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Stolen Headlights - Medwaycorrado . Help needed.

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I still have my doubts.


Someone who lets it get this far and doesn't even own a Corrado any longer isn't going to care about putting things right. If he had that mindset, or a conscience, it wouldn't have got to this stage to begin with.


I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

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I still have my doubts.


Someone who lets it get this far and doesn't even own a Corrado any longer isn't going to care about putting things right. If he had that mindset, or a conscience, it wouldn't have got to this stage to begin with.


I sincerely hope I'm wrong.


I hope your wrong aswell for his sake. Im not going to hold my breath on seeing them anytime soon either, even though he has said he is going to send them today!That is the third/fourth time that ive heard that.

He keeps saying he's busy with work etc.... but its his dad's company he works for and im sure his daddy will let his go to the post office on his lunch break.And he has had enough time to drive 4 hours each way to collect his shed of a car, but no time to post my lights.

But still its looking like he's getting the message now that its going to come back to bite him in the ass if he doesnt send them to me soon.



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The thing is he ducked you for weeks and you were unable to get hold of him for love nor money then someone else manages to quite quickly...... That screams "na na na I am not listening"


He's a witch burn him - shameless monty python rip off expression :-)

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I can pop in for you if you like! I will take my brother round with me


My brother lives 15 mins from him!

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Ha, and to think I typed him a nice reply to the message about his girlfriend... I should've joined in the abuse! Hope it gets resolved, I think my mate who owns my old G60 bought something off him and didn't have a problem, seems odd to ignore you over something like that.

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Thanks for all your help so far everyone. I will be sending a couple of you a PM shortly regarding a few things.






I've spoken to Matt, he still has the lights and they're being posted today.

Once they're gone he'll send me tracking number and ill update the thread.





Did he send you the tracking number atall yet mate? Im guessing not? If he posted them today or arranged for a courier today then he should have a tracking number to hand.


Thanks again. :)

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Did he send you the tracking number atall yet mate? Im guessing not? If he posted them today or arranged for a courier today then he should have a tracking number to hand.


Thanks again. :)


well ive just got back from work and not had a message. :mad2:


i wont be impressed if ive been lied to..

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Nah. That won't work it will be classed as a civil debt as it was an arrangement to return other lights etc. nice idea though

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Spoke to this guy at ace cafe last month. Seemed like a nice enough guy!

Suppose you can never tell untill something like this happens :(

Hope u sort it / sort his face !

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I never bought the lights off him Matt, due to him not responding to thread message or private message on here for 2 weeks or so - glad I didn't!

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I never bought the lights off him Matt, due to him not responding to thread message or private message on here for 2 weeks or so - glad I didn't!


Ah ok, I remember seeing you sorting something on his thread. You would have had to set 'the pup' on him.

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Hope this gets resolved , as others have said it only happends now and again on here , most of us a like minded when it comes to sending our bits n parts to people , it does not take much effort to pack something up and send it . Rob

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This kind of situation i have been in before though it involved a substantial amount of money the guy who owed me money thought he could just ignore and i would go away :nono: anyway it came to the point of me going to this silly chap's house and coming away with his sierra cosworth and v5 even though he seemed to recall he had sold it some time before. If i lived anywhere near i would go round and sort the situation for you mate unfortunately kilmarnock is quite a distance away i really hope you get it sorted little fan*y's like this only respond to them genuinely being put in a state of fear :onfire:

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What an arse. I have been scammed before, and it really is not a nice experience. Luckily for me most people are honest.


Hopefully his girlfriend is sleeping her way around the uni campus :dance:

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Getting more bellends than weekends :lol:


She's bound to be. Still she must be used to them after hanging around with him :lol:

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No updates yet mate. He still hasnt replied to any of the messages I left him through the forum or any other messages, no phone call, no nothing! I know he has replied to a message that bristolbaron sent him, and apparently the lights were posted on either Friday or Saturday. Ive not recieved anything today, so I just dont know.

I'll let you know if anything happens, hopefully sooner rather then later.

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I managed to get this boys mobile number this evening and so sent him a text, well two infact, and I finally recieved a reply.

The headlights still havent been posted, so im affraid he has lied to you bristolbaron! But this is the text I got, im still laughing at how childish it is, haha:


Hi Rob.I am sorry for the delay, I have more going on in my

life than to go on a forum to say I have not posted your lights.

They will be posted tomorrow. But if you fancy coming to my house

one night to save me the postage then feel free.

I sure do hope you will not get violent though, as the man living with

me is an army paratrooper and was a prison officer in the roughest

prisons in the UK. But I will post them tomorrow to save you of that.

Pleasure talking to you Rob!

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"Doofus" and " liar" spring to mind !!

If you agree to a swap or a sale then you stick by it until its done , i hope you get these back mate or he gets ran over !! Wat a dick

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What a complete dick!


If his mate was a real man he would let you hit him just for being a twat!

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