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at times i wish it was a vr6...

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I had an annoying scooby driver nearly go into the back of me last night because he wanted to jump the queue for the slip road off a dual carrage way, big queue on the inside lane, nothing on the outside except me minding my own business when all of a sudden i got a mirror full of impreza and a glaring driver!


i booted it as well as i can in a 1.8, and he obviously took that as some sort of challenge when all i was trying to do was preserve my bodywork! eventually we got to a point in the road where he could overtake me, and he blatted up along side, drop a gear and shot off.


Ok fair enough his cars faster, sounds amazing and looked really smart, but why feel the need to drive like a first class @rse when theres another 'performace' car about? i just wished i had a vr6 at that point to educate him ;) (think i just contradicted my own point there... :wink: )


rant rant rant....

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chris, console yourself that his car doesn't look that smart at all and your corrado is much more select and better looking - don't kid yourself that a standard VR would have caught him either mind :oops:


Anyway, you don't need to drive fast when your car looks good, certainly better than a scooby

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If it was a normal 2.0 Turbo type a vr6 would have done it quite nicely


Tis a nice feeling when you pull up at the next set of lights after just beating a scoobie driver. The smug look they had at the previous lights is no longer there and is replaced with a :oops: :( I've not had the pleasure in my G60 yet, but did in my RS Turbo. However, I've shown an a Audi TT driver he should have spent a little more and got the quicker TT version, his bird thought he should have spent more 2 :D . It doesn't pay to be 2 smug sometimes 8)


It's even better blasting about in a Modded G40 (std looking) The TT drivers don't have get a surprise as your go shooting past :wink:

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Ok fair enough his cars faster, sounds amazing and looked really smart, but why feel the need to drive like a first class @rse when theres another 'performace' car about? i just wished i had a vr6 at that point to educate him ;) (think i just contradicted my own point there... :wink: )


rant rant rant....


He was probably the school bully picking on the 1st years.......and therefore taking on a 139bhp car in his 220+ hp car with 4WD etc etc is the perfect pray!


I doubt a VR would show it a clean pair of heels anyway.....you can catch them out whilst they wait for the turbo to spool up though, but overall, the Scoob would win.....just.


Here's what I do when I know I'm gonna get smoked.....I pull over still flooring it, one hand on the wheel, one finger in nose and leaning on the door acting nonchalant! Just looks like I'm not even trying or racing and he's flooring it to get past......and none the wiser, LOL!



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If it was a normal 2.0 Turbo type a vr6 would have done it quite nicely


Tis a nice feeling when you pull up at the next set of lights after just beating a scoobie driver. The smug look they had at the previous lights is no longer there and is replaced with a :oops: :( I've not had the pleasure in my G60 yet, but did in my RS Turbo. However, I've shown an a Audi TT driver he should have spent a little more and got the quicker TT version, his bird thought he should have spent more 2 :D . It doesn't pay to be 2 smug sometimes 8)


It's even better blasting about in a Modded G40 (std looking) The TT drivers don't have get a surprise as your go shooting past :wink:


I used to love doing that to Porsches in my old battered MKI 16V.... the 1600 gearbox used to make it scare the hell outta just about anything 0-80 if you could stir it quick enough! :lol:


Smug looks are so nice to wipe off peoples faces when they leer at you 'cos they've got a NEW fast car... :wink: :roll: I also like pulling Kev's trick of just acting like you're not trying when you know you're gonna get spanked, or even when you know you're gonna make 'em look silly... ;) 8)

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console yourself that his car doesn't look that smart at all and your corrado is much more select


plus the fact my car probably cost the same as all the mods he's done to his! :p


I like your idea kev, i should maybe keep a copy of the Sun handy so i can pretend i'm reading it as they go past! :mrgreen:

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He was probably the school bully picking on the 1st years.......and therefore taking on a 139bhp car in his 220+ hp car with 4WD etc etc is the perfect pray!


I doubt a VR would show it a clean pair of heels anyway.....you can catch them out whilst they wait for the turbo to spool up though, but overall, the Scoob would win.....just.

220bhp through a 4x4 transmission isn't a lot. Probably under 150bhp on the wheels. The Scoob will have a good start, but my moneys on the VR every time.

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He he, works like a charm! Aggressive road bullies like to see their victims struggling......both hands on the wheel with gritted teeth......but sitting there picking your snout, lighting up a fag or eating a pastie gives the impression you *could* have something in reserve and you're not trying, LOL!!!



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I think people just look at the shape of the rado & expect you to want to race em, take lastnite for example, I normally take roundabouts a little quick, then some muppet in his porsche boxer decides he wants to race yah, sorry mate, you got fuel to waste! I hate waiting for the stupied muppets who stop at a roundabout when theres nothing to bloody stop for!! :p

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one hand on the wheel, one finger in nose and leaning on the door acting nonchalant!



My favourite pose at the lights, waiting for them to change....


