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Mate, i really feel for you. That must have been heartbreaking to watch!!


Its not worth mentioning the scumbag f*%kwits who caused it, just a shame they were not in between the car and the wall!!


It does look like a mess but if you can get most of the panels second hand then it should just be a bolt on and off replacement. Only the rear quarter will need bodywork.


Keep your head up chap :)

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Thankyou mate fingers crossed she will be shining again, I just dont think I can justify fixing it and keeping it now tho.

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That is utter BS mate - I'm so sorry for you. Must be heart breaking :( I hope you manage to get it back on the road somehow.. :|

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Very sad that hard working people have to put up with this without any compensation, Many years ago i had a opel manta Gte that was a proper minter and loved it needles to say some chavs stole it from my wifes work and got chased by the law and burnt the clutch out amongst other damage!! They were caught and i got the car back and had to fix it at my expense and never recieved any compo as i was supposed to as they just never payed!! Good luck with yours and keep your chin up fella

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Oh dear god... some folk just don't deserve to be free to walk the streets. Flaming retards...


I might have a rear pumper plastic you can have... will need tarting up and I do live in Dundee so postage will be a problem but your welcome to it.

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I know exactly how you feel mate, mine got whacked by a hit and run a few weeks ago. My first impulse was to scrap it, then break it but with the usual support from this forum I am repairing it. Like you I don't know nuch about bodywork but I intend to learn as I go, just taking my time.

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I really feel for you and hope you manage to get it sorted.


Try not to let the Scum that did this make you lose heart.

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I've had a few cars broken into and one stolen (never to be seen again) and it's the worse feeling ever.. I feel so gutted for you :(


It's times like that you wish you were Chuck Norris..


Can you not go through insurance?

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Stu feel for you buddy. I hope you manage to get it sorted easily. Best of luck mate and dont get too disheartened if you can



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Although the rear arch looks bad there is plenty of metal to work with and a bodyshop would be able to knock it out and skim over it, same with the door and the wing..


Steering wheels can be had for 25-50 and i`m sure people who are breaking cars should be able to sort out the other bits.

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Absolute W@^%ers. Gutted for you. I've had cars broken into for stereos before and that's bad enough, but what the chavs have done to yours is awful.

I reckon you would be able to sort it out fairly easily though, there's so many good people on this forum and you should be able to find a wing and door mirror quite easily. It looks like the worst bit is the rear arch, but that looks repairable.

I suppose the biggest expense would probably be the painting, but if you could prep it yourself it wouldn't necessarily have to be too expensive.

Hope you are able to get it sorted, it would be a great shame if other people's stupidity ended Corrado ownership for you.

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That is absolutely gutting, soo very sorry to hear this! Absolute scumbags, deserve to be shot at point blank range with a shotgun, perhaps through both kneecaps first.


On the what to do front, as bad as it looks it isn't horrific and can be repaired reasonably easy by a body shop. Just needs a sand down, bit of filler and paint and it will be good as new!

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Oh the motherf***kers...


I feel for u mate I really do, it must've been horrid catchin them in the act!!

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Thats a bad do....sadly i've nowt to offer but sympathy, I know how it feels

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Fck man! THere's some right low life scum about. Really sorry to hear this, id be heart broken too.


Its not much, but i have a blue drivers wing mirror you can have - no glass though, as thats the reason i bought it. But you can have the casing and all for free.

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Fck man! THere's some right low life scum about. Really sorry to hear this, id be heart broken too.


Its not much, but i have a blue drivers wing mirror you can have - no glass though, as thats the reason i bought it. But you can have the casing and all for free.


....and I have a passenger one in bordeaux with no glass lurking in my garage that you can have, just cover the postage and it is yours.

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