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Robbed of a Schrick VGI ECU controller during sale of my Corrado to a guy called Mark

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I'd appreciate some help with the following...


I sold my VR6 L617 SVV to a guy called Mark who's mobile number is 07968 619952. He picked the car up on a flat bed truck with a winch, and said he was driving back up the M1 to his garage/scrap yard. He said he was going to track the corrado, and seemed like a genuine and decent bloke. He paid in cash and I was happy with the sale....


BUT... I agreed to leave the Schrick ECU piggy back controller in place to ensure there weren't problems when getting the car on to and off the truck. He gave me his word that he'd remove it and send back to me. He didn't, I've made several efforts to contact him and each time I call he registers who I am and hangs up. I've left messages, sent texts, and occasionally I call on a friends mobile and leave a message; I've been lucky once and spoke to him while he was in the presence of a CUSTOMER and he feigned forgetfulness... he was apologetic and said "I'll get the lads on it and have it sent down to you straight away".


When filling in the transfer of sale via the Log book, it was a trade sale; I regretfully don't have a note of his business' name but I've placed an enquiry with the DVLA. I *think* it was something like 'MADDOX'.


So, he's presumably running a garage or something. I'm confident this garage/yard is approx 2 hours north of London up the M1. I think he uses Corrados on track days, and that he has a large collection of Corrados (perhaps for breaking). His name is Mark and his number is 07968 619952. And I *think* his business' name is something like MADDOX LTD. but I will confirm in time. CORRECTION: later found out the guy's business is called Amos Motors Ltd. (Thanks VR6)


It's a relatively small community this Corrado world. I would be really grateful if you could give this your thought as I would really like to A. get my Schrick ECU back! and B. warn anyone else when dealing with him that he's not as genuine as he appears.


I'm sure I'll get over it! but I feel sick thinking about it; dishonesty, avoiding phone calls, ugghhh. I'm looking to sell the Schrick VGI and of course I'd like to sell it as a complete unit...


He was about 5 ft 6 tall, unshaven, dark haired, white skin, long hair.



Edited by RichieSounds

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It's hard to fathom what complete tossers some people can be - throwing back a favour in your face as well. I hope you track him down and get it back. Good luck.

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Mark David Smith (born 1983)


142 Derby Road

Spondon, Derby


United Kingdom

DE21 7LU


Together with Mr Elliott James Symcox (who, on his own has Swift Auto Care Limited as well), they run:


Amos Motors Limited

Lyndhurst 1 Cranmer Street

Long Eaton



NG10 1NJ


Company No. 07521969


All information publicly available, if you know where to look, so I've no problem posting it on a public forum.

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Amos Motors Limited

Unit 7 British Waterways Yard,


DE72 2HL

Telephone: ( 07968 ) 619952




---------- Post added at 5:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 5:27 PM ----------


Remind me never to pi55 you off VR6 ;)


Wise words ;) lol

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Classic bit of Internet stalking.


Hope you get your stuff back mate, that's well out of order.

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Amos Motors Limited

Unit 7 British Waterways Yard,


DE72 2HL

Telephone: ( 07968 ) 619952




---------- Post added at 5:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 5:27 PM ----------



Wise words ;) lol



You the man...!!!!lol

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that is fricking brilliant of you guys, thank you very, very much... VR6 , Dave , many thanks indeed, and Amos Motors Limited - that's the one!


like i say he appeared to be a completely upfront sound guy in person but all this avoiding calls etc is lowwww. THANK YOU for your help i am sure it will help.

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Happy to help, although I suspect you had the vital info from Dave already by the sounds of it. I just liked the challenge :)


I also rescue cats from trees and rehabilitate angry ducks back into normal society. If anyone is interested?

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This is the guy who i got a headlight off a couple of weeks. You're right - he sounds totally beyond reproach on the phone..... very sincere and willing to help. I must admit i do not know what a Schrick VGI ecu is and i can only guess it's worth a lot of money. This guy also posts on eBay and i have recommended him here. I think his user name is MarkyMarkShopStop. This is his current post.....





Maybe we should all give this guy a call and shame him into sending this guy's property back. I'm sure being inundated with phone calls 24/7 (as he claims he has no problem with if you read his ad) may possibly help. I hope you get your part back. Cheers. :)

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Im glad VR6 is on our side............do wear a cape in public so no-one knows who you are ??

Edited by daleyboy

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Im glad VR6 is on our side............do wear a cape in public so no-one knows who you are ??
And don't forget to wear your under-crackers on the outside of your tights!! :D :D

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Amos Motors Limited

Unit 7 British Waterways Yard,


DE72 2HL

Telephone: ( 07968 ) 619952




---------- Post added at 5:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 5:27 PM ----------



Wise words ;) lol


i found this out the hard way too! haha good sense of humour though! :D

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Thank you everyone for input, i'm gonna give this some thought as I don't want to **** the guy off, who knows how he could react... gut instinct would be that a couple of calls from random people would really make him feel pretty guilty but that's a big ask and not sure it might aggravate the situation. I'd rather speak to him myself and point him at the direction of this post so he can see what others think. But hmmmpf he probably wouldn't care. If anyone has any good ideas how to approach i'd be grateful.

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Just turn up at his workshop... bit of a trek for you, but might be the only way of collecting what belongs to you!

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Ditto that really.


Turn up with some tools (to remove the manifold, rather than 'tools' if you know what I mean). It could go one of two ways really, face to face he apparently sounds quite reasonable so might feel guilty and cave. Over the phone and email it's far too easy for him just to ignore the problem and hope you go away. Or I guess his 'boys' could stove your head in with a tyre iron.

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Thats what i like about you Tom, you tell it how it is :lol:


Strangely, it can get me into trouble though! "Do I look fat in this" is just asking for an ass-kicking.


Tom took the Green pill and became an Oracle :D


Indeed. Although I probably shouldn't have assumed it was a suppository.

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