car and they pull me over and say my car is not fit to be on a road which is not even fit to be on earth....


Dont then pull me over and threaten me with a fine, as i should send you letters regarding my splitter....


I got out, as i said i was very polite and complient with the officers but he started it with "You, get out, theres going to be points involved in this...."


Polite, nice, friendly, socially complient?


No sure of that one.....


Tbh why am i ballsy to state that ive been harrased by soem cock hole for no reason?


Do i go about telling people their shoes are not worthy of the pavment?


That car costs me alot, one i dont want some idiot saying its a peice of junk and two to threaten me with points, fines etc when theyve fined me enough already for pointless stuff....


People should respect others as they would want to be treated themseles, not knowingly thinking, if this knob isnt complient with what my views and opinions are then ill piss him off by not slapping him on the wrists but threatening their jobs, income even to make someone feel at harm is NOT having care of duty so treating me with disrespect/threats etc is technically illigal .... well thats if my engine noise is suposed to be hurting people feelings?


In the last 4 years driving ive been pulls countless amounts id imagine about 25 at least, 4 times on my drive (One of these they accused me of stealing the car, which i was parking on MY drive)


When i stated my name and the reg plate on the car being my initials they still treated me like something theyd trod on.

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i've got no idea why you've been pulled so many times mate but even if i was in one of the categories that people see police stereotypically pulling over more than they should, i would be asking myself what it could be that had meant i'd got pulled those 25 times? i'd probably want to do something about it so it happened less if at all possible, but obviously that depends on what the issue may be and i can only guess.


regarding your point about who owns the road, unfortunately the police basically do own them as far as we all have to be concerned, because they have the right to enforce all the rules on them. someone already mentioned in the thread that damaging the road surface is an offence so whether this guy was a nob or not, if you run your car very low so that bits of it (splitter, sump etc) are perceived to be close to the ground then its going to give them an excuse to at least check you out more than they would normally. anyone with an attention grabbing car knows that, which is why you see porsches drive at 75mph on the motorway to minimise that attention. maybe your car just grabs a lot of attention, not all of it the kind you want?

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i imagine its because he feels frustrated that, no matter how many people say most police are fair, the guy is still being generally insulting. and he only said he "wants" to in response to that, not that he would, because as you say, that would be unprofessional.


we all have our share of bad experiences, but I've been pulled over 6 times in my life and have been committing an offence of one sort or another on 5 out of those occasions. I've never been had a go at apart a little by the guy who hadn't been able to get me on video doing about 60 in a 30. its better not to over-generalise in the same way that they should try not to about "types" of drivers either.


Unfortunately DCmonkey isn't being a model police officer to back his own case. You can't say that not all police officers are mini hitlers and then be insulting yourself. Threatening the guy with harassment is bang out of order aswell. Some things should not be said aloud, let alone on an Internet forum...

It's a good job the police are funded by my tax money and not privately, i dont think anyone would pay for that sort of service.

There may well be some good coppers out there, but it only takes one bad grape to spoil a bottle of wine (so I remember reading!)

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I am a very well spoken, smart and polite person and I have yet to meet a copper who speaks to me with anything other than complete contempt.


but how many times have you met a copper in anything other than a situation where he suspects (rightly or wrongly) that you've committed an offence? not saying what happened to you was right but how many encounters have you had for other coppers to prove themselves otherwise?


I've had lots of police interaction from my old job as an importer, I was at Manchester airport 4 days a week and subject to general Ignorant behaviour from the police there, just small things like I would hold a door open for a copper who would just walk through and not say thank you, the one who just stood there and watched all my paperwork blow down the street past him. he could have stamped on it but just laughed instead. and it used to infuriate everyone when they used to push into the line in the canteen with a " I dare you to say anything" smug look on their faces plus the "random" stops and searches of my car on the way out. Still always been spoken down to, and never treated as anything but a guilty criminal until they decide to let you go. Then it's all smiles. Maybe if they started like that they wouldn't have such a bad rep??

p.s. I'm one of the good ones. No offences, never been in trouble with the police. never given them any reason to stop me. :shrug:

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^^^ as above, that is most peoples experiences with the police... even my dad has been pulled and spoken down to like that, he hasnt put a foot wrong his whole life so have some respect! they arent all like that, but at least half i have met are around my area


only a few weeks ago I was speeding down the A1 and i noticed a copper flying trying to keep up, i slowed down and they pulled along side me and i gave them the nod, basically saying i know i had been going to fast, and they gave me the nod back as in to say dont let us catch you doing it again! so they arent all bad

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told me a didnt pull over straight away so accused me of drink driving (there wasnt any where safe to stop btw),


I'm hearing you on the FM with that one mate. I'm not wrecking my rims pulling up onto the pavement for any emergency service or police officer! :D


I always find a layby or quiet side road like any sensible person would.

