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VR6 Lee

Grand Turismo 5 - Official Thread

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Whoop whoop!


I got a Logitech GT wheel for christmas :luvlove: Can't wait to try it out. I've got enough vouchers to buy GT5 when the shops open. Going to give my F1 a good try out first :norty:

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Yea I used a guide on youtube and completely dis assembled it. Quite successful, I have 3 spare screws though lol. bit like my satin valver build haha

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To all you guys with steering wheels, wow they're great aren't they!!! :grin:


Do you use them with the Stand you can buy?


I started out with it kind of wedged between my knees until it hurt from the forces the wheel can exert :cuckoo: Decided that was no good for a long evenings racing. So today I bodged together a homemade wooden stand! Not visually beautiful but serves the purpose great. All I need now are some rubber feet to stop it sliding on our wooden floor. I'll do a pic later on to give you a laugh at it :norty:

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First time poster, long time reader.


Been playing for a couple of weeks now and I think I quite it. Level 17 or something with licenses done and majority of special challenges (as far as I'm allowed anyway). Finding it a bit annoying that some of the A-spec races are so specific in what cars are needed.


Question to those with wheels who have played with pad beforehand. Does a wheel actually help with the game i.e. you'll be setting a lot faster laps .... or is it just a lot better experience, but you're still limited by ability?

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Question to those with wheels who have played with pad beforehand. Does a wheel actually help with the game i.e. you'll be setting a lot faster laps .... or is it just a lot better experience, but you're still limited by ability?


My limited experience of using the wheel over the last 2-3 evenings are fantastic. You do have a better playing experience and get 'into' the game more. I'm not playing GT5 yet but F1. My results have gone up loads. Easier to follow the racing line and post quicker lap times. I scored 2 points by the time I started using the wheel with 4 races left at the end of the season. Fin with 16 points and the last race I had a 5th place, in the Virgin Racing Team :)

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Cheers Matt. My question was pretty much aimed at you and I did mean to say that I'd love to see some pics of what you've fashioned together :)

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from what I've noticed recently the steering lock on the pads are just 90 degrees and the wheels you can go through 900 which is much better really, especially on tight corners

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But you won't be able to turn the car wheels 900 degrees :scratch: hehe


Shirely the actual wheels still only turn to the same degree regardless of the input?


Or am I missing what you've said?

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dunno really, sometimes when i use a pad Im "in car" and going around a corner and have the d-pad fully down left or right ( so if your holding a wheel at 3 oclock and 9 oclock and turn into a corner, a pad will only go to 12 and 6 oclock. Where as a wheel will keep going through till what the wheel allows) Does that make sence?

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I think I know what you're driving at but I haven't used a wheel so you're better placed than me to comment. I just would have thought the cars have a pre-determined maximum degree of 'full lock' and it would be irrelevant whether you had a wheel or pad. Although obviously with the wheel you do get a more life-like driving experience.

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With a d-pad it would mean your either on full lock or not and nothing inbetween. So the analogue sticks would be better and a wheel better again I think. Get a Wheel :) Mines just bolted down onto my desk. I'll put a pic up, its ideal really

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Pics would be good :)


You say the d-pad is all-or-nothing but isn't it like the right-hand buttons themselves i.e. pressure sensitive? In other words, accelerate and brake rely on how much pressure is asserted.

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the buttons have a small amount of pressure sensitivity compared with an xbox controller, you can use the triggers for throttle on the PS3 pad aswell as the analouge stick which allows some control but not the same as a foot pedal that you'd get with a logitech ( some even come with a clutch )

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Can't say I've really enjoyed this game as much as Forza 3. The (scenery at least) graphics aren't as good, the cars feel 'arcadey' compared to Forza and then you have the obviously flaw which is the PS3 controller.


Really thought it would be the next leap but it's just a disappointment in my eyes.

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Definitely with you on that, Neil! I am regretting ditching my Xbox and Forza 3! :(

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The graphics are awesome in some instances but sometimes, shadows and the standard cars are shocking

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Do you know what I'm disappointed by? It's a good game. I'd even go so far as to say it's a great game. BUT ... what the f**k have they been doing for the last 5+ years?!?!

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I played gt4 for a bit whilst I waited for this and that has way more races and competitions. Cant see how this took sooo long either. Go karts are genius though lol

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Yeah that's what I'm saying, apart from some general nice bits, it's not actually a step on from GT4. So why am I paying another £40 for basically the same game?

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The good thing for me is that i havent played Gran Turismo since number 1 (yes that long). So i've only got that to compare it to. I agree it does need improvements in places, especially the online play. But overall its a good game, i'm enjoying it.


Tom, get a wheel mate, it does make a difference imo. It does change the experience.

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I bought it on the release day...only played it 3 times since.


Was inititally massively dissapointed. But a few tweaks with the steering settings (I set it to power steering on, professional) and it felt more natural than the default setting.


I also had to alter the TV, as it was set in vivid colour mode and made the game look like Ridge Racer.


So now it looks and plays better, but it's still a tragic let down for me, it's just GT4 with loads and loads and loads of pointless cars I'll never want to drive.


5 years wasted it would seem. They must have had a blank cheque off Sony I reckon.

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I have been playing it since the week before xmas and I must say I'm disaponted. I don't like the physics of the cars or the naff tuning where you can spend 100,000 credits tuning a car and it's still only worth 4000 should you want to sell it !!


All I can say is when is Forza 4 due as I will going back to Forza 3 for now me thinks.

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