On a slightly related note - I was being bothered no-end the other Saturday night by a Cavalier SRi. I was driving back from Preston to Southport at about 2am with the missus asleep in the passenger seat, so was being really delicate round the bends, but hammering it on the straights. Anyway the SRi would ctach me up at lights, roundabouts etc. but then I would blast away from him - he must have thought that the Corrado doesn't handle bends very well :lol: he was absolutley screaming the balls off it trying to overtake me :-)

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I hate waiting for the stupied muppets who stop at a roundabout when theres nothing to bloody stop for!! :p


That's cause they don't look any further ahead than the end of their own bonnets! My Mum always taught me to look as far ahead as they eye can see and your body will automatically follow suit with the correct movements around the bends etc.


She's a diamond cause it works.... :lol:


I always steam over roundabouts because I've seen the gap WAY in advance and the looks of disgust I get are unbelievable.....just cause they don't plan their moves....morons.



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I've had no one try and race me yet, so I haven't had the chance to surprise anyone yet!

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I hate waiting for the stupied muppets who stop at a roundabout when theres nothing to bloody stop for!!


i know what ya mean Bally I really hate the ones who sit and wave about five cars through!! :mad: :mad: where the feck did they learn to drive like that! I thought the whole point of roundabouts was to keep the traffic moving?!? :roll:

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you have to lower your sights slightly driving a 16v, it took me ages to get the idea of thrashing boxers and TT's out of my head, its just not going to happen! But i found satisfaction in being able to compete with sales reps in their Mundano's and Vectra's, they're quite a competative bunch when they want to be! oh and dipping the clutch and revving as you go past Nova's is good fun 8)

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They must have learnt to drive were there aren't any facking roundabouts!!! :mad:


I'm thinking to invest in a gun :lol:

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I'm thinking to invest in a gun :lol:



Sometimes, in a moment of madness, I get the urge to carry my air pistol in the car... just to wave at someone :mad: . :evil:

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I'm thinking to invest in a gun :lol:



Sometimes, in a moment of madness, I get the urge to carry my air pistol in the car... just to wave at someone :mad: . :evil:


I wish I lived in the US, then I shoot the fackers dead!


oh well, back to reality..... :lol: :evil:

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220bhp through a 4x4 transmission isn't a lot. Probably under 150bhp on the wheels. The Scoob will have a good start, but my moneys on the VR every time.


I doubt that the 4x4 transmission loses as much as 70bhp. More likely 30-40. That puts it within punching range of the VR6 (which will lose about 10-20), but the extra grip and wider torque curve will make it a winner every time, I'd say..


Plus the fact that the Imprezza is made of tin foil, and isn't as heavy as you might expect, given it's size, I'd say it's not really much of a competition...


(My mate's A3 1.8T quatro, however, is easy meat once the VR really gets spinning.. :D )


My 2p. :)

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I'm thinking to invest in a gun :lol:



Sometimes, in a moment of madness, I get the urge to carry my air pistol in the car... just to wave at someone :mad: . :evil:


I have a rather realistic looking BB gun which would probably have desired effects, but the thought of being chased down by the police after someone reported me does not appeal.

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I have a rather realistic looking BB gun which would probably have desired effects, but the thought of being chased down by the police after someone reported me does not appeal.


That's what mine is (didn't describe it very well) - but yes, a pico-second later thoughts of being chased by Police ARVs makes me glad it's hidden under the bed :lol:

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220bhp through a 4x4 transmission isn't a lot. Probably under 150bhp on the wheels. The Scoob will have a good start, but my moneys on the VR every time.


I doubt that the 4x4 transmission loses as much as 70bhp. More likely 30-40. That puts it within punching range of the VR6 (which will lose about 10-20), but the extra grip and wider torque curve will make it a winner every time, I'd say..


I don't actually think they are 220bhp anyway, it's a bit lower. 4x4 cars can loose up to 1/3 of the power through transmission. unless it's a p1 or a 22b I wouldn't worry about a striaght line race. Round corners might be different story though

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I have a rather realistic looking BB gun which would probably have desired effects, but the thought of being chased down by the police after someone reported me does not appeal.


I used to have a Weirach air-pistol that was fashioned on the Colt 45. It looked like the real thing from a distance. It was spring'd up to 10lb, which is 4 over the legal limit for a handgun, oops! Rifles are allowed up to 14lbs.....but some nutters even take those up to about 30! Enough to kill a rabbit at 200 yards.


It could punch a .22 prometheus pellet 3/4 through a Yellow pages!


But back to reality..... you would get severely nicked for waving one of those about :?



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lol....we were playing with bb guns, shooting each other, with robo cop style ones out on the street one afternoon....afew hours later and police were round all the houses in my street asking about it!


Some people must get worked up about nothing....did they really think there was a shoot out in the street?


Obviously I knew nothing about it :roll: :?: :? :lol:

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