Surely the rozzers can understand that given the tailbacks you see behind people who just stop in the road? Sounds odd and unjust to accuse you of drink driving because you were using your brain!


As for the delightful police officers of our nation, I think it could be a regional thing as to the attitude you may or may not get from them?


I've been stopped a number of times in my youth for breath tests, speeding and general idiotic driving and on each case the cops have been professional and polite, sometimes even funny. One of them light heartedly (and rightly so) called me a complete pillock for doing 60 in a 30 and then after a few minutes of lecturing, we had a good chat and I was let on my way with a producer :D I'm fairly certain if I'd given him some lip he would have given me a tasty number of points and an even tastier fine!


Just take each case on it's merits. If you feel you've done nothing wrong and the cop is unjustly having a go and throwing his authorative weight around, just say I don't appreciate the way you are talking to me, take his badge number and report him. Resist the urge to swear at them and lose your temper.


Or failing that, take his patrol car's registration no and then phone 999 2 days later and say you've witnessed that car leaving the scene of a burglary :lol:

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Indeed - i was watching one of these generic police traffic programs the other night and they stopped a guy on a bike simply because he wasn't using light... all they were going to say was please walk you bike home now sir and fit some lights to it... the guy was just so abusive to them so the cops gave back as good as they got... I think they seized the bike and arrested him for refusing to give details.

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If you feel you've done nothing wrong and the cop is unjustly having a go and throwing his authorative weight around, just say I don't appreciate the way you are talking to me, take his badge number and report him. Resist the urge to swear at them and lose your temper.


if i got pulled over now i would take that approach being that bit older now :eek:


and them police traffic programs, sometimes the people they pull over are such idiots i can understand why the cops might be like they are, but sometimes the police are being arseholes so no wonder people abuse them, both as bad as one another i suppose


:snipersmile: :lcop:



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Indeed - i was watching one of these generic police traffic programs the other night and they stopped a guy on a bike simply because he wasn't using light... all they were going to say was please walk you bike home now sir and fit some lights to it... the guy was just so abusive to them so the cops gave back as good as they got... I think they seized the bike and arrested him for refusing to give details.


Haha - I think I saw they same show, I think it was in Brighton too wasn't it and I thought I would punch the bloke if I saw him over the weekend - what a knobber, clearly drunk too!


People like that drive me mad and it goes to show the difficult people the police have no choice but to deal with.


As for getting pulled over 25 times then either your driving style or the vehicle is drawing attention to yourself or you look like a complete bellpiece.


I've been driving for 13 Years with an average of 40k miles a year, I don't drive slowly and I think I've been pulled over a total of 5 times (Half a million miles!) - 4 of which in a Red MK2 with a sports exhaust system.

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either your driving style or the vehicle is drawing attention to yourself or you look like a complete bellpiece


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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This kind of thread always makes me chuckle, as well as the whole "why arnt you out catching real criminals?" attitude, they are traffic cops and you've probably just committed a traffic offence......

I've been driving 9 years now, and pulled over 4 times.

One for a dirty rear number plate which couldnt actually be seen through the mud and a couple for my driving (speeding although no evidence)

I just got out the car, had a massive slice of humble pie and took the bollocking as I knew I had been in the wrong.

There's no point trying to argue your way out of it, if you act like a chod, then your in for a rough ride.

If you like being pulled over for driving like a chimp, then carry on by all means, but dont grumble about it.

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I've been pulled over once for driving like a tit in my old fiesta, although in my defense it was down an empty road very late at night.


It was a police woman who pulled me and she was BOOOOOMING!! Tbh I was a young lad and sh*tting my brick so I was nothing but apologetic but I told her I'd try and get pulled more often if they all looked like her :lol:

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