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Mike Edwards

Which is best - G60 or VR6???

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Following an extensive programme of back to back testing, I can reveal the following:

Standard G60 vs. standard VR6 - the G60 is impressive, but it's toast in a straight line (the VR6 sounds better too...);

G60 with SNS chip and 68mm pulley vs. standard VR6 - the vr6 is in trouble. It all comes down to what sort of noise you like from the engine;

Any G60 vs. VR6 with Shrick VGI - the G60 is in serious trouble.


In addition to the above, the suspension and steering changes that the VR6 has means it goes round corners just a little bit better, and gives more feedback while doing it. The G60 feels like a very good FWD car - the VR6 moves the whole game on some.


The above is not terribly scientific, but was a lot of fun to research... :D

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None of them are in trouble! :lol:

It´s just a question of money... :o

Just make sure you´ve got a Corrado and enjoy! :mrgreen:

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Any G60 vs. VR6 with Shrick VGI - the G60 is in serious trouble.


u spent well ovr a grand on the vr, and only couple of hundred on the g60!


I bet both of them...even in standard for made u smile nice a big!!

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VR6 - Faster stock, upgrades cost a good bit, but if your willing to spend the cash it beats a modded G60 in regards to speed

G60 - Really tuneable car, much cheaper to upgrade then a Vr6, can be faster then a stock VR6 for very little


I never noticed a diff in handling with the Vr6 and g60 better or worse on either car, course the suspension wasn't stock in either car


Oh ya I think the G60 sounds awesome, nothing like the Vrrr of that little charger. I got a G60, no real reason other then it was a corrado and would cost less to mod, well that and the supercharger noise kind of sold me..

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The above is not terribly scientific, but was a lot of fun to research... :D



:-) :-) :-) :-)


That's the type of research I'd like to be doing ;-)

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The Schrick VGI doesn't need a new timing belt and overhaul every 30K.......and you don't have to woory about it blowing up either....


I'll take on ANY G60 in my VR when it's done and I'm confident I'll lick every single one.

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bigger is always better. id ask questions myself of a 2.9 V6 with mods didn't beet a counterflow, 8v 1.8 FI or no FI


Glader never been that good i dont think for out n out power. it doesn't flow enough at a reliable level.


no point spending all that on a VR either. buy a scooby and spend 60 quid on a bleed valve and beat the VR and G60 on straights and corners, more like leave the VR for dead


after all this is a thread about speed.

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I'll take on ANY G60 in my VR when it's done and I'm confident I'll lick every single one.


You like licking cars then?


Come round and lick mine, it's a bit dirty at the moment :lol:

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PhatVR6 - well considering your VR6 to be will be so far detatched from a standard VR6, it seems a bit of a silly challenge to make. Whats this you say?


A COMPLETELY non standard VR6, grafted to a 4WD drive train, with NOS and all the engine mods under the sun will beat a G60? No kidding!


Though I guess some of the modded G60's out there would still scare your VR.. I believe BANANA MAN's G60 is going to be pretty powerful when thats all done and dusted.. and I don't think Henny's G60 is going to be a slouch.

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I've always wanted to try a standard G60 to compare to my VR6. Anyone in the Dagenham area?

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no point spending all that on a VR either. buy a scooby and spend 60 quid on a bleed valve and beat the VR and G60 on straights and corners, more like leave the VR for dead


No point spending money on a VR6? Why stop there, why not say there's no point spending money on ANY Corrado, close the forum down and all buy Scoobies because they can leave a VR for dead?



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There's plenty of cars that can leave scoobies for dead too, so the whole argument will very quickly disappear up it's own a***rse.

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Spending money on modifying a car is all a matter of priorities and personal reasons/reasoning... A LOT of people think I'm mad for spending the money and time I have on my G60 just to get a result I could have got for half the time/money installing a 20VT into the car instead, or just buying an old Porsche 944Turbo...


I did it 'cos I WANTED to and because I enjoyed doing it (mostly! ;) ) I didn't want to go out and buy a new, soulless subaru or similar, I wanted something I could look at and say "I built that..." 8)


If I was doing it just to build a stupidly fast car, I'd have gone about it in a totally different way, mine's been built as an upgraded G60 which should be fast enough to be a lotta fun and reasonably reliable enough to get me to work and back everyday with the occasional track day and 1/4 mile sprint thrown in too... 8)


To get this reply back on topic, Yes, my car should kill any standard or mildly modded VR6 now that it's had this much work done on it.... and YES, if I'd have spent this much time and money on a VR6 as the base, I'd have a rocket of a car which would kill just about every G60 ever imagined... but that's not the point...


The 2 cars are very similar in standard form, and are both VERY good quick cars... to be honest, who really gives a damn if the G60 is a couple of MPH slower top end and a touch slower 0-60? If it puts a big fat smile on your face when you drive whichever Corrado you own, then it's done EXACTLY what it's supposed to do... with the bonus of looking damned good too! 8)


Ker-plink! - my 8p worth (it went on a bit longer than 2p's worth! ;) )

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dr_mat, I'm curious...please fill the blanks for my benifit :?:


also, I have noticed (probably later than everyone else as usua) this is like in the playground at an infant school...my dad could beat up your dad.......:lol:


Metaphorically speaking, we are all here because we love our dads anyway, why is it the G60 and VR peeps get all anoyd about whos is best but the valvers are just content with what they have!


Edit: I just read over that and realise that the above sentance implies that the VR and the G60 are better than the other 3, i dont mean that, I just mean u never get involved in this arguement!!!

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Exactly Henny...


Any Corrado from 1.8 to 2.9, will give you great driving pleasure

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No, they were the first place I saw the practise of inserting *s into words, rather than replacing letters with *s...

You can work the rest out for yourself... ;)

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Just out of interest - based on a post earlier in this thread - a VR6 with Shrick VGI etc will embarrass a scooby away from the lights to 60 purely due to when you have to change gear (cos you can spin the wheels in 2nd... :p )

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also, I have noticed (probably later than everyone else as usua) this is like in the playground at an infant school...


Always the way when "X versus X" is brought up. It's the same on all forums, there's like an 8 or 9 page thread on the Corrado Vortex site with the same debate, only over there, they don't hold back. They tear eachother to shreds.


my dad could beat up your dad.......:lol:


My Dad's ex-Navy S.E.A.L and SAS and a black belt in oragmi....bet he can 'have' your Dad.....LOL!



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