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Why do you own a Corrado?

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For the money ther are far more modern, and arguably better, cars out there. So why?

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Great question! I don't know where I got the original desire to own one from, but for years and years I wanted one before I could actually afford one. I think they have a certain charm and style which isn't found in too many other cars. Nor is it about being the quickest, smoothest, most economical, best handling, best driving position, best build quality, (best windscreen wipers, best headlights) or the best looking - as you have said, there are many others which would rate higher in these and other categories. In my eyes it has to be a combination of all these things. I also like that they are pretty rare and there is definitely a part of me which likes that they were designed before various safety regulations came in which mean that so many modern cars look committee-designed (regardless of how I feel about lack of safety features such as airbags).


Couple the above with media approval, limited supply (given the volume manufactured, never mind the number left), and their current value and I think you have a pretty heady mix. Add in a great forum, a lovely owners' club and some cracking shows and we have a winner! I can understand why these cars get under our skin so much and why so many regret leaving the fold and eventually come back.


Right, I'll stop rabbiting on now... :oops:



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The other reason is because I can't afford a 993 or a 964 yet :D



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I am with Scarlet on all counts, but think I would have the Cayman, having really looked at the above, the interiors are sooooooooooo bad - my opinion !


I am stuned that I am a petrol head and yet still own the same car after 10 years, guess it shows just how badly I wanted the Corrado in the first place that I am unable to part with it.


Convincing myself that anything else will provide the same joy on all counts for the cost of the Corrado - is just not there.

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There used to be a red one round the corner from me, and I couldn't help but stare every time I walked past(which was quite a lot) , and the more I looked the more I knew I had to have one. It's just a cool car to own, and I still feel lucky to do so. I still smile when I turn back to look at it , especially if it's parked in a car park full of shapeless boxes. My signature says it all 8)

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Because it makes me smile when driving back roads or up the west coast.

Because it's easy to maintain

Because it's been very reliable

Because it's the best value for money out there in my opinion when you take everything into account

Because it's different

Because it has a V6

Because parts are cheap (compared to an Audi S4 for example!)


I could go on :)

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The reason I first got into them was a friend who I worked with. I was never really into cars that much when I learned to drive but around when I passed my test (13 years ago!) a friend had a Corrado VR6 in Midnight Blue. I remember going out in it a few times and the speed of the thing, and the sound, and the fact it had a Clifford remote engine starter.. and of course the spoiler. It all combined to totally win me over and kick off an interest that is still strong today.


However as has been said you can now get quicker for the money - so why bother keeping it? Truth be told I have considered selling many times and I can't hand on heart say that I am going to keep my car forever. The primary reason I keep it these days is because of friends I've made through the club & forum, and because of my involvement in the CCGB committee. It's sort of like your "entry ticket" to staying in the circle! :)

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My family have been serial VW people, I came home from hospital in a Variant, we had Beetle after Beetle, a 411e, Passats, Golfs, Polos, Sciroccos etc etc


My cars were Polos, a Passat when my daughter came along, then company cars, then a Golf.


In 1993 my boss had a VR6 as his company car and I was insanely jealous.


Then when I decided motorbikes were not really for me any longer, I sold the bike and the Golf and bought a VR6. I just suddenly decided I HAD to have a VR6.

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Maybe this could be renamed as corrado addicts anonymous.


Hi I am Chris I have a serious problem I am addicted to corrados!


I first got into them when I owned mk1 golf about 15 years ago. My bro bought a 16v I just loved the look of it and instantly wanted one. Bought his when he sold it. Tried to sell that several times over ownership but after q week away from it began to love it again. They just have a certain appeal to me can't pin point one. Just love them :)

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When i first see one i thought it was the car from the movie Back To The Future so i had to have it.... My first corrado i was 16 years old and i still have it.

Its the only car i can see me having....

I did have a vw vento for 3 months thats it

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I sometimes wish i didnt and do question myself. Though as Scarlet said there's a certain charm about it. Sure its not the fastest, most economical blah blah blah but it stands out from the crowd (from the ultra dull modern cars - with exceptions), complete strangers come to talk to you about it.


Something a little different. Plus it looks fantastic! 8)

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And who never gets bored of driving down a high street when there is a lot of reflective glass on the shop windows, and admiring just how good a Corrado looks on the move? :)

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And who never gets bored of driving down a high street when there is a lot of reflective glass on the shop windows, and admiring just how good a Corrado looks on the move? :)


True story :)

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I didn't get into the car scene until I saw a mk2 GTI on ebay for £300 in decent nick. No bidders with seconds to go so I snapped it up thinking I'd got an absolute bargain!!! Needed some welding etc for the MOT which got when all totalled cost a fair amount, but I joined forums to fix it myself. It was going to a meet through one of the forums that I had a Corrado sat behind me. I must of nearly shunted the guy in front 100 times cos I couldn't tear me eyes from the rear view mirror. I had never really noticed them before, but it was like having the most beautiful woman in the world sat in the back of your car! I was smitten from that moment forward and just HAD TO HAVE ONE!!! The fact that the missus is insanely jealous of the care and attention (not to mention the time and money spent on it!) only adds to its charm and appeal! :2gunfire::grin:

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well for me its because i feel like the corrado is like a pair of favourite slippers or your favourite jeans, because i just feel so at home in a corrado, i loved my 540i but honestly i was much much happier getting back into a corrado.


Plus getting the thumbs up and comments of approval from people who have very nice cars is always welcome.

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well for me its because i feel like the corrado is like a pair of favourite slippers or your favourite jeans, because i just feel so at home in a corrado, i loved my 540i but honestly i was much much happier getting back into a corrado.




As car enthusiasts, we don't buy our cars merely for transport. There has to be something about them that tickles our senses. As Karl says, it's the familiarity. The comfy couch, the slippers, an ex girlfriend that you used to have really good sex with, etc :D


And above all, it's just a farkin good car, period!


Why do we need to debate / justify keeping them if they are what we love? :D I've been here 9 years and I've seen sooooo many Corrado owners do this: "Sorry love, you're stunning, good in bed, but f'kin high maintenance. Why am I still with you? Ya dumped. Now get out". So you get a newer, younger model. 3 weeks later, "Oh dearest Corrado, I so made a mistake dumping you, please please take me back!!"

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Kev, you are not far wrong with that summary!


Initially I liked the look of them, I had never owned a VW before a Corrado but had been close to getting a mk 2 GTi (an itch I later scratched).


Yes they are not the best in any particular area especially when compared to modern metal but when you put the whole package together they are still a very good car and there is something extra about them that is undefinable.


I like my A3, its quick, solid and fun to drive but its not as engaging to drive as a Corrado is, perhaps its because the Corrado was one of the last cars built to a standard the way the engineers wanted it to be rather than a product of crash regulations, focus groups and accountants..

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I like my A3, its quick, solid and fun to drive but its not as engaging to drive as a Corrado is,


Whilst watching some old Top Gears the other night, Clarkson commented that you could clearly see the Stig was enjoying doing a lap in the Caterham R500 and how hard he was having to 'drive' it. I think that's a very good point. 'Driving' a car seems to missing from modern motoring. Modern cars have so much software and driver aids that you are effectively just a passenger behind the wheel. A Corrado is definitely one of those old school cars you have to drive. It will throw you in a ditch if you don't respect it.


I like wasting money.


If you fancy wasting some my way, I'll PM you my bank account number :D

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