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The prices of 2nd hand parts!!!!

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I recently requested a 2nd hand grill in the wanted section and was offered one at a price higher than I can purchase the same item new from VW!!!!

My advise to all is make sure you are aware of what is available new , at what price and what the CORRECT going rate is for a used item.

If the 2nd hand parts prices are artificially inflated then the number of Corrados being 'broken' is bound to increase...

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Never a truer word said. A lot of people trying to capitalise on the rarity of the Corrado at the minute and catching those out who don't even think to check with VW for parts availability and pricing.


It pays to do your research before you splash the cash!

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Hello mate I now what you mean I have a grill in the loft if you are looking for one? Is yours broken or just want one in better condition? I must admit I sometimes cringe with how much people want for corrado parts!!!

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Hi mate

My grill is fine but it is a badgeless one. I fancy a change and am looking for a good original (badged) type.

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I have a feeling mate the one I have is very good condition and with vw badge but it has one clip missing as the top...? I will scurry to the attic as I type...

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It's becoming quite obvious a number of people are just out to make money, especially people who don't seem to have much to give to the community apart from overpriced parts.


I've broken cars in the past, but only ones which were not good or safe enough to go back on the road, and felt that everything was fairly priced. Mind you, I did have a few people trying to take the piss with offers too.

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Well I am not alone with my thoughts!!!! Stu37 did have a grill- but it had no top clips at all. So I am still on the lookout before I give Mr.Volkswagen my hard earned.

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I've just got a slightly broken grill on mine. Doesn't worry me that it's not 100% perfect, it's only going to get damaged, and what's the point in spending money on one when I have far better uses for my hard earned cash.

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i would just add an additional point to be careful to specify the condition of the parts you are after so you can call people out afterwards if something's not as it should be. i think its often easy to imagine that people will have the same opinion as you about what's good nick and therefore will be an improvement to your car, but all too often it happens that something you assume will be of a reasonable quality then isnt. for the money you can waste, buying new from VW almost seems like a better option sometimes.

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i would just add an additional point to be careful to specify the condition of the parts you are after so you can call people out afterwards if something's not as it should be. i think its often easy to imagine that people will have the same opinion as you about what's good nick and therefore will be an improvement to your car, but all too often it happens that something you assume will be of a reasonable quality then isnt. for the money you can waste, buying new from VW almost seems like a better option sometimes.


very good point, well made. Dont think i'd have any hesitation buying off OSV though :wave:

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I think the main point should be buy new while you still can!


This has been happening on eBay for years and I went through a phase of buying loads of new parts for my G60 and selling the old ones on eBay - some original 12 year old parts were going for more than I'd just paid for new ones - madness!

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Just the way it is really.


Although you can now get a new G60 radiator from classic VW parts (VW's in house classic parts firm) but be prepared to fork over 380 Euros for one..

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I'm happy to pay a fair price for correctly described items, I personally normally would only buy NOS or mint and with parts becoming obsolete I recognise i'm unlikely to get bargain prices.

However misleading descriptions or poor quality parts offered at premium prices is really annoying as is the increasing willingness of people using what is a friendly and helpful enthusiast forum to try to cash in on enthusiasts looking for parts and spares.

Personally I feel where there is clear evidence of deliberate overpricing by opportunists to cash in on members they should be boycotted and not be given the opportunity make money off the back of true enthusiasts.

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Well the aforementioned person by the OP is breaking 5 cars at once and has also tried to sell some parts as OBD2 so he blatantly has no love or knowledge of the car and is out to make a quick buck from unsuspecting members. Which is not how we do things around here. Its a shame that are cars are now worth more as parts than as a whole, so some people will come on here and take advantage.

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I hate to say guys I have suffered this even through this forum before. I once in desperation bought a green slam panel "excellent condition" cough cough for my vr for a sum of £60 when it arrived it was total scrap! I was devastated as winter was approaching and I desperately needed the car fixed and in my naivety trusted his description, the slam panel was but only full of rust but the top level panel had been bent back (to what looked like remove a rad then bent back down with a hammer!!). In short in the end It went in the skip and I had to find another.


I would always prefer to buy new but im conscious that many genuine guys as many are on here, have perfectly good second hand parts that keep us all going. Merchants breaking corrados by the day are going to dictate how much we pay in the future if they continue the break them the way they are now, as the number of cars left is going to drop through the floor. I have seen this before with classic bikes and sadly it just does not get better... Hang on to your cars!!!!!!!!!

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Totally agree, I have been changing many parts with new genuine items to give my Corrado max service life. Furthermore I am starting to stock up on parts to ensure I can keep my beastie running well into the future. I am a Corrado specialist and we find all too often that we are unable to source certain parts readily for these cars. Only the other day we found we need to replace a front subframe and it was discontinued. My advice is take good care of what is fitted and stock up on essential parts to cover future maintenance.

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On another forum I use, the for sale section can only be accessed after you've been a member for about 3 months and have over 100 posts. Would that be possible here (and would it be desirable)? It mught stop people jumping on here to make a quick fe pounds.

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its actually been being discussed for a few hours already this evening and both those ideas, among others, have been suggested, so you may see some developments before too long. cheers for the suggestions.

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If you do restrict it then it's probably best to restrict just the parts and ebay/other sections so that new people can still sell cars and put up wanted adverts.


At the end of the day it won't stop people trying to make a massive profit on ebay but as Corrados become increasingly rare I think this forum will hold more sway and keeping the community here, and opportunists out, is important. I've never liked ebay and always try to buy things through forums like this wherever possible, whether it's car parts or computer parts, or whatever.

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i totally agree with the dude ,there is some ppl,taking advantage of others on here,with regards to parts. ive spent tons of money on parts these past few years,and i too ,have seen alot of parts been discontinued.

on another forum i go on, the members need three other members to say that they are trustworty or a legitamate member before he or she can sell,and can only be authorised by the mods.

i also think there should be an online shop dedicated to the most common parts needed, therefore more parts we buy the longer vw will make certain parts if there is demand, im seeing alot of ppl,especially new members not knowing where to source new parts, im stocking up on parts i think need for the fututer,but things are tight at the mo.better askk santa for some new bits! :lol:

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i also think there should be an online shop dedicated to the most common parts needed, therefore more parts we buy the longer vw will make certain parts if there is demand, im seeing alot of ppl,especially new members not knowing where to source new parts, im stocking up on parts i think need for the fututer,but things are tight at the mo.better askk santa for some new bits! :lol:


Good idea... would be pretty impossible to run as part of the Forum though :(


Keep the ideas coming though guys- we're determined to improve the system for the genuine enthusiasts out there :)

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This is a tough one really, perhaps it is time that the forum had a single trusted source for parts, this is not to replace the for sale section but more a recognised specialist that knows their stuff ( I think John fits this catagory but as more of an engine specialist it would seem)


I have been thinking of my own business ideas for a while now, and have been tempted with the idea of being a Corrado specialist breaker and car sales, however I also am aware that there is a big difference between doing a bit on the side vs full time with premises etc. There is a market out there I am sure, but not quite yet I feel as the rarity of parts needs to go up so that market values go up (think air cooled Type 2's etc)

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